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One Wild Night

Chapter 515 Slow Down
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As Harry and Jade settled down on the couch in the living room, ready to see a movie, Jade rose from her seat and went to the sofa where Harry was lying, ready to cuddle with him.

"We are not alone," Harry reminded her as he sat up and moved away from her so she wouldn't rest on his body.

"I don't see anyone else around here," Jade said with a grin as she sat close to him.

Harry moved away again, "Jamal or anyone could walk in here at any time...."

"Relax, Harry. Neither of us is naked. We are just seeing a movie, not having sex," Jade said patiently as she moved closer to him.

"Do you want us to go to your bedroom instead for privacy?" Jade suggested, batting her lashes at him, and Harry sighed.

The truth was, Harry had no problem with doing any of that with her when they were alone. But he didn't want to be seen that way with her until they were official. Maybe he was weird, but that was just the way he wanted things. He wanted them to keep things between them until they were both sure they were down for it and ready to be official. Unfortunately for him, Jade was the exact opposite.

"Then everyone would assume we had sex. Which is worse?"

"It does not matter what they assume...."

"Says the same person who hid under her duvet because her undie was found in my bedroom," Harry said dryly.

"I only felt embarrassed because you saw it, not because...." Jade let the rest of her words trail off when Harry raised a brow.

"I can't help wanting to be close to you when we are in the same space," Jade confessed with a pout, and Harry shook his head.

Seeing that it did not work, she decided to change her tactic, "I can't believe that while both my brothers are out there having the time of their life with the women they love, I'm here begging the man I'm interested in just to let me snuggle against him. Can life be any more unfair?" Jade wailed, and Harry sighed.

"Quit being a drama queen. Sit down and shut up-- no caressing or stealing kisses. Let's focus on the movie," Harry said as he picked up the remote and resumed the movie, and Jade smiled happily as she leaned against him, and they both redirected their attention to the television. Or so Harry thought until Jade spoke again.

"Harry?" Jade called after some time.

"What is it this time?" Harry asked wearily with his eyes fixed on the television.

Jade cleared her throat, "I need to be sure about something," Jade said, and Harry raised a brow.

"What is that?"

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Jade cleared her throat again, "Don't take this the wrong way...."

"Now I'm worried," Harry muttered under his breath as he looked down at Jade, who looked up at him with a scowl.

Harry kissed her forehead to straighten her creased brows, and she smiled involuntarily.

"Go on. I'm listening."

"Let's say we start dating officially now. You're not going to want to wait, right? I mean, like, wait until after marriage before we... you know... do it," Jade finished with a shrug, and to Harry's credit, his face remained carefully blank.

"Before we... I know... do what?" He asked innocently, and Jade narrowed her eyes as she looked at him, trying to figure out if he was being deliberately dense or was just not getting her.

"I mean, sex. You know. Seeing how you've never done it...." Jade glared at Harry when he suddenly chuckled and tugged on her right ear.

"Is that all you think of? You must be in a hurry to take me to bed," Harry said with a teasing grin, and Jade's face flamed red in embarrassment.

"No. That's not it," Jade denied immediately.

"It's not? So does that mean you don't mind waiting for some years...

"YEARS?" Jade asked in alarm, and Harry roared with laughter.

"I'm not joking! This is important!" Jade snapped at Harry in annoyance, and he chuckled.

"What do you want?" Harry asked, looking at her thoughtfully.

"Well, I just want to be sure you won't want to wait until we are married," Jade said, and Harry looked at her for a moment.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't think I can," Jade said honestly.

"So you won't be with me if I decide I want to wait until after marriage?" Harry asked, and Jade sighed.

"Well, if that's what you want, we might have to skip dating altogether and just get married. Or I might just seduce you," Jade said with a shrug, and Harry nodded.

"Good luck with that."

"Good luck with what?" Jade asked with a frown.

"With your seduction plan," Harry said, and Jade frowned.

"Does that mean you expect me to wait until after marriage? You know I'm not like you, right? I've been celibate for years only because I'm not in a relationship, and I don't think I can be celibate when I have a partner...."

"Slow down, esquire. Don't you think you're running ahead of yourself? I'm yet to officially ask you to be my girlfriend, yet you're talking about marriage already. Why not take things one step at a time?" Harry asked, and Jade frowned.

"I'm asking for the future, not now. I like to make plans ahead of time," Jade explained.

"I've heard you."

"But you didn't answer my question," Jade pointed out, and Harry sighed.

"Do you remember what I told you at the restaurant that night?" Harry asked, and Jade's brows pulled together as she tried to remember.

"You said a lot of things. Which?" She asked thoughtfully.

"I told you I can't share my body with just anyone. It has to be with someone special. It's not just about marriage. It's about having a connection," Harry explained patiently.

"Oh! That's true," Jade said with a happy smile as she relaxed again and focused on the tv screen, and Harry sighed inwardly.

It was just his luck that of all the sane and normal women in the universe, he had fallen for a Hank. She was obviously going to be a handful like her brothers. He hoped he would have the patience and wisdom to deal with her.

After they spent some time watching the movie, Harry remembered something, and he rose from his seat, "Give me a moment," Harry said when Jade gave him a questioning look.

"Should I pause the movie?" Jade asked as he walked away from there, but Harry asked her to keep watching the movie as he walked over to the kitchen.

He returned a moment later carrying a mug of chocolate, "Here," Harry said, handing the mug to her, and Jade took it from him distractedly but paused the movie to look at what it was when she noticed the mug was warm.

She smiled when she saw that it was chocolate. It brought back the memory of their first meeting. "Thanks," She said as she raised her mug to her lips and took a sniff before tasting it.

A smile lit her eyes as she looked at Harry, who was watching her, "You added whiskey. You remembered my recipe," she said, and Harry shrugged.

"I told you I was cursed with a very good memory," Harry said, and Jade smiled dreamily as she looked at him.

"Can I fall any deeper?" She asked, and Harry chuckled as he jerked his head to the television.

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"You can. But first, you should return your attention to the movie," Harry said as he picked up the remote and resumed the movie.

Jade grinned as she drank from the mug before snuggling closer to him. Harry had a satisfied smile on his face as he focused on the television.

After some minutes, Harry turned to Jade abruptly, "You have some chocolate stains around your lips," Harry said, and Jade turned to him as she dropped her mug on the table.

"I do?" She asked as she stuck out her tongue to lick the areas around her lips.

"Let me help you," Harry said in a husky voice as he used his thumb to wipe the areas around her lips.

Jade sucked in a breath when his thumb brushed her lips. The stroke of his thumb on her skin, and the look in his eyes, made her heart suddenly begin to race, and she swallowed as she met his gaze.

"Does this remind you of anything?" He asked as he looked into her confused blue eyes.

"The first time you visited our home?"

"Not that. Doesn't this remind you of anything else?" Harry asked as he raised his thumb to his lips, but before he could lick it off, Jade caught his hand, and he smirked.

"The chocolate is mine," she said breathlessly, her heart beating fast as she brought his thumb to her lips and sucked on it while maintaining eye contact with him.

Harry's heart skipped a beat, and he groaned involuntarily. He couldn't describe the sort of feeling that single action evoked inside him, but he knew the briefs he was wearing suddenly felt too small for him.

Why did he never learn? Why did he always do things like these when he knew he would end up falling into his own trap? He wasn't sure how much longer he was going to be able to keep himself from doing all he wanted to do to her and with her.

Harry tried to withdraw his hand, but Jade held on to it and continued to suck on it slowly.

"Jade...." He called huskily, and she smiled when what he had done clicked in her head.

She pulled away as she looked into his eyes, "The dream I told you about (Chapter 369). Is that what you were asking?" She asked, and Harry nodded.

"Harry, I'm about to kiss you," Jade informed him, and before Harry could react, she leaned forward and kissed him long and hard.

Her heart was beating really fast as she pulled away, and she looked at him with her gleaming blue eyes, "If you keep tempting me this way, it's going to be increasingly difficult for me to keep my distance from you," Jade said weakly.

"How about you don't resume work at the company immediately? We can delay your resumption date, and then we can go on that vacation together," Harry suggested.

"Really? We can do that?" She asked excitedly, and Harry nodded.

"Sure. And just maybe I might leave virgin Harry behind, and we can both...."

Harry stopped when the doorbell rang, and Jade shook her head, "Go on. We can both what?" She asked eagerly.

"I think your parents are here. You should get the door. I will check on my dad and see if Candace and Jamal are up now," Harry said as he rose and walked away, and Jade scowled.

"Why did they have to show up right now?" She asked irritably as she went to get the door.