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Monster Integration

Chapter 3806 Destination
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"Everyone for Veraz," said the man, and the gate toward teleportation opened.

I walked toward it and scanned my token to the gate, before entering inside toward the teleportation gate.

There are thirty-six teleportation gates and more than half of them serve veraz. It is my destination. Once I pass through the gate; I will be in a Veraz.

From there, I will start my journey toward aonsil.

I am just a minute away from reaching there and I hope nothing bad will happen. Nothing will; there is heavy security, and even cultists would think a hundred times, before messing with the city like jasiu.

"I heard they have captured Yran Haniv," said the man in front of me. Looking at one of the huge wanted posters being projected in the plaza. "It is hard to believe, that he was a member of sand raiders," said the man in front of me.

Hearing that, a smile couldn't help, but appear on my face.

It had been eight days since had left the cultist facility. The bastard might have kidnapped me, but they had broughtclose to my destination. That even after spending more than a week there, I would be reaching my destination quickly.

The cultists had paid the prize and also the ones who sold us to them.

I had faces and auras of all the sand raiders and I had spread, along with the other captives.

Organizations have tried to conceal that, since many of the raiders belonged to them, but it is hard to conceal the information. When I blast thousands of crystals across multiple cities.

Still, many had escaped.

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Alkaz and other organizations are hunting them in a fury. In just a week, five have already been captured, and more will be in the coming weeks and months.

Their posters are everywhere and also of the other people. The investigation began and names of many people belonging to powerful organizations had cout.

I hope those bastards suffer the most painful punishment there is.

The line in front ofmoved forward and I moved with it. Every second, a person would step inside the huge teleportation gate.

It is the second longest-range stable teleportation gate, I had used. Third, if I count the one which had broughtto this world.

The Tor's disc is the longest. It covers a third of the continent. There are a few organizations here that have those capabilities, but I didn't even try to ask for them.

Such facilities are forbidden to outsiders. Even Tor didn't let non-members use them unless they were very special or had powerful backing.

I think I have a little of both, but I am unwilling to reveal it. If I had, I might already be on the ship or in the dungeon of sorganization being experimented.

The long route had been full of risk and many times, I had nearly died, but I was finally, near my destination.

One more teleportation gate and I will be there.

Soon, less than ten people remained betweenand the gate. For which I had paid so much. Long-range teleportation gates are expensive; it is especially expensive when you need to leave within a day.

It would have been cheaper than I had paid if I could wait for a few days or a week, but I had not been willing to.

I want to reach my destination as soon as possible and am even willing to pay triple for it.

Finally, the person in front ofstepped into the gate, and it was my turn. I didn't hesitate and stepped into it as fast as possible my physical limit allowed me. I want nothing to stop me.

I entered the tunnel and froze; I remained frozen for several seconds, till I reached the end of it and entered the real world again.

Immediately, I felt the powerful senses around me. Including that of the prime, but I didn't care. I felt mesmerized by the most beautiful city I had ever seen, and it was big.

"Welcto Veraz," said the guard, and pushedahead with her energy.

She seemed to have seen the reaction enough to react swiftly.

I don't usually behave like this, even when shocked, I could react, but the city is too beautiful.

I think they didn't call Veraz one of the western pearls for nothing.

Veraz is a desert city, but it is massive, with a pras its head. Usually, the prime, doesn't take charge of cities, but this city requires it; it is a continental business hub, from where intercontinental ships set the voyage.

I looked around, feeling enamored. The city is beautiful with colorful buildings looking wonderful in the radiant sun. There are people belonging to all races and stages, going around their business.

It is amazing.

I looked around for quite a few minutes before I opened the map, which I had already brought, and walked toward the teleportation gate.

I want to look around the city, but there is one thing, I have to do first. Book the voyage to home.

After a few minutes and three teleportation gates, I appeared in front of the huge building. It is a large palace and a beautiful garden around it. It is not someone's home, but an office of the travel agency.

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I entered inside and followed the directions. Soon, I stepped into the luxurious hall.

There are tens of counters with executives sitting. Nearly everyone was occupied, but I found one that was not and quickly moved toward it.

"Welcome, Oti's travel. How can I help you?" asked the beautiful stone-skinned woman with glittering crystal hair.

"I need to book the voyage to the aonsil continent," I said, and the woman smiled. "Of course, we have multiple options for that," she said, and the list appeared in front of me.

I didn't even glance at it. I know what I want.

"I want to buy a ticket for your prgrade ship," I said, and the smile on her face beceven bigger. "Certainly, sir," she replied.

"As you might, there is only one oti's prsail to the aonsil continent once a year. It is our best ships and its tickets get sold out very quickly." She gave the usual sales pitch about the demand.

"Givethe options," I said.

There is always a place, and you can get it, as long as you are willing to pay the price. I am willing to pay the price.

"There are twenty-four options. From bunk halls to our grand darmon suits. The bunk hall…" she began to explain, and I listened.

Each one of the options is expensive. Normal Earth Sovereigns would use all their fortune to book the ticket to the bunk hall, which twelve people will share.

It may be called a hall, but it is not. It is a room, with stacks of beds.

"I will take a suit," I said after hearing all the options. Which pleased her even more; It certainly would; it is not cheap.

"This is a paying list," he said and handedthe crystal.

The first three places could be booked with crystal, but the six above could not. One needs to pay them with specific resources.

Thankfully, the paying list is massive without hundreds of thousands of resources on it. I could pay them with any of those resources and I have many of those resources, they need.

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