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One Wild Night

Chapter 371 Flatmates
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Chapter 371 Flatmates

  "It's good to see you again," Jeff said with a wide smile immediately the car stopped in front of the house, and he opened the door for Bryan to get out of the car 

  Because Bryan didn't want too many people to know that he was back, he had instructed them not to pick him up at the airport but to wait for him at home and order an Uber to pick him up instead. So while his parents took a cab from the airport, he and Sonia had taken an Uber.

  The smile on Jeff's face faltered when instead of Bryan, Evelyn and Desmond got out of the car, "Pardon my manners. I didn't realize you were coming with him," Jeff said apologetically, and Evelyn waved it off dismissively. 

  "I'm sure it's been longer than that, but I'm glad you are happy to see us," Desmond said with a grin, and Evelyn giggled. 

  "Hello, Jeff! It's been a while!" Evelyn said as she embraced him, and Jeff smiled at her awkwardly. Even though he had met the woman just twice, she always treated him the same, making him feel like a little boy.

  "Hello, Mrs. Hank, Mr. Hank," Jeff greeted politely as he shook hands with Desmond, and Mia, who was standing beside him, did the same. 

  "We are not strangers, Jeff. How many times do we have to remind you to stop addressing us so formally?" Desmond asked in mild disapproval before moving to the trunk of the car. 

  "I'm sure Bryan already told you both about Simon's role in all this mess. We are here to take care of Simon," Evelyn said, and Jeff gave her a nod as he moved away to join Desmond at the trunk of the car where he was taking out their luggage.

  "I still can't believe Simon has been the one exposing all of Bryan's scandals," Mia said with a shake of her head, "By the way, what about Bryan and Sonia? Did they change their mind about coming?" Mia asked curiously.

  "No. They will be here shortly. Sonia is feeling under the weather, so they had to stop by the pharmacy to get her some medicine for her cold. I need to fix her something hot and spicy to drink before they get here. Can you grab that bag from the men and come assist me in the kitchen, dear?" Evelyn asked, referring to the bag containing the items she had purchased for the soup on their way, and Mia quickly did as she was told and followed Evelyn inside. 

  "So, how has it been over here? I heard you quit working for Golden Star too," Evelyn said conversationally.

  "I never really liked him, plus I know he was likely going to fire me since I'm Bryan's assistant anyway. If my boss is quitting, there is no space for me there," Mia said with a shrug. 

  "True. How come you didn't tell me about Bryan and Sonia's relationship being faux?" Evelyn asked, turning to look at Mia once they were alone in the kitchen. 

  "Because it wasn't in my place to give out that information. There is a limit to what I can report to you. I can tell you about his schedule and work locations because I believe as a mother, you are concerned about his wellbeing. But his private business is his business, and I can't give you such details of his life. I'm sorry," Mia said politely, and Evelyn sighed. 

  "I guess that is why you have remained his longest-lasting assistant," Evelyn said with a nod as she started moving around the kitchen to get everything she needed ready to make the soup. 

  "I think they are here," Mia said a moment later when she heard Bryan's voice, and she quickly excused herself from the kitchen. 

  "Oh, dear! You look really ill," Mia exclaimed softly when she saw Sonia's pale face as Bryan gently lowered her to the couch. 

  "It's good to see you too, Mia. And you look beautiful as always," Sonia said dryly as Mia went to sit beside her on the couch and embraced her. 

  "This wasn't the sort of reunion I imagined, considering how we parted ways," Mia said with concerned eyes and then frowned when she noticed that Bryan was glaring at her, "What?"

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  "You are sitting on my spot. Move over," Bryan growled at her, and Sonia smiled weakly.

  "That isn't any way to talk to a loyal assistant like me. I'm going to stab you in the back like Simon did if you keep being this rude," Mia threatened as she stood, making both Jeff and Desmond, who was on his way to join his wife in the kitchen, laugh out loud. 

  "Why don't you try?" Bryan dared with a smirk as he sat beside Sonia who was smiling at him. 

  Sonia leaned closer to him, "You shouldn't talk to your girlfriend in that manner," she whispered in a teasing voice, and Bryan glared at her as he struggled between annoyance that she was still referring to Mia as his girlfriend and amusement that despite her illness she was teasing him with something that annoyed him. 

  "Sit up, Sonia. The soup is ready," Evelyn announced as she joined them in the living room carrying a tray that contained a bowl of soup, while Desmond carried a tray containing a glass of water. 

  Mia carried a stool to where Bryan was seated with Sonia and placed it in front of them for Evelyn to drop the tray on it before returning to sit beside Jeff.

  "I will feed her," Bryan assured his mother.

  "I can feed myself," Sonia assured him with a yawn, feeling silly now because of the attention she was receiving from everyone.

  "You can, but you don't have to. Not when I'm here. That's what being in a relationship means. Letting someone do things for you that you can do for yourself," Bryan said, and Evelyn exchanged a look with her husband, who winked at her.

  "He is completely smitten," Jeff whispered to Mia, who was also watching as Bryan fussed over Sonia. It seemed to them like both Bryan and Sonia had forgotten they were not alone.

  "As it should be. She is obviously smitten too," Mia said with a pleased smile. 

  "I have to freshen up now and rest for some time. Bryan, do not forget to give Simon a call as planned. Try to sound as natural as possible when you ask him to resume work, okay?" Evelyn said to Bryan, who was already spoon-feeding Sonia, and Desmond shook his head.

  "Eve, Bryan is an actor. I'm sure he won't screw it up," Desmond said dryly as he extended his hand to her.

  "I'm just saying..."

  "I know. Let's go in and freshen up. I'm dead on my feet," Desmond said as he pulled her along with him. 

  "Can we go to the bedroom? I feel drowsy. I think I might sleep off before I'm done eating," Sonia said with a yawn, and Bryan nodded before turning to Jeff and Mia, "I will join you both shortly," he said as he stood and leaned over to carry Sonia.

  "Bryan, I can walk..."

  "I know you can. I don't want you to," he said as he carried her bridal style and took her to the bedroom.

  "I missed this place. I will miss it when you move," Sonia said with a sigh.

  "We can always visit here often," he assured her as he stylishly opened the door and walked into the bedroom before gently placing her on the bed. 

  "I'll be right back," he called as he returned to the living room to take the soup and water, which he carried back into the bedroom.

  By the time he returned to the bedroom, Sonia was holding her phone, "I need to give Lucy a call."

  "Not now. Eat and get some rest. I will call her myself and let her know you are not feeling fine and will give her a call later," Bryan said as he sat beside her and took a spoonful of soup which he extended to her.

  "She will be worried," Sonia complained before opening her mouth.

  "Fine. Call her after eating," Bryan said as he fed her the soup.

  In the living room, Jeff watched Mia, who was smiling as she chatted with someone on her phone, "Are you still going on that dating app?" Jeff asked casually as he gazed at her.

  "Yes. Why? Want me to set up an account for you?" Mia asked with a teasing smile as she looked up at him. 

  Jeff shook his head, "Nah. Blind dates are not my thing. What are you going to do about your dates when you move to Ludus?" 

  "I will continue until I meet my special one, of course. I'm sure there are lots of eligible bachelors over there too," Mia said with a shrug as though he should have known that already. 

  "You should be careful though. There are lots of creepy people hiding behind their phones these days," Jeff advised.

  "Maybe you are too careful, and that is why you are still single," Mia said as she continued to chat while talking with him. 

  "What do you mean too careful?" Jeff asked, and Mia shrugged as she looked up at him.

  "You always hide behind work, claiming you are busy and can't date, but I don't really think that's just it..." 

  "What are you both whispering about?" Bryan asked as he carried the tray to the kitchen after feeding Sonia and excusing her to give Lucy a call. 

  "We were not whispering. Have you been able to figure out the accommodation stuff for me?" Mia asked hopefully. 

  Bryan cleared his throat, "About that, I hope you both don't mind being flatmates until either of you finds your own place?" Bryan asked, and both Jeff and Mia exchanged a look.

  "How many bedrooms are there in the apartment?" Mia asked curiously.

  "Two bedrooms," Bryan said as he returned to the living room and sat down opposite them.

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  "That's cool. As long as I have my own space, I don't mind," Mia said with a confident nod, "What about you?" She asked Jeff.

  "I'm fine with it too. What do you guys plan to do with Simon?" Jeff asked Bryan curiously, and he and Mia listened attentively as Bryan explained all that happened, including Anita's role in it, before telling their plan to them.

  "She sounds evil," Jeff said with disapproval.

  "She is a bitch. I'm glad she will be dealt with accordingly!" Mia said with disgust.

  "By the way, I'm still receiving a lot of calls from all the companies that canceled their endorsement deals with you over the scandal. They want you back. What should I do?"

  "I told you already. Let them go, Jeff. I would rather work with their competitors than go back to them. I hate companies that stand by celebrities only in their rosy times," Bryan said with a scowl, and Mia gave Jeff an I told you so look. 

  "I hope you both will be ready to move by the end of the week as discussed? After we wrap up here with Simon and I tie up loose ends at Golden Star, I will be ready to move..." The rest of his words trailed off when they heard the doorbell.

  "Are you expecting anyone?" Jeff asked as he rose to see who was at the door, but Bryan shook his head. 

  "Hey, Matt!" Jeff greeted cheerfully.

  "That bastard is in, I guess?" Mat asked as he shook hands with Jeff, who gave him a nod. 

  "Matt?" Bryan called in surprise when he heard Matt's voice.

  "Hello, Mia!" Matt greeted Mia, who returned his greeting, before facing Bryan.

  "Why am I the last to find out that my best friend canceled his contract with Golden Star?" Matt asked with a scowl.

  "Maybe because you were too busy nursing your broken heart to care about the rest of us in the world," Bryan said with a grin and quickly moved away when Matt tried to hit him. 

  "At least I wasn't dumped in the middle of a reality show," Matt said with a smirk.

  "It was the end of the show. You crawled out from under your rock too late. That ship has sailed, landed, and reloaded," Bryan said with a smirk of his own.

  "Whatever. Where is my beautiful Sonia?" Matt asked, looking around.

  "She is inside sleeping. She's not feeling well," Bryan said before looking at Jeff and Mia, who seemed like they were ready to leave.

  "You can both wrap up things at your end between now and the weekend. By Monday, you have to meet with Harry," Bryan said, and Matt looked at him curiously.

  "Harry? Your brother's best friend? What are they meeting him for? And why are they here when you are no longer with Golden Star?" Matt asked, and Bryan sighed as he was already tired of repeating the story. 

  "I will fill you in on all you have missed after seeing them off," Bryan promised.