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Mr. Huo's Expensive Cute Wife

Chapter 573
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Jingli and Hong Mingxu came together in a tourist bus rented by the company. There were about a dozen people coming together, from leaders to grassroots. action

The place for the night stay is B & B. just because the company's male and female employees are out of proportion and the conditions are limited, the person in charge has arranged Jing Li and a young girl in a room. Hong Mingxu is in a room with a boy.

It's still cold in Nancheng mountain village in early July. You need to wear a thick coat in the morning and evening.

Mountains one by one, the mountains are full of green plants, standing on the hillside, looking out, you can see the clouds.

The scenery here is really beautiful and the air is fresh.

In the early morning, the girl who was sleeping in the same room with Jingli got up from the bed. Because the room was too humid, Jing Li, who had not slept well for one night, woke up the moment the girl sat up from the bed.

The following time, along with the girl's washing up, Jingli couldn't sleep completely, so she had to wake up and wash.

When they went downstairs for breakfast, it was seven o'clock in the morning. Many colleagues had already got up to eat.

Hong Mingxu and a male colleague were sitting on a table. Seeing Jing Li come down, he quickly waved to her, "here it is!"

Jingli walks over. Hong Mingxu has already brought her breakfast. One person, two eggs, two butterflies, pickled vegetables, two fried dough sticks and millet porridge.

The male colleague opposite Hong Mingxu took a look at Jingli and enviously looked at Hong Mingxu. "What kind of luck did you have? You found such a good-looking girl friend?"

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This colleague was busy last night and didn't come with us. Later, he came here by himself, so this is the first time to see Jingli.

Hong Mingxu looked at the smiling Jingli with a smile and said with pride, "it's not a girlfriend, it's a fiancee!"

The male colleague reaches out his thumb to Hong Mingxu, and then tells Jingli, "Laohong is a good man. Although he is older than you, he is very good at taking care of people."

Jing Li took a sip of millet porridge and nodded with a smile, "I know, thank you."

Since they were engaged to Hong Mingxu, they spent the longest time together from Yuecheng the day before yesterday to today's Nancheng mountain village.

She will settle down in Yuecheng, and Hong Mingxu may stay with her for a longer time.

After staying in England for a long time, he suddenly returned home to eat pickles and millet porridge. Jingli was still a little unaccustomed.

Breakfast did not eat too much, put down the chopsticks.

Hong Mingxu has been chatting with his male colleagues about his work, but he doesn't notice that Jingli doesn't move his breakfast very much.

Afraid that he would be hungry on the way, Jingli hesitated for a moment, but he put the eggs he didn't want to eat in a plastic bag and put them in his backpack.

Busy cleaning up the leftovers of the old woman looked up at the sky, kindly reminded a group of people walking outside the yard, "you take your umbrella, afraid it will rain."

The male colleague sitting opposite Hong Mingxu shook his mobile phone in his hand, "I just read the weather forecast. There is no rain today, so it's cumbersome to take an umbrella with me!"

Jing Li doesn't have an umbrella in her bag. She glances at her male colleagues and her grandmother. She chooses to believe the latter. She turns around and follows Hong Mingxu, who is walking outside. She says, "I'll go up and get an umbrella. I've got one."

Hong Mingxu frowned and didn't object, "I'll wait for you. You'll hurry up."

Jingli ran back upstairs in a hurry, opened the trunk and took out the umbrella prepared in advance.

When I went out, I heard the old lady looking at the sky and murmured, "how do you feel so wrong, baby? Is it going to rain?"

The child in her mouth is her son, who is busy adding firewood and cooking in the kitchen. They have guests at the table. They are too busy to pay attention to the grandmother's words and continue to add firewood to the bottom of the pot.

Jingli also heard the old lady's words, and after seeing Hong Mingxu, he hesitated and said, "grandma said that there might be a rainstorm later. This is a mountainous area, or we..."

If they don't leave, they will really fall behind. Hong Mingxu pulls her to keep up with the team. "Aren't you carrying an umbrella? If it rains heavily, we'll find a shelter. "

“…… All right

More than a dozen people walked along the path to the mountain. After walking for dozens of minutes, they saw a clear stream. The water was very clear, and you could see the fish swimming in it.

As we walked and played, the sun soon rose, and Hong Mingxu's male colleague was proud. "I'll tell you, the weather forecast didn't predict rain today. I think that old woman is old and confused."

Jingli said with a smile, "some weather forecasts are not accurate. Grandma has been in the mountains for a long time. If you look at the sky, you can know what the weather is today. We should pay attention to it."

Male colleagues looked at her, heart sneer, women are really long hair, short sense.

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The fight came very quickly. Within an hour, a large cloud came from the sky. The cloud was thick and the wind began to blow.

Everyone looked up and yelled in their hearts.

Jingli takes out his umbrella from his backpack and is ready to open it at any time.

Finally, it rained. The raindrops came quickly and fiercely. None of the men had umbrellas. The women and Jingli had three or four umbrellas.There is no suitable place for people to find shelter from the rain. Hong Mingxu holds Jingli's shoulder in one hand and holds an umbrella for two people in the other.

Jingli is unaccustomed to move for a moment, and finally let Hong Mingxu take her and walk forward quickly.

Everyone underestimated the rain. At first, they thought it was just a rainstorm at most. Unexpectedly, after a rainstorm for a while, a mountain torrent suddenly started.

With the passage of time, the mountain torrents did not become smaller, but more violent. When they came down from high places, they devoured everything in the mountains mercilessly.

Realizing the seriousness, everyone panicked and screamed, and they had yet to find a shelter from the rain, not to mention the mountain torrents.

There are not only a group of them in the mountains, but also other tourists, about dozens of people.

A group of soldiers have been stationed near Nancheng mountain village to protect the safety of the villagers in the surrounding villages. The mountain torrent came suddenly and unexpectedly. There were not enough people stationed at all, so we had to ask the superior for support.

Two hours later, the mountain torrents still showed no sign of stopping, and they became more hideous.

The surrounding villagers were moved by soldiers at the first time, but their homes were not so lucky. The mountain torrents flooded all the first floor houses, and countless livestock were drowned.

There are tourists on the mountain. Hundreds of people who have just entered the scenic area have been successfully alienated. The group of people who entered the scenic area early have not been found yet. All of them are in separate rescue.

The rainstorm is getting heavier and heavier, and the rescue work is also very difficult.

Jingli and Hong Mingxu have already been dispersed. The umbrella she was holding was also disappeared on the other side of the mountain when the flood came.

When it comes to floods, people who can swim may not be able to help themselves. What's more, Jingli, a land duck, has to fight his life to go to a high-lying place in the heavy rain.