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New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Chapter 255 Jealousy In The Air
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After waiting for a few hours, the rest of the guild members arrived. Only Khalor refused to join them, since he had other things to worry about.

It surprised Astaroth Khalor even joined the guild when he sent him an invitation. He had half expected the man to refuse it outright.

But Khalor had accepted, under the condition that he couldn't be forced into anything if he didn't have time. Astaroth accepted his condition, since he would have asked the same thing.

There were two additions to what Astaroth had originally expected, since Gulnur and Silent had both brought a friend for help. Astaroth had told them that as long as they trusted them, they would be welcome.

Gulnur came with one of his friends, a long-time friend, one of the rare few he had in the real world, who had also started playing New Eden.

The kid was a little older than Gulnur, but seemed just as joyous and outgoing. He played a Gnome gunslinger, and he was named Death The Gnome.

The name elicited a chuckle from both Astaroth and Phoenix, who understood the reference. They were surprised that someone as young as he did, though.

The person Silent Light brought along also surprised a few of the members of the guild. That was because they recognized her.

Astaroth especially, since he had fought alongside her a few times already. It was Morticia.

Astaroth quickly scanned her, noticing that her level was sitting comfortably in the higher part of the level leaderboard, with a level forty-three. He also noticed another thing had changed.

Morticia was no longer a psychic class, but was now a class called Enchantress. He didn't know what that entailed exactly, but he could guess roughly that she was now more of a support player.

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"Hello again, Morticia."

"We meet again, Astaroth. I had a feeling we would. Although I am surprised you started a guild. I had pegged you as a solitary type."

"I usually prefer to play with fewer people, yes. But for what I wanted to do after this, I needed a guild."

Morticia looked at Astaroth with a wide smile. The man looked bulkier than the last time she saw him, and was pleasing to look at.

They also seemed to be around the same age, so she wouldn't mind learning to know him more.

Phoenix was catching up with Silent a little further, and noticed Morticia talking with Astaroth. Something in the woman's smile slightly annoyed her, and she felt the need to make her presence known.

She walked over to Astaroth, latching on to his arm. The poor man almost jumped out of his skin, not expecting someone to grab him so suddenly.

"Hello, Morticia."


"Umm… I'm gonna go make sure everyone is ready…" Astaroth said, trying to get away from the two women's staring contest.

But Phoenix was holding on to his arm firmly. Morticia looked at the interlocked arms and giggled.

"I see you two are an item now. Congratulations to both of you."

"Thank you. I'm surprised you know Silent Light. I didn't think that was the type of player you hung out with."

"I rarely hang out with him. Silent is my little brother. I joined because he asked me. I didn't even know what we were going to do until I arrived here."

Astaroth's eyes went wide. He looked at Silent in disbelief.

Morticia and Silent's behaviours were so different, he would have never guessed they were related, if she hadn't just told them.

Phoenix just silently stared at Morticia, her intentions clear as day. Morticia giggled in response.

"Well, if you don't mind, I will acquaint myself with the others I will be raiding with shortly. It's a pleasure to be fighting by your side again, Astaroth."

"The pleasure is all mine," Astaroth replied, smiling.

But as Morticia walked away, he felt a sharp pain in his side. Phoenix was looking at him with daggers in her eyes as she pinched his waist.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"The pleasure is all yours? Really? I saw how she looked at you. That vixen."

"Phoenix, relax. I doubt there was anything to it."

"Oh please! I've known her for a long time. Morticia likes to bewitch men and have them under her thumb. She is very nice, and very talented, but she is a witch!"

"You don't have to worry in the slightest. She isn't my type, anyway."

As he said that, Astaroth leaned into Phoenix's ear, giving a small kiss on her neck.

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"You are my type. And I think a bit of jealousy is very attractive."

Phoenix felt shivers run down her spine when Astaroth kissed her neck and whispered in her ear. For a shy man, he was quite outgoing.

She could guess he was doing this for her, and she appreciated it. But she was still extremely wary of Morticia.

"Fine. I will trust you. But if she ever pulls something on you, I will burn her alive."

Astaroth laughed at her response.

"I will pass the message along if it happens."

He laughed again and kissed Phoenix. They then separated and went along to make sure everyone was ready to start their assault.

Athena was already inside the walls, sneaking around in recon. She was sending updates to I'die, via chat, as the druid player drew a map on a scroll.

He was also marking everywhere that Athena thought could have traps and the levels and types of monsters in each room. In the meantime, Phoenix was devising a formation for the assault.

Their group would comprise Gulnur, Astaroth, and Genie on the front lines; Athena, Death, Gale, and Silent in the middle; and lastly, Violette, I'die, Morticia and herself on the back line.

With Astaroth's summons, their party would be as full as a full dungeon party. This made her job easier, since she didn't have to treat it as a hard setting.

They also had quite the spread in classes. What they lacked in healing, they highly compensated in damage.

Astaroth was more than resistant, making him and Gulnur a very apt front line, and they wouldn't need as much healing as regular parties would.

Of course, Silent Light would still be crucial, and I'die's assisted healing would also save them quite the trouble. I'die had gained a few spells that would help, in terms of healing.

Phoenix looked at the map I'die was drawing, keeping her mind busy with plans. She made so many contingency plans, she wouldn't have to worry about anything surprising her.

Phoenix smiled as her heart thumped in anticipation. And everyone felt the same way.