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New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Chapter 276 Delivering The Package
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The windowless back of the van made Kary very uncomfortable for the ride to wherever they were going. She clung to Alexander's arm like a scared kitten.

It was funny to Alex, since she always portrayed herself as a strong, brave woman. But she was much stronger in the game than out here.

At least, for now. Alex did not know how strong she would become out here once she could use mana properly.

The ride to the private hospital was a little longer this time than Alex remembered. He couldn't look out any window to confirm they were still going to the right place, but he felt no danger yet.

Of course, that could change at any moment.

But before his worry turned into reality, the van jerked to a stop. Alex heard the slam of a door in front, and soon after, the van door slid open.

Standing in front of it, was a man he recognized. It was one mercenary that had been at his penthouse.

The one he had almost ripped his face off, to be precise. And he was armed with a small machine gun.

Alex stretched his arm in front of Kary protectively, but the man reacted swiftly.

"Hey, man! I have no beef with you!"

"Then why are you armed?" Alexander growled.

"This? I was told you might have a dangerous package. Simply a precaution."

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"So you're telling me I almost killed you, and you're fine with it?"

"Eh, it's part of the job. I'm a mercenary. Listen, I was hired to rough you up by Colonel Lancaster that time, and now by General Boudreau to transport you. Nothing more."

Alexander stayed wary of the man, but when the mercenary strapped his gun behind his back, he dropped his arm. As long as he wasn't immediately threatening them, Alex would have to trust his goodwill.

He also doubted a mercenary would go against his employer's orders, as long as they paid him well. And he doubted Mr. Boudreau skimped on his pay.

The mercenary grabbed the still unconscious teenager, lumping him on his shoulder before leading them into an elevator. Alex looked around them before entering the elevator and saw they were in an underground parking.

The cars he saw around him all seemed to be in the upper range of costs. Mercedes, BMWs, Range Rover and whatnot.

He couldn't see cars of more common brands, and guessed this was a level of the underground parking that wasn't accessible to the public. Mr. Boudreau had mentioned that the hospital had some legal dealings.

That made him wonder why every time they brought him here, they didn't allow him to see where they were. Then again, wouldn't a private hospital for rich tycoons and such be better off staying hidden?

Getting inside the elevator, Alex noticed the mercenary pressing a button with no numbers on it. The duration of which he pressed it also caught his attention.

'Finger scanner. So we're going to the labs.'

Alexander made no fuss about it since he guessed that the labs would have what they needed to hold a dangerous person with inhuman strength. But he wondered what that would be.

Would it be anti-magic cuffs, like in New Eden? Or would it be a piece of unknown technology?

He couldn't wait to know. But he wasn't even sure he would be told at all.

Once the elevator finished its descent and the doors opened, Alex recognized the white sanitized walls. Mr. Boudreau was right there, waiting for them.

"Ah, Mr. Boudreau, sir. You didn't need to come and greet us yourself," the mercenary said, flashing a rigid salute.

"At ease, Lieutenant. I was coming to fetch Mr. Leduc, and his accompaniment. You can go deposit the boy in the holding cells for now."

"Yes, sir!"

Clicking his heels together in another salute, the mercenary left to the right, before disappearing around a corridor bend. Alex looked back at their host.

"Mr. Boudreau," Alex greeted him.

"Please, young man. Call me Jack. You don't work for me, and neither are you a stranger. No need to be so formal."

"Alright then, Jack. I'm sorry I sprung this on you so suddenly. The situation escaped me, and I didn't know who else to contact."

"Nonsense, young man. This is the exact reason I offered you my help in the first place."

"Beg your pardon?"

Alexander looked confused, but not as much as Kary, who was eyeing her surroundings with wariness.

"Miss Deveille, it is a pleasure to meet you. I have heard good things about you."

Kary snapped her head to Jack, her eyes widening. She then looked at Alexander, who shook his head no.

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"How do you know who I am?"

"Let's just call me an information-savvy man, Miss Deveille. I have files on a lot of influential people in many spheres of the world."

"But I'm not an important person…"

"You are a very well-known Esports player. That alone requires me to know a bit about you, given I have investments in the business myself."

Alexander interrupted them.

"I don't want to sound rude or anything, but I'm on a clock. Do you have some game helmets Kary and I can use, Jack? I need to be back in the game before noon."

Although Jack looked a bit displeased, Alexander interrupted his introduction, he understood Alexander wouldn't be this abrupt if he didn't have a reason.

"We have many available. Please follow me."

Mr. Boudreau personally escorted them to a room called the LAN room. Inside it, beds upon beds were lined up to the walls, with gaming helmets hooked directly into the wall on tables next to them.

People in hospital gowns, ranging from young to old occupied some of the beds. Alexander surmised they were experimenting with the effects the game had on different body types.

It made sense, since Jack seemed to know something was different with New Eden. Which brought another question to mind.

How much did he know, and how long had he known? But now was not the time to ask these questions.

Alexander had to head inside the game soon, if he wanted to keep his plan in motion. He picked the closest unoccupied bed, Kary taking the one next to it, and grabbed the helmet.

"Thank you, Jack. I hate to say this, but I owe you one," Alex said, slipping the helmet on his head.

Jack only smiled in response, as both young adults logged into the game simultaneously.