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Married My Ex's Alpha Uncle by Aurora Starling

Chapter 38
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Silver's POV I didn't know I could feel as bad as I did just now. My heart ached so much I thought it was going to explode from my chest. I stood at the doorway, staring at it with my mouth hanging open and tears in my eyes. I stood there until my legs could hardly holdup any longer. I leaned against the wall, trying desperately not to fall over. Their voice grew quiet and difficult to hear.

What were they saying that required such hushed voices? A part ofwanted to barge right into his office and find out.

But another part of me, the rational part, kept remindingthat I had no right to be upset. Elliot made it perfectly clear that this was a marriage of convenience. It was a contract and nothing more. I shouldn't have been surprised that it would turn out like this.

Shirley was beautiful and obviously, Elliot was very fond of her.

"Mrs. Crown. Why are you standing outside of the Alpha's office?" A voice behindbroughtout of my stooper.

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I turned to see Beta Leo approaching. I realized how ridiculous I looked and the voices inside the office stopped immediately upon hearing Beta Leo.

"Oh, uh. I was just leaving," I told him, and I quickly hurried around him.

"Did you need the Alpha for something?" I paused for a moment, feeling heat prick the back of my neck as Leo stared at me. But I wouldn't dare turn around and face him.

"No," I said, my voice coming out breathy. "I don't need him at all." With those words left in the air, I returned to the dining hall, trying desperately to forget about what I had heard. Cara and Erik were eating at one of the tables along with a couple of other girls. They all turned to look atwhen I approached, and Cara gavea big grin.

"Hey, want to join us?" She asked, glancing at her friends. "Have you met the Luna?" One of the girls with dark straight hair and glasses peeked up atand gavea timid look.

"H...hello..." she stammered.

"This is Emma," Cara introduced. "She's the shy one and quiet but she's very witty. She's been my best friend for as long as I can remember." "It's nice to meet you," I said, forcing a smile despite the amount of pain I felt deep in my chest.

The other girl with flawless red hair and bright green eyes gavea curious look, but she didn't smile or say anything.

"And this is Alison. My other best friend," Cara said. "She's the one who keeps us in line." "You're Silver right?" She asked, staring atfrom head to toe. "That's an interesting name." "My mother named me," I blurted.

"I see," she said, turning back around to continue eating her food.

"Ally stop being a bitch," Cara said, rolling her eyes before looking at me. "Don't mind her." "It's okay," I said, trying to remain positive.

I glanced at Erik who was busy eating his food but froze when he met my eyes.

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"Can you takeback to the palace?" I asked him, trying hard not to show him my emotions.

"Yes, of course, Luna," he said as he took his last bite.

"Is everything okay?" Cara asked, watchingcarefully. "You seem upset." "I'm fine," I lied. "I'm just not feeling well."

None of them looked as if they bought it, but they didn't say anything because they hardly knew me. It wasn't any of their business and they all knew it. Erik escortedto his car, and we drove back to the palace in silence. I thanked him before getting out of the car.

As soon as I got inside, I wrapped my arms around my body like I was trying to hold myself together.

Luckily, none of the palace staff Were е around to seecrumble. My legs were weak and I could hardly hold myself up. I rushed down the hallway that led to my stuand once I was securely inside, I allowed myself a moment of weakness. I fell to the ground just as the tears started.

I pressed my knees to my chest and buried my face in my lap. I hated that I was crumbling over a guy, but he was my husband after all: Fhad every right to be upset over what I had just heard. He was telling another woman that he couldn't divorceyet because he needed me. I was stupid to believe that he was actually starting to care about me. X