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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 181
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 184

37 New Mate

Jade POV

I’m sitting in the hospital room with William. It took a lot of convincing to get Luca to go take a shower

and sleep in our bed for a few hours. He also promised me he would eat something after he woke up.

It’s been two days since the attempted kidnapping. I told him I would sit here in case William woke up.

Luna is staying with Esme while I’m here. The doctor told us that William’s dragon is trying to heal from

the poison but he will wake up when he is ready. Victor is doing much better and he is almost

completely healed. A cough gets my attention and I rush over to the side of William’s bed. I see panic

in his eyes until they meet mine. He relaxes but coughs again. I grab the water from his bedside table

and help him take a sip. After he takes a few sips, I set the cup back down on the table. “Where are

those two ba**ards” he manages to ask. Even though he doesn’t say their names, I know exactly who

he is talking about. “They are both dead, Luca made sure of that. They didn’t even make it to the

dungeon to join those other two evil a**es.” He smiles and rests his head back on the pillow. “Jade, I’m

sorry for the way I treated you.” “William” I start to say and he cuts me off. “Please let me finish.” I nod

and he takes a deep breath. “I’m glad that Luca will have his fated mate. You are an amazing woman

and I can see how much you love my granddaughter and my son. I hope in time that you and I can be

friends.” I chuckle “William, you are my father-in-law. That makes you my family too. I forgave you after

our discussion in your office.” He smiles and I lean down, wrapping him in a hug.

Someone clears their throat behind me and I turn to see Esme smiling at us. She is holding my

beautiful pup. “I’m sorry to interrupt you but I could tell she wanted her mommy.” Hearing Esme call me

that is amazing. I know I am in my heart, but it’s different to hear it out loud. Esme hugs me before she

hands me Luna. Zelda purrs in my mind when she wraps her arms around my neck and squeezes me.

William reaches up and rubs his hand on her leg. “She looks so much like Luca did when he was a

baby. I wish I didn’t miss so much time with him because of how hurt I was by his mother. He shouldn’t

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have had to pain for her sins.” I place my hand on his and I can see unshed tears in his eyes. “It is

never too late to make things right, William. Luca is a good man with a big heart. He loves you and he

will forgive the past, it just may take some time.” He nods at me and I squeeze his hand. He reaches

for Luna and I place her in his arms. “Are you going to be Queen someday little one” William says. I

turn to the sound of footsteps and Esme is gone, but Luca is standing there smiling at his father and

Luna. He walks over and wraps his arm around me. “She will be Queen just like her mothers” he says,

and kisses my forehead. We spend more time with William before I leave so they can talk alone.

Once I reach our room, I lay Luna down in her crib before I crawl onto our bed. I close my eyes thinking

about everything that has happened. I didn’t realize how tired I was until I feel soft lips on mine. The

tingles let me know that it’s Luca. “I hate to wake you love, but I was hoping that you would join me in

my office. Victor has been released and I want us to speak with him and Felix.” I wrap my arms around

his neck and pull his lips to mine. He melts into me and my body is craving him. “Hello, we are in the

room”, Brooklyn says. I didn’t realize that Brooklyn and Sherman were in the room with us because I

was so focused on Luca. He chuckles against my lips. He pulls back and takes me with him, setting me

on my feet. “I don’t want to hear it, Brooklyn. I’ve seen you with your mate.” She rolls her eyes and I

laugh. “We won’t be gone long”, Luca says, and leads me to the office. Once we are inside, I notice he

has two chairs now sitting behind his desk. There is also a new desk sitting next to his. I look at him

confused. He wraps his arms around me. “My Queen needs to have a proper desk for her work and I

want you close. I hope that’s alright with you.” I smile “of course it is.”

Luca POV

I was so happy to see my father awake. Hearing him tell my daughter she will be queen someday

makes my heart squeeze in my chest. He has become so different since Jade arrived. After Jade

leaves, I take seat next to the bed. I don’t even want to tell him that Madelena showed up at the castle

gate but there has been enough secrets between us. “What’s wrong Luca?” I take a deep breath. “One

of the guards linked me yesterday while I was sitting in your room waiting for you to wake up that

Madelena was at the gate asking to see me.” His eyes darken before they turn back to their normal

blue color. “What did she want Luca?” “She told the guard she wanted to see her son.” I notice him ball

the blankets in his fists. I place my hand on top of his. “I told him to tell her I have no mother.” The

minute the words leave my mouth he relaxes. “Luca, I promise you that she is nothing like your mate.

She will hurt you because she only cares about what she wants. You are a grown man and can make

your own decisions, but I hope you know that what I’m saying isn’t about what happened between me

and your mother. I don’t want to see you let her in to only end up regretting it.” I smile “you don’t have

worry about protecting me. You made me strong and I only have one parent. She was never a mother

and that will not change now. I am sure she has a self-serving motive.” I spend a little more time with

my father before I head back to our room.

The nurse informed me that Victor had been released from the infirmary earlier today. I meant what I

said about being indebted to him for what he did for my father. I open the door and my beautiful queen

is sleeping peacefully on our bed. Luna is sleeping in her crib. I link Sherman and Brooklyn to come to

our room because I want Jade with me when I speak to the rogue wolves. I haven’t spoken to her

about what I plan to do, but I know she will be onboard with my plans. Once we are in our office, I love

the shock on her face when I tell her about the new desk that is next to mine. I want her and Luna as

close to me as possible. Sebastian and I need her like we need the air we breathe. The bond between

us is so strong. A knock sounds and the door opens. Victor and Felix step inside and bear their necks

to Jade and I. “Please take a seat gentlemen.” I notice that Victor keeps looking at Jade and I try to

keep Sebastian in check. “Victor, are you alright?” “I apologize my king. I know that this is going to

sound strange but I can scent my mate on the queen.” I growl low and Jade lays her hand on my

forearm. “I am yours and only yours.” Her words calm both myself and my dragon. I look at Jade and

she is smiling. I notice her linking and I’m more confused. “You will understand what is happening in a

minute” she says through our link. A few seconds later, the door to my office opens and Esme steps

inside. “Mate” is said in unison by both Esme and Victor. I smile at the goddess’s match-making.

Victor POV

I left the hospital and as soon as I reached the cottage, my father pulls me into his arms. “You scared

the hell out of me. I thought I was going to lose you.” “I’m fine dad. I had to try and stop them. I couldn’t

just let them take him.” He pulls back and I see pride in his eyes. “I’m so proud of you Victor.” “Thank

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you, dad.” We are sitting at the table when I get a link from King Luca. “The king wants us to come to

his office.” “I’m sure he just wants to thank you again. He is a good man and I know how much he

appreciates what you did for William.” Lyle is puffing his chest out with pride and I chuckle. We reach

the office and knock. “Come in Victor”, King Luca says through the mind link. Once we are inside, I

catch the faintest scent of strawberries and Lyle is going crazy. I can scent it is coming from the Queen.

I know she is not my mate but the scent is definitely my mates. I drop my gaze when the king notices

me staring at his mate. His growl makes Lyle stand stalk still. The queen offers him reassurance that

she is his and I feel him pull his aura back, which I’m grateful for. The door to the office opens again but

I don’t dare pick up my head to look. The scent of strawberries is stronger now and Lyle growls loudly

in my mind. “Mate” he says, and I turn to see the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. “Mate” I say

at the same time as she does. She jumps at me and I catch her in my arms, burying my head in her


“I’m sure you would like to go spend some time with your new mate, Victor, so I will make this quick.” I

pull back but I don’t release her. I give my attention back to the king while keeping my arm around my

mate. “Victor, this is my cousin Esme. She has been waiting for you for a very long time. I can’t believe

you two have never met.” “I only ever met Felix and his daughter”, Esme says. “From this day forward

all the wolves in your collective will be part of the kingdom. You will no longer be rogues. The south

wing will be refurbished as a pack house for the wolves. The wolves are welcome to work in the

kingdom in any capacity they choose. Victor, now that you are mated to Esme, you will be moving into

our wing. I would like you to serve as a private guard for my queen.” I can’t have heard him correctly.

I’m not a dragon. “I am not a dragon either, but we are both loyal and strong. I would be honored to

have you as my private guard” the queen says. “I accept my queen. It would be my honor.” She smiles

“Victor, unless we are in a formal setting you may call me Jade.” I nod at her and pull Esme closer to

me. “I can’t thank you both enough for all you are doing for the wolves.” “It should have happened long

ago. Thank you for your bravery and loyalty. Now, please take my cousin out of my office because she

looks like she is about to eat you for lunch.” We all burst out laughing. I don’t wait for anymore to be

said. Lyle and I need to be with Esme. I bend throwing her over my shoulder. She squeals and I

chuckle. “Point me in the right direction mate. You are mine and I plan to show you just that.” I can

smell her arousal at my words and I can’t wait to be buried deep inside her body. When we reach the

room, I say a quick prayer of thanks to the goddess before I step inside.