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Quadruplets Unite: Mother's Words Are Law

Chapter 471
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Chapter 471 Did Mr Abel Go Mad?

Luca quickly hoisted Abel back onto the bed and covered him with some blankets.

“Mr. Waylon, how is Ms. Emma?” Luca asked.

Waylon’s expression was glum. “What would Abel do if he knew Emma could not be saved?” he asked.

Luca immediately dropped to his knees. “No, that won’t do, Mr. Waylon! Mr. Abel definitely won’t survive if Ms.

Emma dies! He’s already on the brink of death… I might as well die here and be buried with them on Osea too!” he

cried out loud. “Please save them, Mr. Waylon. If there’s anyone who can save them, it’s you!”

“I can save Abel, but Emma… She…” Waylon choked.

Luca’s eyes widened. Did that mean that Ms. Emma had…? “What about Mr. Abel? We can’t let him die…”

“I won’t let him die,” Waylon said with determination. “He’s still the father of Emma’s four children.”

“But if Ms. Emma is dead, Mr. Abel would not want to live anymore. He wouldn’t have the willpower to go through

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surgery and treatment…” Luca worried.

“Don’t worry, I have my ways,” Waylon said as he produced a packet of powdered medicine from his pocket. “Mix

this with some water and feed it to him first. We need to save him.”

“Of course, right away!” Luca immediately took the packet from Waylon and mixed it into a drink for Abel.

Half an hour later, Abel stirred from his sleep. Luca was all alone as Waylon had already gone to see Emma. Luca

was afraid that Abel was about to kick up a fuss about wanting to see Emma again, but he was surprisingly calm

this time around. Abel just stared at the ceiling for a while before letting out a long sigh. “I wonder how the four

children are doing…”

Luca could not hide his shock. This was the first Abel had mentioned the children since they had left Struyria. It was

not that he did not miss them, but rather that he had no one to talk to about the children since Emma was not by

his side. Luca felt a deep sense of relief knowing that Abel still had the children on his mind at this very moment

instead of Emma. At the very least, he would not be kicking up a fuss and demanding to be in Emma’s room.

“That’s right, Mr. Abel. Perhaps it’s time for us to return home. I’m sure the children miss you dearly,” Luca


“Hmm, why don’t we return home then?” Abel suddenly suggested.

Luca was shellshocked. Was Mr. Abel not going to argue about being by Ms. Emma’s side any longer? Did he just

say he wanted to return home? Luca was almost afraid that he had heard Abel wrongly. Did Mr. Abel go mad? Was

he really about to leave Ms. Emma behind?

At this moment, Benjamin walked in the room with a grave expression on his face. He frowned slightly as he

observed Abel wide awake and lying on the bed quietly, but he dared not bring up Emma either. Robert Adelmar

had already given Emma his special treatment, but it did not seem to work. Benjamin came over to check on Abel

and was surprised to find him in such a calm state. Even when the nurses came in to give him another dose of

drugs, he accepted it without putting up any resistance.

“Abel, are you feeling better?” Benjamin asked.

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“Mm,” Abel nodded softly. “I was just telling Luca I was thinking of returning to Struyria soon. There’s still a lot of

things for us to do back home.”

Benjamin’s eyes widened in shock as he stared wordlessly at Abel.

“Benjamin, what’s wrong?” Abel looked confused. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

Instead of answering Abel, Benjamin immediately stood up.

“Mr. York,” Luca tugged on Benjamin’s sleeve lightly. “Come outside with me.”

“Uhh…” Benjamin turned to Abel and gave him a fake smile. “Luca and I are going out to have a smoke…”

“Sure,” Abel nodded

Luca immediately pulled Benjamin out of the ward. “Mr. York, you saw him yourself too,” Luca said anxiously. “Do

you think Mr. Abel has gone crazy? Not only did he not bring up Ms. Emma, he even mentioned returning to


Benjamin’s frown deepened but he remained silent.

“Mr. York, say something!” Luca urged.

“Abel hasn’t gone crazy, he’s just…” Benjamin was searching for the right word.

“Just… what…?” Luca did not understand. If he was not mad, would he forget about Ms. Emma? Why did he travel

halfway across the world for then?