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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 72
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 75

Lake POV

I’m sitting behind my desk when I link Atticus to come to my office. Elder Bradford arrived a few

minutes ago and I told him about my plans for Jessica and Jason. “I support your decision, Lake, and I

can’t stress how proud I am of the man you have become.” “I mean no disrespect when I say this but it

needs to be said.” “Your father wasn’t always the most reasonable man or Alpha but despite him you

have become a better Alpha than he ever was.” “This pack is lucky to have a leader like you.” “Thank

you, Elder” I say before a knock sounds on the door. “Come in” I say and Atticus walks in. “Alpha the

prisoners are both secured and I will have a warrior outside the cells just in case.” I walk around the

desk till I’m standing in front of him. “I appreciate that but it isn’t why I asked you to come to my office.”

“Atticus I’m sorry for accusing you of being any part of what was done to me and my father.” “Alpha, I

appreciate your apology but you don’t need to” I cut him off. “Yes, I do.” “It doesn’t matter what my t!tle

is, if I’m wrong then I’m wrong.” “You have been nothing but loyal to this pack and my father and you

deserve this apology.” “Thank you, Alpha, I accept your apology.”

“Good but that’s not the only reason I called you here.” “What else can I do for you Alpha?” “You can

take your rightful place in this pack.” He looks at me confused. “Starting today you will be the Beta of

the Blood Rose Pack.” The shock on his face is priceless. “We can have a formal ceremony but the

Elder is going to perform the ritual now.” “I don’t need a ceremony, Alpha.” “I’m honored you would trust

me to be your second in command.” I reach out my hand and take his. “I’m honored to have you as my

Beta, Atticus.” “You do not need to call me Alpha unless we are in a formal setting from now on.” I can

tell that he doesn’t understand. “Atticus I am not my father.” “We will be running the pack together and

you don’t need to refer to me as Alpha all the time.” “Thank you, Lake” he says and I know in this

moment I made the right choice. “Elder will you do the honor of making Atticus the Beta he was always

meant to be.” “Absolutely” he says before he hands me the chalice and dagger. I cut my hand allowing

my blood to drip down into the chalice. I hand the cup to Elder Bradford. “Atticus Jones make your vow

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to the pack.” “I, Atticus Thomas Jones, vow to put the pack above myself.” “I vow to support the Alpha

in all things and do my best to be the Beta the Blood Rose Pack deserves.” Elder Bradford hands him

the cup and he drinks from it. A few seconds later, our connection is stronger than purely Alpha and

pack member. Our bond is greater as first and second in command than I could have imagined. I shake

his hand once more before we head to the cells to deal with murderous traitors.

We enter the cells and that ba**ard is lying on his cot with his eyes closed like he’s taking a nap.

Jessica is standing at the bars and as soon as she sees us, she starts to beg for mercy. I’m going to

deal with her a** first. I walk over to her cell and look into this evil woman’s eyes as I hand down her

punishment. “Jessica, you have been found guilty of crimes against the Alpha and former Alpha of this

pack.” “After discussion with the Elder and my Beta we have decided that you will banished from the

pack.” “You will be a rogue from this day forward and any pack that offers you asylum including your

brother’s will be charged by the Elders.” “You can’t do this.” “Jason is the one that tried to kill you and

your father.” “I had nothing to do with it.” “You are a lying b**ch” Jason says from his cell. “It was all

your idea you just didn’t have the guts to go through with it.” “That’s not true I loved your father” she

cries. “Your punishment is final and will be carried out now.” “Beta take her out of my sight and out fo

my territory.” Atticus opens the cell and drags a screaming Jessica up the stairs.

“What the fvck did you call him”, Jason yells at me while pointing at Atticus. I turn with a smile at this

fvcker who betrayed me. “I called him Beta because that is what he is to this pack.” “You, however, are

nothing to this pack.” “Just get it over with, you pathetic excuse for an Alpha and banish me.” “Then I

don’t have to listen to you talk anymore.” I smile “Jason Marcus Monroe for crimes against your Alpha

and former Alpha you have been found guilty and sentenced to death.” His eyes get big and he grabs

the bars. “You can’t kill me.” “You banished her and she helped me.” I smile “I know what I did and your

punishment stands.” “Don’t worry unlike you who are a coward I won’t poison you.” “I will however take

great pleasure in ripping you apart.” “Tomorrow morning my Beta will bring you to the pack yard and I

will carry out your sentence.” I don’t say another word and I head up the stairs out of the cells. When

we reach the living room, I tell Elder Bradford goodnight before I head outside. “I’m proud to be your

wolf, Lake”, Razor says. “You are a true Alpha.” “Thank you, Razor.” “I really need a run are you up for

it.” “Absolutely, lets go.” I str!p and shift. We take off and I try to push the events of today out of my

mind for a few minutes and just feel the wind rush past our fur. Tomorrow I will deal with that ba**ard

and then Belinda, but for now I just focus on Razor as his paws hit the ground and we are one.

Gabriella POV

After we reach my office, Monica takes a seat. “Gabby, can I say something before we talk about Bret’s

punishment?” “Of course, you can.” “I’m sorry for the way I treated you.” “Even before Bret was in the

picture, I had an issue with the fact that your human and in charge of wolves.” “I just didn’t think that a

human should be running a wolf pack.” “I understand” I start to say but she interrupts me. “I was wrong

Gabby.” “I’m not saying that just because you respected the bond made by the moon goddess for me.”

“I’m saying that because I’ve seen you be a strong leader and care about our kind despite not being a

wolf.” She bares her neck to me. “Thank you, Monica, that means a lot to me.” “I will always do my best

to be the Alpha that Scarlett Howl pack deserves.” “Ok let’s talk about what you think is fair punishment

for Bret.”

After we talk for about twenty minutes, we agree on his punishment. Now I just need to get my father

on board since I am acting and don’t have the actual t!tle. I know my father and he is going to want to

kill Bret but he needs to respect my decision. I just hope he listens and doesn’t lose his cool. Monica

and I walk to my father’s private office on the Alpha floor. I knock “come in Gabby” he says from the

other side. I love that he always knows it’s me. I open it and walk in with Monica behind me. My father’s

smile falls when he sees her and he is in Alpha mode. “Dad, Monica and I need to speak with you.”

Now he just looks confused. “Dad, we have a situation that we would like to deal with but we wanted to

talk with you first.” His eyes flash black and I know Brutus is at the surface. “Brutus calm down I’m fine.”

My father smiles “tell me what’s going on Gabby.” “Bret tried to trick me into believing I was his mate.”

The smile is completely gone and my father stands. “Dad, please listen and respect me as an equal.” “I

didn’t come to you so you could act like my father.” He stops and turns to me. “If you expect me to be

Alpha of this pack you have to trust me to deal with these types of situations.” He takes a few deep

breaths before he sits back in his chair.

“I’m sorry Gabby please tell me what happened and what you would like to do about it.” I explain

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everything Bret did and how I found out he was lying. “You are smart, my daughter.” He looks to

Monica “I’m sorry he did that to you Monica.” “A mate should be grateful for the gift given to them by

the goddess.” “Can I ask what you plan to do about your bond.” After Monica tells my father he smiles.

“I respect that.” “I agree completely with your plan for his punishment.” “The only thing that I ask is the

punishment must be given in the pack yard with the pack present.” “Ok dad, we can do that.” I watch

my father link the pack before we all head downstairs. My mother, Serina, and the boys are waiting.

Bret comes out of the pack house and heads in my direction. He never lifts his eyes to look at my father

or me. He glances at Monica but drops his gaze immediately. I turn to the pack.

“I have asked Alpha Archer to call you all here today because Bret has committed a crime not only

against the pack but against his mate.” The audible gasps are heard throughout the crowd. “Bret

attempted to make me believe that I was his mate.” “Not only did he try to deceive me but he was

denying his true mate.” Bret stays quiet. I turn toward him “Bret, for your deceit, you may not shift for a

month.” “Gabby, I just got my wolf that could make us both sick.” “You will only address me as Alpha

and you should have thought about that before you tried to deceive me.” “Monica” I say before I step

aside. Bret picks up his head to look her in her face with hope in his eyes. “I, Monica Lee Conklin,

reject you Bret Liam Hosler as my mate.” My father steps next to her and this time he gives Alpha

command. “Accept what you have done and her rejection now.” “I, Bret Liam Hosler, accept the

rejection by Monica Lee Conklin breaking our mate bond.” I look to the pack. “You are all dismissed” I

say to the pack then to Bret. My father k!sses my forehead before he joins my mother who is smiling at

me. She mouths the words, “I’m proud of you” and I smile back at her. Monica starts to walk toward

Leslie and Macey. “Girls, why don’t you join me, Nicholas, and Serina for a movie marathon in the

theater room.” They walk back toward me. “We would love to” Monica says and we walk to the pack


Belinda POV

“It’s not working auntie.” “He acted like he was accepting me at first, but now he keeps pushing me

away.” “Did you try the potion” Esmerelda says. “No, Megan said only to use that if he was taking the

watch off, but he hasn’t.” “I will call Megan but you need to try to be around him as much as possible.”

“Just call her, I need him to mark me before he finds his fated mate.” “Calm down Belinda, it’s not like

there are she-wolves coming to your pack that he has never met.” “I will call you as soon as I speak to

Megan.” “Thank you, auntie.” “You’re welcome, baby girl.”