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One Wild Night

Chapter 367 Jealous
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Chapter 367 Jealous

  After waiting for some time, Tom decided to give Lucy a call to inform her that he was back and waiting for her in front of the building just in case she was still awaiting his call.

  Lucy, who was ready to leave but was contemplating giving Tom a call to find out if she should go home without him since she wasn't sure he was back to his office yet, smiled when she received his call.

  "I was going to call you."

  "Now you don't have to. I'm waiting outside."

  "Good. Can you wait at the lobby instead?" Lucy asked as she picked up her handbag and walked out of her office quickly, not wanting to keep him waiting much longer. 

  "Why the Lobby?" Tom asked curiously, but Lucy had hung up already, so he got out of the car and went inside the building to do as she had asked.

  Once he got to the lobby, he stood there looking around and wondering why she wanted him to wait there when she very well knew that he preferred not to have any interaction with the staff.

  The lobby seemed busy as most of the staff were already heading for the door, and when they saw him, they decided to hang around and see why he was just standing there.

  "ACE!" Lucy called in a loud voice when she got out of the elevator and saw him standing there. 

  She raised one hand above her head to wave at Tom while smiling happily at him as she approached him, causing all eyes to turn in her direction.

  Tom had a wide smile on his face as he met her halfway while wondering what had prompted her to behave in such a surprising manner. 

  "I missed you," Lucy said as she embraced him and then pulled back to kiss his lips.

  Most of the staff who had been hanging around before Lucy got their attention watched the scene with varying degrees of emotion. The elderly ones amongst them smiled fondly as the duo reminded them of their younger days. The single ladies sighed enviously, thinking about how lucky Lucy was to have gotten a man like Tom, while the guys tried not to envy Tom, who had not just the money but the looks to make all the women want him too.

  "What are you doing?" Tom asked with an amused smile as he held on to her before she could pull away and kissed her in a way that made butterflies flutter in her belly before letting go.

  Lucy tried to blink back the mist of desire from her eyes and focus on him, "Kissing my boyfriend, and getting kissed by my boyfriend."

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  "I thought you didn't like such public displays of affection," Tom said as he continued to look down at her like she was his favorite dish. 

  She cleared her throat, "I didn't, but I haven't seen you for the past eight hours. I missed you," Lucy said, but Tom didn't believe her. He could tell there was more to it than she was saying.

  Seeing how he continued to stare at her like he was waiting for the truth, she shrugged, "I also heard some ladies talking about me, so I decided to give them something more entertaining to talk about," Lucy said, and Tom chuckled.

  "I thought as much. I can't complain. I like this form of entertainment," Tom said as he took her hand, ready to leave, but he stopped and looked at her again when it occurred to him that he didn't even know what they had said, "What did they say, though?"

  "Nothing the CEO should worry about. Just silly stuff that jealous colleagues gossip about. And don't worry, I handled them well," she assured him with a bright smile, and Tom looked at her curiously as they headed for the door.

  Everyone who had been watching them quickly went about their own business, pretending to be busy as the couple walked away.

  "How did you handle them?" Tom asked, and she told him how she had threatened to report to the CEOs and get them fired, and Tom laughed.

  "You should keep good your threat. What are their names?" Tom asked, and Lucy waved off the question.

  "I didn't see any need to get their names. I didn't really mean the threat. I just wanted to let them know I heard them in a dramatic manner," she said with a grin, and Tom chuckled as he held out the passenger door for her to get into the car. 

  "I'm still curious to know what they said to make you behave this way," Tom said as he shut the door and went around the car to get into his seat.

  Lucy shrugged, "They didn't believe the story of how we met, and one of them said Harry probably sent me to seduce you so you would fall in love with me and make him the Co-CEO," Lucy said, and Tom turned to her in disbelief.

  "I can't believe we still have employees that reason that way," Tom said with a shake of his head.

  "Don't worry about them. I'm sure they will avoid me for some time while also having sleepless nights about losing their jobs. Every time your name is mentioned, their hearts will race, thinking it's about the termination of their employment," Lucy said with satisfaction, and Tom smiled.

  "I've never seen this wicked part of you before," Tom said, and Lucy smirked.

  "There are many parts you haven't seen, trust me," she said with a wink making Tom chuckle.

  "I look forward to seeing them all. Let's go home. We have to prepare for dinner with Harry and his dad," Tom said as he turned on the car's ignition.

  "What's his dad like?" Lucy asked curiously.

  "He's witty, funny, and easygoing. You will like him," Tom said, and Lucy smiled. 

  "That sounds like you are describing Harry. What about his mother?" Lucy asked curiously.

  "She died while giving birth to Harry," Tom said, and Lucy's face fell.

  "That's sad."

  "Yeah, it is. How was work today?" Tom asked, wanting to change the subject.

  "Work was okay. By the way, Amy needs to be away for some time. Will it be okay if I get a temporary replacement for her? I plan to get Harry's approval too," Lucy said, and Tom glanced at her. 

  "Why? Is something wrong with her?" Tom asked and listened quietly as Lucy explained the situation to him. 

  Tom sighed when she finished. Amy was the only member of Lucy's team who he liked anyway. "That's sad. You can do as you please. Just make sure whoever the replacement is, is female," Tom said, and Lucy laughed softly. 

  "Sure, I will. Thank you. So what about you? How was work today? Were you able to meet with those ladies as planned?" Lucy asked curiously.

  "Yes, I met with the CEO. She was more receptive than I expected," Tom said as he told her about his meeting with Priscilla.

  "That sounds too easy. It's almost like she was waiting to backstab Anita's mother. Could it be their plan to make us relax?" Lucy asked thoughtfully.

  "Even if it is, we can make them believe we fell for it while executing our plan. Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you," Tom said, and Lucy smiled.

  "I know."

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  "Did I tell you I got to learn some pretty interesting things about Anita's family today?" Tom asked, and when she shook her head, he went on to tell her about Barry's call earlier that morning.

  "You can't be serious!" Lucy said, her nose wrinkling with disgust as she tried to get rid of the image of Anita's mother having an affair with her son-in-law and daughter's father-in-law.

  "Fortunately, I am. Now all I want is to find evidence that she was involved in her husband's death," Tom said with an evil smirk.

  "You think she murdered her husband?" Lucy asked, wondering when she would stop being shocked by the magnitude of evil Anita's mother was capable of.

  "Barry thinks so, and he is good at sniffing out suspicious stuff. I trust his instincts," Tom said, and Lucy sighed.

  "I hope we can handle things before it gets messy. I don't want anything to happen to you," Lucy said, and Tom glanced at her. 

  "Nothing is going to happen. How come you haven't asked about my meeting at the airline?" Tom asked curiously since he had expected that to be the first question she would ask.

  Lucy grinned, "I was saving it for the last."

  "Nah, you wouldn't be so relaxed if you were. You seem like you already know about it. Wait, don't tell me Harry told you about it already?" Tom asked suspiciously, trying to figure out when Harry could possibly have had the time to talk to her when they had been together all through until they arrived at the company. Or had he gone to Lucy's office immediately after he went inside? Tom mused.

  Lucy giggled, "He didn't tell me anything... He actually recorded a video and sent it to me," Lucy said, and Tom turned to her in surprise. 

  "Harry made a video?" He asked in disbelief, and she bobbed her head as she took out her phone and played it so that Tom would hear his voice. 

  "The bastard! I can't believe I call someone like that my best friend. How can he do something like that without informing me?" Tom asked with a scowl.

  "He could become my best friend if you don't want him anymore..."

  "Never! Sonia is more than enough. If you want a male best friend, you have Lucas or me. You don't need Harry or any other male who is not family to you," Tom said, and she laughed softly.

  "You are jealous," Lucy pointed out in amusement.

  "Yes, I am. I'm not sharing you," Tom insisted, and Lucy smiled.

  "I don't plan on being shared or on sharing you either," she assured him, and Tom nodded. 

  "Good. As long as we are on the same page on that, we are good."