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My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 609: Nero and Ophis, the daughters of the second Progenitor.
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Chapter 609: Nero and Ophis, the daughters of the second Progenitor.

The moment Victor stepped out of Natalia's portal at the Snow Clan's mansion, he was met by two rockets, one white and one black.


Before the two girls could reach him, Victor took a few steps to the side, and the two passed him and hit the wall.


"..." The people who were present just looked at Victor as if he had grown a second head. Did he just ignore the embrace of his two 'daughters'?

"Ugh, my head..." Nero grumbled as she caressed her head; she was wearing black pants, black boots, and a white dress shirt.

"...Father..." Tears started to form in Ophis's eyes; she was wearing the same gothic dress she always wore.

"W-Wait, don't cry, Ophis! I didn't refuse your embrace because I didn't want to. It's because it's too dangerous right now!" Victor said hurriedly, with a bit of cold sweat breaking out on his face.

"...?" A confused expression appeared on Nero and Ophis' faces.

"Look!" Victor quickly pointed to a glass on one of the tables, then walked to the table, causing small footprints in the floor, and tried to pick up the glass.

The moment he touched the cup, it shattered into hundreds of pieces, and that cup was made of a unique material that could withstand a little force from supernatural beings. But it broke just by him touching it!

"Ugh, it's like I'm living in a paper world right now."

"..." Nero and Ophis just stared at their father blankly.

And before Ophis could understand anything, Nero jumped to hug her father, but this time it was much slower than before.

Victor raised an eyebrow when he saw Nero climb his body and hug him like a small bear.

"Father can't hug, but that doesn't mean we can't." Nero displayed a small happy smile.

Victor just laughed gently and said, "True."

Ophis' eyes glowed faintly red as she vanished in black smoke and appeared on Victor's shoulder, quickly hugging his face.

"Father... Miss you..."

"I missed you..." Nero spoke in a low voice.

Victor's heart melted when he heard the two girls' words.

"Me too." He smiled gently, and the whole environment around him lightened due to the emotions he was feeling right now. Small tree branches and plants began to grow around Victor as if nature itself was reacting to him.

Natalia, Violet, Ruby, and Sasha appeared through the portal since they had no reason to stay in Japan if Victor wasn't there.

Seeing the scene in front of them, Ruby spoke:

"... Daddy's daughters... If we had female children, their future would be bleak." She looked at the plants around Victor curiously.

"Darling spoils them so much! That's unfair; he should do that to us too!" Violet spoke with obsessive eyes.

Sasha gave Violet a dry look, "If he spoiled us more than he does now, we would just become dependent on him forever."

"Indeed, and that's something I don't want." Ruby completed.

"... Well..." Violet had no way to defend herself now because they were right. Everyone knew how much Victor spoiled his wives; he did everything for them.

"Stop being jealous, and just say you want him to treat you like his daughter," Natalia spoke sharply.

"..." Violet at least had the decency to turn her face away and blush a little, something very rare for such a brazen woman.

"Victor, you came back fast."

He looked towards the female voice and saw Leona and Edward.

"Yo, have you seen my parents and Agnes?"

"Your parents are studying in the bedroom. Agnes is still in Clan Adrastea territory along with Scathach and Natashia." Leona replied as she approached Victor swiftly, and before anyone knew it, she was in front of him, sniffing his body.

She frowned a little when she felt Victor's scent had changed, 'He smells like nature, but a bloody nature...? Huh?' Leona didn't know what she was sensing right now.

It was as if Victor had the very scent of nature with him, but at the same time, that nature smelled blood, as if someone had killed a body in the forest and the blood had soaked into the trees.

... It was strange.

'Umu, she's still in the Adrastea Clan, huh...' Victor thought with a slightly confused look as his eyes narrowed. 'Doesn't she know that with how long this is taking, it will attract attention? So why hasn't she come back yet?'

"… Victor, you got stronger… Again." Edward spoke with narrowed eyes as he saw what was going on around him and the holes in the floor from his footprints.

'Your body has become heavier than before. It's obvious that this is because of your condensed muscles.'

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"Yeah." Victor just smiled.

"Seriously, you are constantly breaking common sense. No one would believe you if you said that you were weaker than an ordinary human less than a few years ago." Edward spoke in a tired tone.

"Just because this has never happened before doesn't mean it can't happen in the future. Common sense is constantly broken by beings like me."

"Power freaks?"

"Beings with a goal in mind." Victor corrected him.

Edward rolled his eyes, 'His goal is to fuck his Mother-In-Law... In fact, he's already done that, and now he wants her all to himself... Although that's a goal I can respect.'

Edward laughed internally at these thoughts, but he stopped when he heard Victor speaking:

"Where are Andrew, Mizuki, and the other girls?"

"Andrew is in the new town with his mom, Mizuki is with her parents reading books, and Pepper, Lacus, and Siena are training," Leona answered.

"…Oh?" Victor raised an eyebrow curiously.

"Your fight had more effect than I expected, Darling," Ruby said.

Everyone looked towards Ruby.

"Everyone is motivated now that they've seen the power of the Youkai leader and her new physical conditioning."

"…you recorded the fight, huh."

"Of course, I wouldn't miss the chance to motivate our allies." She flashed a small smile.

"Humpf, that's what you tell yourself! If it weren't for me, you would have forgotten!" Violet groaned.

Ruby's face trembled a little, and her small smile broke.

"…Violet!" Sasha elbowed Violet in the stomach.

"What? I will not let her take all the credit for herself!"

The people around them gave amused smiles to see Violet like this.

"Ugh, you are sometimes impossible to deal with, Violet," Ruby grumbled.

"Meh, I know you love me."

"That's true. You're something I've put up with for so long that I've gotten used to it." Ruby rolled her eyes.


"Pfft, not even your friends can handle you." Leona didn't miss the chance to tease Violet.

A vein snapped in Violet's head, "Shut up, bitch! You can't point the finger at me when you're the same!"

"What did you say, bitch!? How am I just like you!?"

"All senses heightened, and you can't perceive something so basic!? I'm ashamed that the werewolves have someone like You!"

"Grr, at least I'm not stuck in a mountain of paperwork like a slave! I'm free!"

Veins started popping even more in Violet's head. Talking about the devil's spawn is cowardice; not even she was that low!

The two looked at each other with hostile eyes until they broke their gaze as they said:

""Bitch! Let's settle this outside!""

""Just what I wanted! I've wanted to deal with you for a long time!""

""Stop fucking imitating me!""

""Fine! Let's fight!"" The two huffed simultaneously and stormed out of the room.

When the two left the room, Ruby looked at Victor with an accusing look, "Are you sure that Adonis didn't have kids with a werewolf or something?"

"…I have no recollection of it."

"But I can understand what you're pointing out. If it weren't for the different races, they would be practically twins."

"Twins is the understatement of the century. They are practically equal in temperament." Sasha spoke.

"...To be fair, my sister wasn't like that when she was younger," Edward said.

"That I can also confirm." Victor nodded.

"Hmm, aren't you two going to stop them?" Natalia asked.

"I wasn't feeling any negative emotions like hate or anything like that from the two; they're just angry, and there's a sense of rivalry. They won't go so far in the fight as to kill each other because they know that will make me sad. So it's best to let them work themselves out."

"That I can also confirm. I know my sister when she is angry, and believe me, she is not like that." Edward spoke.

"… Well, if you guys are okay with it."Natalia had nothing to say.

Victor looked at Nero and Ophis, who were practically intoxicated with his body odor.

"Daughters, you have to come down. I need to solve some problems."

"…Ugh." Both reacted at the same time.

"I don't want…" Ophis muttered.

Nero didn't say anything, but she shared Ophis's thoughts.

"… In that case, how about you guys accompany me for a while?" Victor knew the two wouldn't leave him alone for long, so he thought of just taking them with him.

Nero's and Ophis's eyes flashed blood red at the same time, and soon the two descended from Victor's body.


Victor looked with amusement at his two daughters, he really wanted to stroke their heads right now, but he was afraid that he would hurt them unintentionally, and that's something he wouldn't forgive himself for, so he held back.

"Oh, I forgot to say, when I visited Clan Adrastea last time, I asked an acquaintance of mine to make something for you, Nero."

"Kaguya, please."

"Yes, Master." Kaguya's voice echoed around, and soon shadows began to emerge from the ground, and a box appeared.

"My friend is part of Eleonor's fire squad, and she is a weapons expert."

"... That means..." Nero opened her eyes wide.

Victor just smiled, "Open the box; I hope you like the present."

Nero nodded, walked towards the black box, kneeled down, and opened the box, and what she saw left her with a few happy tears.

Two familiar Pure White twin Deagles were seen.

"...I thought they had been destroyed in the fight with the Youkai..."

"They were, but I got the broken parts and had someone redo them with monster materials... They aren't as strong as Valkyrie weapons, but it's enough for you right now."

'After I find better monster materials, I'll ask the old man to remake all of my family's personal weapons.' Victor thought to himself.

Victor knew he was taking advantage of Eleonor's goodwill, he had already made armor for his wives and his Maids, and now he was making weapons too. Although using materials from monsters he killed, making weapons of Clan Adrastea, and bringing them out was against the law, he knew he was putting Eleonor into a bad situation by making her break her Clan's laws.

But he couldn't help it. He wanted weapons and better stuff to protect his family.

Victor wasn't taking advantage without reward either. He told Eleonor countless times that if she wanted anything from him, he would do his utmost to grant that request. That was the pride of a Progenitor speaking since he felt a lot of gratitude to Eleonor for what she was doing.

And this gratitude was even greater because he knew that she was doing this out of sheer goodwill. She was not looking for benefits from him or anything like that.

After everything she's done, how can Victor not protect her? It goes against his code of conduct.

Eye for an eye. Tooth by tooth. Blood for blood.

She always treated him well and with goodwill, and Victor will do the same; Clan Adrastea had all of Victor's support, and he made sure Eleonor knew about it.

Nero was going through a lot of emotions right now, but the main one was love and gratitude, and she had to express them:

"… Thank you, Father."

"Umu, all for my little princess." Victor smiled gently.

Nero blushed a little when she heard him call her 'little princess', but she didn't dislike it.

"Present, Present..." Hearing strange sounds near him, he looked over at Ophis and saw the little girl's gaze that seemed to be piercing through his skull. He didn't need to be a genius at body language to understand what she wanted.

"I haven't forgotten about you, little princess, but… you're too young for the present I want to give you."

"Ugh…" Ophis just grumbled.

Victor just chuckled in amusement when he saw Ophis's expression.

"... See? A doting father." Ruby said with a warm smile while holding a 4k camera. She had been recording this whole scene for a long time for the future album she was working on.

"That's really worrying…" Sasha replied, just like Ruby, she was melting at the sight in front of her.

"Indeed." Ruby didn't deny it.

"At least you know your children will be loved no matter how many there are," Natalia murmured.

"… And that is precisely the problem, Natalia," Sasha answered.

The maid just kept silent; she could understand women's concerns.

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"Ugh, there's no use worrying about it now. Let's leave it to our future selves to sort out this problem." Ruby grumbled as she decided to stop thinking about it.

"... Father, I don't see the ammunition?"

"Oh, you don't need ammo, Daughter; just use your energy."

"... What?"

"Take the gun and aim for me."

"B-But, Father."

"Just trust me, I'm not so weak that I could take damage from it… In fact, I even doubt that anything below Scathach's level could harm me right now."

Everyone opened their eyes wide.

"…did you get that strong?" Edward asked.

"I didn't. My body just got really resilient." Victor replied as he sighed in relief when he felt the pain in his body starting to subside. This was proof that his body was getting used to the energy running through it.

'My regeneration must be insane now... I doubt I can die even if my head and heart explode.'

"According to Scathach, my body is as strong as the strongest alpha werewolves."

"... What? That is insane."

"Hmm" Victor just nodded as he spoke, "Anyway, Nero, do as I say."

"... Yes, Father."

Nero picked up a Deagle and pointed at Victor.

"Focus your energy as if you were trying to turn your hands into claws, but instead of focusing on your hands, think about transferring that energy to the Deagle."

"Mm." Nero did as she was told, and the process was pretty automatic. In a few moments, the Deagle's barrel seemed to glow slightly with blue energy.

"Pull the trigger."

Nero hesitated a bit, but seeing Victor's serious look, she just took a deep breath and pulled the trigger, and the result of that action made her eyes open wide.

A beam of energy shot out of the weapon and flew toward Victor.

Quite casually, Victor just raised his hand and squashed the energy beam like it was nothing.

"See? That is the power of the weapon." Victor smiled.

The people around him just shivered; not even Edward or Leona could do what Victor did now. It took an insane level of resilience to do it.

'Perhaps if I was in a partially transformed form, I could do that, but in base form? It's impossible,' Edward thought.


"Umu, but promise me that you will train your Martial arts also."

"... Huh?"

"Nero, you shouldn't rely completely on a weapon. What if you lose the weapon in a fight? Are you going to stand by and let the enemy kill you?"


Seeing his daughter's face, he continued with the same teacher's tone, "You have to know how to defend yourself, even if you don't have weapons. That's why I don't always use Junketsu, even if Kenjutsu is the martial art I am most proficient with."

"Take advantage of your traits. You have the potential to be a Close Combat master like me."

"Guns will just be one more option, okay?"

"... Okay, Father."

"Umu, that's my little princess." Victor smiled lovingly.

"F-Father." Nero became a blushing mess; she still wasn't used to that affectionate way of calling her.

"...Father..." Ophis grabbed Victor's pants and looked at him like a predator looking at its prey. She was quite jealous, and it was painfully obvious.

"..." Victor just smiled widely, gently crouched down, and very carefully kissed Ophis's forehead:

"Don't make that face, my princess. You are very important to me, just like your sister; you know that, right?"

"Mm..." Ophis smiled happily, but soon her face turned strange, "Sister?"

"Yeah, she's my daughter, and so are you, so she's your sister, right?"

"…Oh." Ophis looked at Nero, and her eyes glowed a little blood red.

"Sister." She nodded in satisfaction, "Big sister?"

A smile appeared on Nero's face:

"Of course, I will be your big sister!"

"Mm... Good."
