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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 323: Not Just Empty Threats
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Kalash was given audience with the Frozen Thorns leader Yeti next. Along with dignity at that , seemingly Olympic medailts were given a lot of respect around the playerbase , and since Kalash was one such medal winner , he was almost a mini celebrity.

What would seem as a rude personality now came across as a unique trait that noone seemed to mind.

Yeti said " Soo I hear that Shakuni sends a message for me .... Are you guys also here to mine the crystals to make a teleportation array? ".

Fatty Kalash " Ayyyy , we are here for the crystals , but laddie we ain't here to mine , we pirates are here to loot , more precisely loot you ! The leader sends a message that you land dwellers give up 80% of the loot and vacate thy pirate ships , it is our ship now ! Muahahahahahaha ".

Yeti "....."

The others "....."

Yeti " what pirate ship? What land dwellers? , What give 80% of the loot? ".

Fatty kicks his chair where he was seated and puts a foot on Yeti's table as he leans in. The Frozen Thorn members draw their swords , as Fatty says to Yeti eye to eye " *burp*".

Frozen Thorn members "....."

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Yeti " Ohh it stinks ".

Fatty Kalash " Muahahahahahaha , serves you soft pony land dweller right , come to the sea and a goldfish will scare your soft bum , hahahahaha ".

Yeti sighed , it seemed as if he needed to personally make the trip to meet Shakuni , talking to this drunk pirate made no sense. Soo playing ball he said " Alright , tell thy captain, that myself come to his presence to talk! Eh? ".

Fatty Kalash went ballistic " are you trying to impersonate me ? Eh you twat ? Is this funny? Is this how you land dwellers make fun of us seaboys ? , Making fun of our accent? Did I make fun of your British accent? Did I ask you to give me a bowwle of water? You idiotic twat ".

Yeti facepalmed , he was from Nepal not at all British. As he said " I apologise good sir , let me off the hook for my mistake ".

Fatty Kalash " A smart lad , a good lad , come drink with me , Muahahahahahaha ".

Hence over the next 5 minutes Yeti entertained Kalash before Kalash took his leave to visit the next camp.

A member from Frozen Thorns asked Yeti after Kalash left " Why did you entertain his rude behaviour till such an extent guild master? With your temper he should have been skewered on the spot ".

Yeti said " im not scared of this fool , I'm scared of the man behind him , Shakuni of the Elites , him and his bottomless strength , his feats are legendary , and I won't make an enemy of him as far as possible ".

The guild member agreed , the Elites were a small guild but by no means were they weak. All of Japan's gold medals came from a single organization with the leader and vice leader being triple medal winners. The world stage wasn't something that someone could take by storm due to fluke , the Elites were very strong , and they deserved the respect.

This was a very smart move by Frozen thorns , however , their rivals and current mining neighbours , the Eternal Rebels were unfortunately not soo smart.

When Kalash approached their camp. He was taken hostage and presented before Edge in bounds. Their approach was clear , they would not bend to the elites.

Edge " Soo tell me , is Karna here? Your vice guild master costed me a lot of money you know ... It is good that UK made top 5 inspite of my slip up orelse I would have been disowned by my family. I have been put under a lot of trouble due to your stupid vice guild master you know .... Tell me drunk Elite , why do you come here? ".

Fatty Kalash " * Burp * , Aghhh , sorry that one was stuck for a long time .... Were you saying something ? ".

A vein popped on Edge's forehead , he was clearly extremely pissed at the situation , barely restraining his anger he said " WHY...HaVVVVeee yyyouuuuu comeee? , Why have you come here?".

Fatty Kalash " Why? ".

Edge " that's what I'm asking you WHY HAVE YOU COME HERE ".

Fatty Kalash " How would I know? Why did I come here? , I don't even know why I was born , or what is my purpose in life ".

Edge " Restrain this , brain-dead drunk to a tree , send a guy to his camp , informing them we have him hostage here , the ransom price being 50,000 gold ".

Fatty Kalash " Muahahahahaha , the bounty on the head of a great pirate, muahahaha , you are a fool to extort the captain , who plans on extorting you .... You are a fool to resist ".

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Edge " What plan to extort me? ".

Fatty Kalash " The plan where you either give up 80% of all collected crystals and leave this place or he annihilates the entire party , plan ".

Edge " ..... WHAT? ".

( Meanwhile real world , Grey international tower , Ethan Grey's office )

Jhonny English was seated across from Ethan Grey , as Ethan talked about an upcoming mission for Jhonny.

Ethan said " Sir Jhonny , these are 65 assassination targets that I need to be removed within the next month , I know you are retired , but they are high level officials from country X , nobody else will take this mission for any amount of money , only you have the skill to pull it off , I know you retired , but will you do this one last favour for me? ".

Jhonny English " What is the time limit , what is the highest profile target ".

Ethan Grey " One months time , the highest profile target is the prime minister , total budget is 3 trillion dollars , I will get you everything you need , and I know that 30 days time is too less to make 60 assasinations , but I will be satisfied with even five , please help me sir Jhonny ".

Jhonny English " It's too much Ethan ..... ".

Ethan Grey "You can take 60 days , but please complete the mission ".

Jhonny English " You misunderstand , it's too much time , a week is all I need , I'm Jhonny English , give me some face Ethan Grey , I'm not the amateur mercenary , prepare a jet for me , I leave tommorow morning ".

Ethan Grey was left speachless ..... As his fists balled up in joy .... If sir Jhonny was doing it .... It was sure to succeed !!!