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Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted by Eleven Jewell

Chapter 218
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Chapter 218

Stella was a little surprised.

‘Why is dad calling me?’ Stella wondered. ‘Don’t tell me he regrets giving me that bracelet the night


In Stella’s perception, Albert was very stingy.

Rainee said that he was probably afraid of being poor because he grew up in poverty. Even after he had

the money, he was still stingy with it. His stinginess was not just toward Rainee and Stella but also


Rainee, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. She liked to spend money when she made it.

Maybe it was because they had different values. They would argue about money all the time.

Albert would criticize Rainee for spending money without restraint. Rainee would perceive that Albert’s

mindset was too narrow and that he was too concerned with making or losing money. When they met big

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clients, he would not even buy a suit that cost over ten grand and would not book a decent hotel. He was

afraid of losing money if the deal fell through.

But, to say that Albert was penny-pinching was not entirely accurate. At least when it came to his own

relatives, he was pretty generous.

Albert was the first person from his hometown to attend college and make it big in the city. So, he was

quite famous back home.

When news of his successful company got out, all sorts of distant relatives started coming out of the

woodwork and connected with him.


Albert cared about his reputation. Whenever someone asked for a favor, he would everything he could.

Hence, many of his relatives from his hometown were working for his company.

Although Stella’s grandparents had passed away early and she seldom saw them, she had a strong

impression of her uncles and aunts, who had taken advantage of Albert’s status to act arrogantly in the


He did not mind supporting these people who were not contributing to the company, but he would

complain for a long time when Rainee bought a purse.

And now that Stella had grown up, she realized that apart from her dowry during her marriage, the most

expensive gift Albert had ever given her was the piano in their home. And, even that was bought

reluctantly only after Rainee’s insistence.

Rainee used to say that Albert was accustomed to hardships and did not like to waste money, and Stella

shared the same belief.

However, ever since Rainee went into a coma, Albert’s actions made Stella realize that he was not just

stingy but heartless. Whether it was for reputation or profit, he would only spend money when it was

advantageous to him. Once someone had lost their value, he would show no mercy in kicking them out.

So, when Stella made him give her the bracelet, she had no guilt whatsoever and even felt that it was too


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Looking at the blinking name on the caller ID, Stella thought for a moment. Then, she answered the call.


“Stella, how are you feeling today?” Albert’s voice was unusually gentle.

Stella’s forehead twitched.

Albert rarely spoke to her with such kindness. He usually only did so when he needed something.

“I’m feeling better,” she replied calmly.

“I heard about your food poisoning How’s your appetite lately? I had our cook make some pelmeni. I

remember you used to love them. I can have someone deliver them to you later. Stella thought, ‘That

was like a few years ago when I said I wanted to eat pelmeni. He must have gone to great lengths to

recall that, so he could use it as an excuse.”

“Thanks, dad. But, you don’t need to go through all that trouble. We have a housemaid who can make

them for me if I want it.”