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Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 255 255
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Time passed quickly, and the day had turned to noon. Tenku, Wang Ruyue, and the others had explored several places in Amanohashidate. Unfortunately, they couldn't fully enjoy their holiday there.

It wasn't because they ran into Chizen again or because of the spies watching them. Those people no longer follow Tenku's group because Chizen stopped hiring them. He was angry because Kirika had found them out.

Setsuka and the others could not enjoy the tour in Amanohashidate because many Realizers were scattered around that place.

They were Realizers from the organization's headquarters who had come to Kyoto on a mission. The Realizers scanned the area like they were looking for something. It made Setsuka and the others uncomfortable as they felt those people were monitoring their movements.

"It seems we came to Amanohashidate at the wrong time." Tenku said to Setsuka and the others. He and the girls were sitting in a cafe having lunch and were waiting for their food to be ready.

"Yes. but we can't do anything about it since we didn't know those Realizers would come here." Setsuka responded and smiled bitterly. She felt that their vacation at Amanohashidate was not going well.

First, they met Chizen. Secondly, the place was filled with Realizers from the organization's headquarters. Surprisingly, they didn't close the site and let the visitors keep coming. Setsuka was confused about what they were looking for in Amanohashidate. But she felt they would be involved in something troublesome if they stayed in that place, be it because of Chizen or some other matter.

"You are right. But we shouldn't worry too much about it. We come here to have fun. If that problem bothers us, then we won't be able to enjoy our holiday in Amanohashidate. I also feel uncomfortable with the presence of those people, but I try to ignore them." Wang Ruyue said and drank the juice served on the table.

"But why do they let this tourist spot operate? Shouldn't they temporarily close Amanohashidate if there's something dangerous here?" Kaede asked Setsuka and the others. Then her eyes stopped on Tenku.

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"I don't know about that either. But I think that they're looking for someone. They probably just found out that their target is in Amanohashidate. So they can't close this place because it's already full of visitors. If they did, then the people here would panic." Tenku replied. It was only his conjecture as he still didn't know why the Realizers from the organization's headquarters kept the tourist spot open.

"Hmm... Wouldn't it be better if the visitors panicked than for them to fall into a dangerous situation? I was confused by the way of thinking of the Realizers from the organization headquarters." Kirika said in annoyance. She was angry with the Realizers' decision because it could threaten the safety of the visitors at Amanohashidate. Kirika didn't want something dangerous to happen in that place and cause casualties.

"They must have a reason for doing that. But I suspect this has to do with their mission and maybe with the goblin's mutation. You should have noticed that Chizen kept this matter a secret when we met him at the airport.

In addition, this mission is not available on any organization's forum. So I'm sure those guys want to keep what they're doing here a secret. Still, they acted so conspicuously that it only made the visitors uncomfortable and curious." Tenku explained.

Setsuka and the others became serious after they heard about it. Tenku's words made sense. They remembered that Chizen had tried to hide his intention of coming to Kyoto from Kirika. So they could confirm that the Realizers' actions were related to their mission. The more they thought about it, the more curious the girls became.

"Then what are we going to do now?" Setsuka didn't know what they should do in the current situation. So she needed Tenku's opinion. After all, he was their leader on that vacation, and they would obey whatever he decided.

"Isn't the answer obvious? We have to enjoy our holiday in Amanohashidate. You don't need to think about those Realizers or their purpose for coming to this place, as that is none of our business. If that bothers you and keeps you from having fun, our visit here would be pointless. Shouldn't we go back to Kirika's house?" Tenku answered and smiled.

"But what if something dangerous happens? For example, a mutation monster or the culprit behind it appears in Amanohashidate and injures the visitors. Can we help them?" Kirika asked.

Tenku had promised that he would act if monsters appeared. But Kirika was worried that he would change his mind after seeing the Realizers from the headquarters and would leave the matter to them.

Kirika believes in Tenku and knows his strength. She felt more at ease if they handled matters themselves rather than leaving it to the Realizers from the organization's headquarters.

Setsuka, Wang Ruyue, and Kaede were also waiting for Tenku's answer as they wanted to know his thoughts. Honestly, they tried to help if monsters appeared in Amanohashidate. But if Tenku didn't like them to act, the girls would follow his words.

"Of course, that's up to you. If you want to help them, then do it. After all, that is your job as a Realizer. I won't stop you from doing that. But you guys probably won't get your turn to act since there are a lot of senior Realizers from headquarters in this place." Tenku replied gently. He knew what the girls were thinking.

He would not stop Setsuka and others from acting when monsters appeared and threatened the visitors at Amanohashidate. It would make Tenku look like the bad guy. Although he was focused on finding his sister, that didn't mean he didn't care about the situation around him.

Tenku remembers his deceased father and mother as he imagines monsters attacking the visitors. He would feel guilty if he let those people get hurt or die, and it would leave a bad taste in his mouth.

Kirika and the girls looked at each other and smiled broadly after hearing Tenku's answer. They didn't know what Tenku was thinking. But they know his character and believe whatever he decides is for their good.

"Thank You!" Setsuka and the others said in unison.

Tenku could only smile in response to their words. Afterward, the waiter came to bring their food, and they started to enjoy their lunch.

Tenku and the others continued their tour after they finished their food. Their next destination is the Amanohashidate shrine. According to the story, the shrine is a popular place to pray for a mate. Wang Ruyue became curious after hearing about it from Kirika and wanted to visit the site immediately. Of course, Kirika happily led them to the shrine since she also wanted to go there to pray.

Setsuka and Kaede already knew about the story, but they had never been to the shrine, let alone to pray for a mate. They didn't have those thoughts the last time they came to Amanohashidate because Setuka and Kaede didn't have anyone they loved yet. But the story is different now. They already have someone they like.

So what Setsuka and Kaede thought was the same as Kirika and Wang Ruyue. They wanted to pray at the shrine to match them with Tenku.

Tenku didn't know the girls' intentions. He thought they wanted to visit the Amanohashidate shrine to see the sights and because they were curious about the stories they had heard.

On the way, they could see the beautiful scenery of snow-covered trees and the bay in winter. Wang Ruyue and the others frowned upon noticing that the number of Realizers in that place was much greater than they had seen at the previous location. They decided to ignore the Realizers after they remembered Tenku's words. Kaede and the girls had to enjoy their vacation and not think about other matters.

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After they arrived at their destination, Tenku and his group were surprised that the shrine was quite crowded. So they have to queue to be able to pray at that place.

Thirty minutes later, they had finished praying at the Amanohashidate shrine. The girls had more or less the same wish and hoped it would be granted. On the other hand, Tenku wants the people around him to live happily and be kept away from all kinds of dangerous situations. Of course, the most important thing was that he could find his sister.

After they finished their business there, Tenku and the others decided to head to Kasamatsu Park since they still had plenty of time before the evening. But then they noticed that there were far more Realizers in that place than in the Amanohashidate shrine.

"Hmm... It looks like what they're looking for is somewhere around here. You guys better be careful and ready to fight if something suddenly happens. I have a feeling that something dangerous will appear in this area." Tenku released her spiritual sense to scan the surroundings, and she frowned. He showed such a reaction because he sensed an unusual presence in the area, but he couldn't confirm the exact location. Then Tenku turned his eyes to the girls.

"We understand." Kaede and the others answered with solemn faces. They knew that Tenku wouldn't say that without a reason. He must have sensed something in Kasamatsu Park.

Tenku and his group decided to take the cable car to Kasamatsu Park. They could enjoy the natural beauty around the place and didn't need to see the Realizers from the organization's headquarters. It didn't take long for them to arrive at their destination. Wang Ruyue and the others looked in amazement at the sight of Amanohashidate in winter.

"Amazing." Wang Ruyue muttered when he saw the sight.

"Yes, so beautiful." Setsuka nodded after hearing that.

"Of course, this place is one of the top scenic spots in Japan. So Amanohashidate will look beautiful no matter what season you visit it." Kirika responded to the two girls' words.

"Correct. I once came to this place in spring. Even though the scenery is different, it still looks beautiful regardless of which season you come here. Amanohashidate is one of the best tourist destinations in Japan." Kaede agreed with Kirika.

As they were immersed in the scenery, Tenku's face darkened as he felt an unusual presence approaching their location. Not long after, they heard a deafening roar.
