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Night of Destiny Novel by Vanessa K

Chapter 2118
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Willow left her room to check on the injured team members. She found that quite a few of them sported bumps

and bruises. One of them even had a dislocated shoulder and was busy looking for someone who could put it

back for him!

“Can you find someone who can help me, Miss Presgrave? I'm in so much pain right now.” “Of course! I'll get

someone right away.”

“A professional, please!” The man was covered in sweat. Soon, Willow brought Jasper over and pointed at the

injured team member. “Can you help him?”

Jasper nodded. “Yeah!” “Hey man, go easy on me, okay? | don’t do too well with pain,” the man pleaded. Jasper

walked over to him and asked, “How should | go easy on you?”

“Well... Maybe you could use a gentler method like-Argh!” Before the man knew what was happening, his bone

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popped back in place. He screamed by instinct at first, but he immediately began to move his arm around.

“Whoa! It doesn’t hurt anymore! You fixed it.”

He finally realized that Jasper had simply distracted him with the question before fixing his shoulder in just two

seconds. “You're amazing, Mr. Wyatt,” the team member said gratefully. “Where did you learn how to do this?”

“No formal training necessary. You'll becrather good at doing it too if you've done it enough times, Jasper

replied. The women on the team were all taken with how cool he was, but after hearing his response, they began

to stare in shock. What kind of work does Mr. Wyatt do? What would involve dislocating your shoulders so often?

Willow chuckled. She found that despite being rather stern most of the time, Jasper did have a funny bone

hidden in there somewhere! “Okay. Let's all go back to our rooms and rest!” Willow said before taking Jasper’s

hand and leaving with him.

The women exchanged looks. Was the handsspecial representative Willow's boyfriend? Why else would they

share a room and be this intimate in public?

Although the women on the team admired Jasper, they knew better than to try and steal him away from Willow.

When Willow and Jasper stood together, they looked like the leading characters of their own fairytale. They

looked good together.

Willow went to the ship’s bridge to get an update. They would be arriving at their first destination in three hours

at most, but as the island was populated by indigenous people, everyone had to be on high alert to avoid getting

attacked. That being said, the bodyguards that Willow brought along with her gave everyone an added sense of


After three more hours on the ship, they finally arrived at the first island. Only a dozen or so indigenous families

were living on this island. Although they were technically under the administration of a small nation nearby, they

were so far out on the ocean that they were basically living freely on their own.

Thankfully, the team had gotten the help of a local guide in advance, so they were able to settle down fairly

quickly. Even so, they had to be on their guard against the locals as they had brought a ton of supplies with

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them. Willow was given a fairly acceptable cottage on the beach. Jasper stayed close to her at all times. Willow

was interested in seeing how the locals lived.

A group of barefooted children crunning over to scrutinize Willow. She went back to her room and brought

out ssnacks to share with them. Soon, it seemed that they were getting along quite well.

Night cand Willow was dead tired. Although it was June, the diurnal temperature variation in this region was

pretty significant.. Willow sat on a chair by the ocean, leaned against Jasper’s arm, and slowly dozed off. She was

already sound asleep by the tJasper noticed. His lips curved up ever so slightly. She's really like a kid


He carried her back to bed and tucked her in. before lying down on the couch nearby. Although it was quite hard

for him to fit all six feet and a couple more inches of him onto that tiny couch, he didn’t get in the bed with her.

As the night wore on, everything outside the window was pitch black. There wasn’t any street lighting here and

the locals wouldn't waste their resources by keeping the lights on. Soon, it felt as if they were living in nature.