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Past Life Returner

Chapter 503
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Yon Won-Jin, the Korean branch manager, was in a hurry because he had received an order to quickly head to the headquarters even though it was a holiday today.

The World Awakened Association was the organization of the Awakened and was established for the purpose of world peace. Although most of the Awakened had gone to the battlefield of outer space, the atmosphere of the association had not changed much.

To be exact, foreign office workers from all over the world in the headquarters had adapted to the pyramid hierarchy of the group. It was comparable to the strict hierarchy in the Korean prosecution, where people lived and died by their superior’s command. Yoo Won-Jin thought it was right to call his subordinate and get on the highway immediately, rather than complaining.

“Director, director. We are here,” said the driver.

Yoo Won-Jin opened his eyes. The headquarters was a space where reality and old fantasies coexisted. The prime example of this was the building where the powerful monster of the Maruka clan lived.

Although it was now covered with unidentified substances, not long ago, it used to be wrapped around with tentacles. He often felt chills when he looked at those disgusting and creepy things. Yet, Yoo Won-Jin had two hunches as to why the association had left them exposed.

The one who subdued the Maruka clan was the so-called Him. He had also successively defeated other enemies, so the first purpose was likely to use it as a symbol to announce his power and reassure the international community.

The second purpose would be to continuously remind the world of the association's power by revealing that they were controlling such a thing.

Yoo Won-Jin got out of the car and headed for the reception desk. However, an unexpected piece of information came.

“The Secretary-General has called you here.”

He could not believe that the Secretary-General was the one who called him.

Secretary-General Steven Johansen… He was from the United States and was one of the big players who had been active on the international stage since the Day of Advent. His status became even higher when he joined the association, and he stood shoulder to shoulder with the heads of the superpowers.

He was someone who lived in another world to Yoo Won-Jin. Therefore, Yoo Won-Jin’s heart began pounding when he learned that the Secretary-General was calling for him. If Chairman Lee Tae-Han called him…or if the Guardian King of Hell did… Or…

If He calls, my heart will burst.

Thump. Thump.

Yoo Won-Jin was nervous, but he could only welcome such feelings. Since entering the association, such moments have been frequent. His previously dull emotions turned into boiling excitement. His heart pounded almost at every moment even when he tried to show a hypocritical smile to the politicians and entrepreneurs. It also accelerated every time when things that could not be possible in before times became a reality these days.

He was fifty-one years old, but he could proudly say that his youth had just begun.

He opened the door and got into the room.

“Nice to meet you. I am Yoo Won-Jin, the Korean branch manager.”

Yoo Won-Jin spoke in English, but the person on the other side replied in Korean, “Sit over there. I want to use Korean here.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Although the pronunciation was awkward, the sentences were quite perfect. Yoo Won-Jin was surprised by the Secretary-General’s skill in Korean. There were piles of Korean textbooks on one side of the desk. There were also notes with Korean vocabularies beyond the level of general conversation that had been written by the Secretary-General.

He must not have had interest in Korean before.

That meant he had learned it after joining the association. Yoo Won-Jin wondered how much effort he put into being able to speak it so fluently even on a tight schedule. He felt admiration and a sense of self-reflection at the same time.

After having a casual conversation, Steven Johansen asked if there were any difficulties as the head of the Korean branch.

“This country is important not only for us but also for all mankind. Our headquarters are in contact with this country’s territory. The safety of Korea is inextricably linked to all of us.”

The Secretary-General said that, but that was not it. Yoo Won-Jin knew that without the Secretary-General needing to mention it. The Association President Lee Tae-Han, Caliber Kwon Seong-Il, He, and His lover Mary were all from Korea. Even if people said nationality did not matter to the Awakened, that was far from true.

The Caliber’s love for his homeland was very well known. Moreover, the universal language among them was Korean. Thus, the Secretary-General’s dedication to learning Korean must have been inevitable for greater success because using the same language as the other person was the quickest way to build trust.

Yoo Won-Jin straightened his previously slouched posture because he was in front of his superior.

“That is why I chose you as the one to be responsible for.”

He did not mention what Yoo Won-Jin would be responsible for yet.

Is he going to send me to outer space?

For some reason, that dizzying thought crossed Yoo Won-Jin’s mind. Just thinking about it made everything before his eyes go black. The situation on the battlefield was concerning, but the real problem was the organization’s atmosphere there. From what he had heard, the vibe there was not much different from the Middle Ages.

The obedience to superiors did not matter, but sometimes people had to kneel due to the gap caused by social hierarchy. He knew he was not supposed to evaluate it by Earth’s standards, but when reality hit, it became a real trouble.

However, the answer Yoo Won-Jin had to give was already decided. Since he had raised his kids, he had no reason to be tied to his family.

He replied, “I will do whatever it takes.”

Then, he watched the Secretary-General’s face. Indeed, he had given the correct answer.

The Secretary-General’s voice came out much softer, “South Korea will soon become the sixth permanent member of the UN. We plan to send one of us to New York in time. We chose you as the perfect candidate to serve as an advisor and spokesperson.”


What on earth… Our country is going to be a permanent member?

Even in a situation where Yoo Won-Jin had been notified of his promotion, this was more surprising.

“The reason we chose you is because you are Korean. Surprisingly, it was for such a simple reason. Many eyes will be on you, and you now have to prove whether you deserve to sit in that position or not. Can you do it?”

“I will not let you down. Thank you for the opportunity.”

“Your first duty will begin at Panmunjeom[1]. The United States and North Korea will soon have a meeting in the south side of Panmunjeom. Attend the meeting and strongly deliver our position to the chairman of North Korea along with the President of the United States. We cannot accept North Korea’s nuclear facilities.”

The Secretary-General’s tone remained calm, but his statements were like bombs to Yoo Won-Jin.

South Korea’s emergence as a permanent member, and denuclearization that would be discussed at the North Korea-US summit… The association had begun to intervene directly in world affairs. Of course, it had been already going on behind the scenes for a while, but Yoo Won-Jin would be the start of them intervening in politics officially.

Yoo Won-Jin finally cried out inwardly.

Thank goodness I am Korean! I never expected there would be a day when being Korean would be so appreciated!

Right then, something happened.

Waaaaaang. Waaaaaaang-

A red light suddenly flashed on one side. The warning light attached to the wall began to spin wildly, signaling an emergency. There was a commotion in front of the Maruka clan’s building

The Secretary-General and Yoo Won-Jin sprang from their seats and ran to the window. The creature that crawled out of the building looked like an evil from the abyss.


There was no one there who knew that the name of this demon was Orca. Orca knocked the obstacles in front of it away with its tentacles and disappeared without a trace. However, the organic matter that used to cling to its body were left behind as tracks.

The substance led to a building used as a guest room for the Awakened when they visited the association. The Secretary-General remembered that He and His lover were staying there and was sure that it would not become a big problem. If He stepped forward, the situation would be settled down.

Nonetheless, the report he received was completely different from his expectations.

“He and Mary are not there.”

The Secretary-General was worried.

“Tell the King of Hell right now!”

His gaze naturally shifted in the direction of the top-secret device. If the Maruka demon that crawled out of the building destroyed that device, not only he but all the executives would also have to be fully responsible for it.

Then, he saw an Awakened jumping from a higher floor outside the window. Finally, the Secretary-General could let out a sigh of relief. There was only one Awakened on earth who could disappear in an instant, leaving a red trail of flame in the air.

It was the Guardian King of Hell.


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I was moving from place to place looking for Joshua. I even ventured near the areas where the Undead Corps of northern Greenwood had gathered and where the defensive barriers of Elsland were sharp due to the Sacred Tower.

However, all was in vain. When I had no clue where to go, the bastard appeared.

[There is something you should check. ( ・᷄д・᷅ ) ]

“Did you find him?”

[Something similar to that… You will understand when you go closer. The priest of the Human Corps has entered your mainland through the dungeon.]

[The map 'Location of Human Corps Priest’ has been added.]

[The map ‘Jonathan’s Location’ has been added.]

Orca, which looked almost dead, and Jonathan, who was gripping its head, came out of the gate. Their eyes followed me as soon as both collapsed on the ground.

“Sorry, Sun. I was a second late.”

Then, Jonathan tightened his grip. A weak gesture from Orca begging for mercy was about to rise, but it soon gave up.

“This asshole offered your stuff to Osiris, but it is not telling me what it is.”

“I…don’t…know… Orca also…not know…what it is…”

I didn’t have anything significant on the mainland, but I had some suspicions.

“He…said…Odin…resists it…hates it…chidarrrr…”

It must have been the item that was kept in the vault of Yeon-Hee’s room. It was an item that was one hundred percent an evil trap. Doom Kaos’s Amulet!

Jonathan threw Orca to the side as I approached. The urge to immediately crush this motherfucker’s head surged in my mind. Joshua, of course, knew what the amulet was, and this asshole had offered such a dangerous item to Doom Kaos.

Considering the timing, this happened just as Doom Kaos was not distracted by anything else. However, the Life Vessel that was inside Orca made my heart ache more.

Joshua. Joshua. Joshua.

If you needed to arm yourself, then you should have taken the Life Vessel, you fool…

“No…he said…no… This is not…bad for…Odin…”

“Orca, you have meddled with the fate of my faithful guy,” I said while looking up at the sky.

Finally, things were getting started.

1. Small village located in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that separates North and South Korea. ☜