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Loving my Rejected Luna

Chapter 66
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Loving my Rejected Luna by Blossom Harold Chapter 66

Heather winced as Liam pressed her ankle with the ice.

“It hurts” She muttered and he immediately dropped the ice.

“I’m sorry. Why don’t rest for now, we’ll press it later” She nodded and he placed her foot gently on the bed then

watched as she laid down before letting out a smile.

”I’ll let you rest now but just in case you need anything, just call me” She nodded.

“Okay and thank you, Liam. You are the only one here that actually cares about me” Liam stared at her for a while

then sighed.

“Don’t be bothered by what Daniel said. He only said those words because you rejected him and hurt his ego. He’s

more alike to Zane than he realizes but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about you because he does” She


“I don’t care, he can rot in hell for all I care. I want to rest now” Liam nodded then leaned down and placed a kiss

on her forehead.

“Just know that I’ll always care for you no matter what and when you’re ready to give me a chance, I’ll treat you

how you want to be treated, with love and care” He murmured into her ear then stood up straight with a smile

before walking out of the room.

She thought over his words for a while then let out a sigh. It would be better for her if she were in love with Liam

but sadly, she was in love with a man who had not an ounce of feelings for her.

She sighed then closed her eyes. Why was Kiara and her so unlucky in love? She didn’t even know which was worse,

her loving a man that doesn’t love her or Kiara loving a man that does love her but can’t trust her.

She sighed then decided to get rid of that thought as she fell asleep.

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Some minutes later, the door opened slightly and Daniel peeped in. When he saw that she was asleep and he could

hear her steady heartbeat, he slowly walked into the room and towards her bed.

He stared at her face for a while then his eyes trailed down to her ankle.

“I didn’t mean a word I said to you earlier and if you must know, I do not hate you and I never wanted to reject you

but the sin I committed against you is a sin I can’t forgive myself or and I know when you figure it out, you’re going

to hate me forever and that is probably for the best” He whispered then leaned down and placed a kiss on her

forehead before walking out of the room.

Kiara immediately stood up from the couch with bright eyes as Zane walked in.

“You’re back. I missed you” She murmured as she walked up to him. She wrapped her arms around him tightly then

raised up her head to stare at his face and immediately frowned when she saw he wasn’t smiling.

“Is something wrong? Did something happen?” He glanced at her then she gasped when he grabbed her arms and

detached it from his body before taking a step back from her.

“Zane, is… is something wrong? Why are you acting so strange” She furrowed her eyebrows when she saw hurt,

anger and pain in his eyes. What was going on?

“You lied to me” He muttered and she frowned.

“Me? When did I lie to you?” He brought out the pictures from his pocket and threw them at her. When she saw

who was on it, she froze.

“I asked you who you were with and you said no one. You lied to me” She sighed and was about to hold him but he

took a step back.

“Don’t you dare touch me, don’t ever touch me” Her eyes widened slightly then she scoffed.

“This is exactly why I didn’t tell you I was with him because I knew you’d react this way and I didn’t want that so I

didn’t tell you the truth but yes, I was with Levi because he came here to visit me” Zane stared at her for a while

then scoffed.

“How can I believe what you say when you lied to me?” She stared at him in disbelief.

“So what? You think I was cheating on you with Levi? Is that what you think?” He shrugged.

“Give me a reason why I shouldn’t think like that Kiara, you have cheated on me before so why can’t you do it

again?” She scoffed in disbelief. What the heck was he talking about?

“I’m not doing this with you, Zane” He folded his arm.

“Neither am I. I’m not going to fall for your schemes again because I’m smarter now and I refuse to be blinded by

love. You know, the reason why I wanted this Vacation in the first place was so I could make you feel what I felt two

years ago when I learnt of your cheating scandal. I wanted to make you regret it, I wanted to make you cry but just

like before, you cheated on me again and ended up beating me at my own game” She stared at him with wide

eyes. What had he just said?

“You brought me here for Revenge? Not because…” He almost wanted to cave when he saw the hurt in her eyes

but she didn’t have any right to feel hurt when he was the one who was cheated on.

“Yes but then you seduced me and made me feel like we could start over, that we could go back to the way we

were but no, once a cheater, always a cheater” Tears fell down her cheeks as she stared at him. She had finally

thought they could be together again but he was never going to trust her, was he?

“I was the biggest fool for believing you could learn to trust me, I was the biggest for loving you again. I was the

bigger fool for letting down my guard despite what happened two years ago but not anymore, not anymore Zane. I

will never forgive you for today, mark my words” She uttered as he cried then turned away from him and walked

into the room.

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He wanted to run after her, hug her tightly and never let her go. He wanted to apologize and admit that he was the

one at fault but he couldn’t because he wasn’t. He wasn’t going to let her fool him, he wasn’t going to let her use

him. He was better than that now and even if he loved her to the point where he would feel like death without her,

he refused to be used.

With that, he walked out of the penthouse and when she heard the elevator ding, she broke down on the ground.

Her heart ached so much that she felt she was going to have a heart attack any time soon.

She couldn’t believe despite all they have been through, he still didn’t trust her. He still saw her as a cheating slut.

She was the bigger fool here for loving such a man.

She grabbed her phone with shaky hands and called the only person she could at the moment.

“Levi, can you come pick me up at the hotel? I really need to leave here” She murmured xo.com fast

updateas tears streamed down her face.

“I’ll be there immediately” He uttered then hung up. She immediately packed her things, leaving the clothes she

had bought from the mall that day since Zane had bought them for her. She didn’t want anything from him and she

didn’t want to be tied to him.

She packed up her small luggage then rolled it out into the living room. She halted in her steps then turned around

and glanced at everything with tears in her eyes. All the memories they made here were for nothing. She knew her

fantasy world would come to end, she just didn’t expect it to be this soon.

She wiped her tears as she walked into the elevator. Why was she crying? She had gone through much worse. This

was just a lesson to her and she was never going to make this mistake again.

Luckily, when she got to the entrance of the hotel, Levi was waiting for her there. As soon as he saw her, he ran up

to her and hugged her tightly.

“Oh my God, what happened?” He questioned as she cried on his chest.

“Just get me out of here, Please” He nodded then grabbed her luggage from her hand before heading her towards

the car.

Zane watched them from his car that was parked down the street with tears in his eyes. Without saying anything,

he turned his car around and drove off