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One Wild Night

Chapter 498 Gay Best Friend
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The sight that greeted Candace once Harry opened the door was Jamal holding up a white lace thong. Seeing the shock on her face, Harry, who had been about to say something to her, turned to see the 'hankie' that Jamal had picked up and was displaying, and his eyes widened in surprise.

He didn't need anyone to tell him who owned that and had left it in his bedroom--Damn Jade for doing something like this.

"Oh-oh! It's not a hankie," Jamal announced as he now held it with the tip of his fingers.

"Drop that," Harry ordered Jamal who was looking at the thong with interest.

Jade, who had just opened the guest room door and had been about to step out and join the others, paused when she saw Candace standing by Harry's open bedroom door.

"Leave it on the bed for your uncle and come with me to wash your hands," Candace ordered, wondering if the thong was clean or not.

Leave it on the bed? Leave what on the bed? Was Jamal in Harry's room? He couldn't possibly have seen it, could he? Candace couldn't have possibly seen it, too, right? Jade mused as her heart raced and she quickly pulled the door close to hide herself as she spied on them.

"He needs to wash his hands. I'm going in to use your bathroom if you don't mind," Candace said in an amused tone as she looked at Harry, who still stood in the same spot with his face flushed red, staring at the thong as though he had never seen one before. Well, he had never seen Jade's underwear apart from that one time she forgot to zip up her trousers and that didn't count.

Harry cleared his throat as he stepped aside to let Candace into his bedroom without meeting her gaze. How could he meet her gaze when she had seen something like that? They would all assume he had been making out with Jade at home while he left his father at the hospital, wouldn't they?

Damn Jade!

"Mom, it looks like one of yours," Jamal said as Candace led him to the door, which she assumed to be the bathroom, to wash his hands.

"It does look like mine, but it's not mine, and you shouldn't touch other people's undies," Candace said as she washed his hands.

"I picked it up because I thought it was uncle Harry's hankie," Jamal said defensively.

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"Then you should have dropped it the moment you realized it wasn't a hankie," Candace said as she led him out of the bathroom after drying his hands with the tissue and flushing it.

Although Jade couldn't hear what was being said in the bathroom, she remained behind her door since there was no way she could sneak past Harry's bedroom to the living room without being caught, seeing as his door was still standing open.

"Does uncle Harry wear the same undies as you because you are twins?" Jamal asked, and Candace looked at Harry. She almost laughed when she saw how red his face was.

Great! Just great! Thanks to Jade he was going to be the weird gay uncle.

"I'm not sure. Would you like to answer that question, big brother?" Candace asked with a straight face, but Harry could see the mirth in her eyes.

Harry cleared his throat, "It's not min...." Harry let the rest of his words trail off when Candace raised a brow and shook her head.

"Why don't you go to the living room and keep grandpa Aaron and Tom company while I have a word with Uncle Harry?" Candace suggested.

"Okay, mom," Jamal said as he ran past Harry out of the room.

Of course, since the door was open, Jade heard Jamal's question. She quickly shut the door when Jamal looked in her direction as he tried to figure out if the living room was on the left or right end of the hall.

Jade sighed as she went to sit on the edge of the bed, and she closed her eyes in embarrassment. She couldn't tell if she was feeling more embarrassed for herself or for Harry.

She wasn't going to step out of the room. No, she wasn't. There was no way she could face Harry after embarrassing herself and him in that manner. All she wanted to do was hide here until Harry left the house, and then she would sneak out and run away. She would just avoid him for the rest of her life if it were possible.

Alone with Candace now, Harry sighed, "I could have told him it isn't mine," Harry said stiffly without meeting her gaze as he looked at the material on the bed.

"And then you would have to tell him who owns it and what it was doing in your bedroom. Are you sure you're up for such questions?" Candace asked, and Harry frowned.

"I guess you don't have much experience with kids. With kids, especially Jamal, you have to learn how to evade questions. Especially the embarrassing type, else you might find yourself stuttering," Candace said, and Harry sighed.

"You don't have to look so embarrassed. You are an adult, after all," Candace said with a teasing grin, and Harry didn't know whether to glare at her or just shove her out of his room and shut the door in her face so he wouldn't see the laughter on her face.

"So?" Candace asked, looking at him like she was waiting for him to say something, and Harry looked at her in confusion.

"So what?" He asked, wondering why she wasn't leaving already.

"We both know you don't wear thongs, or do you?" Candace asked, lowering her gaze to look at his pelvis, and Harry let out an awkward laugh as he took a step away from her, feeling very uncomfortable by her perusal.

"I should know if my big brother is into kinky stuf...."

"Get out of my room," Harry hissed, jerking his head towards the door, and Candace howled with laughter.

"C'mon, big brother," Candace drawled, enjoying the mix of emotions on Harry's face as he glared at her while also looking embarrassed at the same time.

He made quite a picture. This time yesterday, she would never have imagined herself being in Ludus talk more of being in a stranger's house and calling him big brother while teasing and taunting him this way, yet here she was. Enjoying herself at her newfound twin brother's expense. Could life be more unpredictable? Candace mused.

"You sound like a very annoying kid sister," Harry said as he held the door open for Candace to leave.

"You sound like a very embarrassed big brother. I hope you can come up with a good story. Trust Jamal. Everyone is going to know you wear female undies. For your sake, I hope it belongs to Jade," Candace said with a wink as she left the room.

Once she left the room, Harry groaned as she shut the door behind her. He gazed at the white material on his bed as he slowly approached it.

Just what could have possessed Jade to pull a stunt like this when she knew he wasn't coming home alone? And where was she right now after creating this mess? Harry mused as he picked up the thong and hid it under his pillow before heading for the door.

Just as he opened the door, he saw Tom walking down the hallway with a grin plastered on his face, and he knew the kid had spilled the news to everyone.

"Shut up," Harry warned before Tom could say a word, but that only amused Tom even more.

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"How did I never figure it out that it was me you wanted this whole time and not my sister?" Tom asked, batting his eyelids at Harry as he brushed the side of his hair like he was tucking a stray strand away.

"You are a fool," Harry cussed, even though he was amused.

"It must have been so hard for you to hide your true feelings this whole time, my dearest gay best friend," Tom said as he took a step closer to Harry to touch him.

"If you touch me I'm going to break your fingers," Harry threatened.

"Gay lives matter too, you know?" Tom said and chuckled when Harry glared at him.

"Please, shut up," Harry said through gritted teeth.

"Well, now that the truth is out you don't have to pretend anymore," Tom taunted, and Harry shook his head.

"You did say you were going to surprise me. I'm surprised. Although you start slow, but you do work fast...."

"Nothing happened with Jade. This is all a misunderstanding," Harry said defensively.

"By that, am I to assume it's Jade's undies? Maybe it was a good thing she decided to stop by your place yesterday...."

"Can you just shut up and mind your damned business?" Harry hissed at Tom irritably, and Tom chuckled as he raised his hands in surrender.

"Alright. Fine. No need to get antsy even if Jade is our sister and her undies are in your room. I will get out of your hair after I check on her. She is still here, as you said, right?" Tom said, and Harry glanced in the direction of Jade's room with narrowed eyes.

So she was not out yet? Why was she hiding in her room after causing such trouble for him? Harry mused in disbelief.

"I need to have a word with her. We will join you in the living room," Harry said, and Tom grinned.

"Just a word, huh?"

"Fuck off," Harry said, and Tom chuckled as he walked away.