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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 275
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Chapter 275

Nathan quickly frowned and looked away.

George's voice was loud. “The main purpose of today’s banquet is not just to celebrate my old age, it’s to

introduce my granddaughter, Audrey Lambert, to everyone.

“I won't ramble on about Audrey's excellence here. She had been overseas until recently, working hard to make

a nfor herself. Now, it's tfor her to cback and join Ryan in taking over the family business.”

Yes, Audrey Lambert.

George had already moved Audrey's household registration to the Lambert family and changed her last nto


The board directors and the elders from other families below the stage applauded with


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It was evident that George was genuinely pleased. “I'm also thrilled that my daughter has such a kind and

intelligent stepdaughter like Audrey. Even if | kick the bucket in the future, | won't have to worry about Wanda!

“Of course, my granddaughter, Audrey is exceptional on her own! I'm delighted to introduce my granddaughter

to everyone on this auspicious day. | hope that in the future, my old friends will take good care of her. Audrey,


Carol saw Audrey gracefully lifting the hem of her dress, smiling as she stood up from the main table and walked

toward the stage.

Carol's expression turned extremely unpleasant.

How did Audrey becGeorge's granddaughter?

Did this imply that Audrey would also have the qualifications to inherit the Lambert family?

Carol grabbed Nathan's hand tightly, her heart pounding wildly.

Even if half the assets went to Ryan, the adopted son, the other half still belonged to George's biological

daughter, Wanda.

Plus, George may even favor his weak and sickly daughter. Wanda had no children, so the property would

ultimately belong to Audrey in the future.

In this case, Audrey wouldn't just be a village girl from Sayeno Town.

Chapter 275

The Lambert family was different from the Franklin family.

The Lambert family has always been wealthy since generations prior, even without their successful businesses.

If the wealth accumulated by the Lambert family’s ancestors was handed down to Audrey, it could support the

Franklin Group a hundred times over.

Carol then turned to look at Ryan sitting in the main seat, smiling and applauding.

Ryan was beyond capable. He not only becan adopted son of the Lambert family but also arranged for his

relative to enter the Lambert family to control the other half of their wealth.

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When Nathan felt his mother’s grip on his hand, he knew exactly what she meant. With a disgusted expression,

he pulled his hand back and downed his drink in one gulp.

He genuinely wished for Audrey’s well-being.

Audrey was so outstanding; it was fortunate for the Lambert family to have a granddaughter

like her.

Moreover, Audrey was so loyal and devoted to her family. She would definitely take good. care of Wanda.

Audrey held the microphone, her voice clear and pleasant, like a refreshing breeze. “Hello, everyone. Thank you

for taking tout of your busy schedules to attend my Grandpa's birthday banquet.”

Audrey took the stage and stood beside George. She was dressed in a fishtail gown with her long hair cascading

down, revealing her slender neck and fair arms.

There was no trace of the scars she once had.

Audrey's smile was radiant, shining even brighter than when she previously accepted.

Jassling anough to moura nannla’s hearts