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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chapter 116
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Chapter 0116

Shortly after, George approached Violet with a box. “Ms. Violet, this is your gown.”

Inside the package was a pink gown made of soft, luxurious fabric. Clearly, it was an exorbitant


Having grown up in a wealthy family, Violet Immediately recognized it as a new season, limited- edition plece

from Chenette, a brand notorious for its steep prices.

Reluctant to receive it, she said, “This...”

George noticed her hesitation, and reassured her. “Don’t worry, it’s a gift from Master Lucius.”

“But it’s very expensive.” Violet thought, aware that she also received a salary.

Lucius suddenly appeared, his face showing displeasure, and said gruffly. “Wear it or throw it


visibly tou

“Well...” George looked by Lucius’s demeanor.

Violet decided to wear it instead of discarding it. She took the gown and went to change..

The gown cwith matching jewelry and shoes. When she put them on, it gave her an air of

elegance and sophistication.

Dressed in the elegant gown. Violet sensed a significant elevation in her perceived status. The

saying ‘clothes make the person’ truly resonated with her at that moment.

The gown beautifully complemented her petite figure, highlighting her curves, and the design on

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the waist created the illusion of an even slimmer waist.

The high-heeled shoes added grace to her slender legs, and the ankle embellishments further enhanced their

delicate appearance.

Gazing at her reflection, Violet couldn’t help but smile, admiring her fair complexion, which made her look as

lovely as a white rose.

Upon exiting the room, she noticed George's look of admiration.

However, Lucius’s reaction was less favorable. He briefly glanced at her, and made a disdainful remark. “Do you

even eat? What's there to gaze at when you're so thin?”

Internally, Violet felt irritated. She wondered if being slim wasn’t fashionable, considering Lucius’s past

preferences for slender women.


Violet wanted to retort, but held back as Lucius had already walked away.

Considering Lucius’s bad temperament, Violet had to be the one who appeased the situation.

Therefore, George advised, “Something is bothering Master Lucius. Please be kind to him. If at all. possible, try to

appease him.”

Violet didn’t say anything, but she felt slightly wronged as she questioned why she should be the one to indulge

and placate him. Was he a baby?

Neither of them said anything about the entire journey.

Throughout, Lucius kept a grim expression, as if someone owed him money..

His somber mood created palpable tension in the car, making Violet feel uneasy, almost

struggling to breathe freely, much less speak.

The driver seemed to resonate with her sentiment.

Once they reached the venue, Lucius promptly made his way inside, leaving Violet alone at the


It was then that Violet realized she was on the verge of meeting Alaia, her long-admired idol.

The realization filled her with such nervousness that her fingers tensed up, and she hesitated to even move. She

silently pondered what to say to Alaia, how to react, and whether a handshake would be appropriate.

Lucius had initially walked away, unexpectedly returned, and asked her impatiently, “Why are you

just standing there?”

Violet grunted in response, and quickly caught up with him.

The discomfort of walking in high heels was torture for someone accustomed to flats, it caused

her to stumble and almost fall

In a moment of panic, she instinctively grabbed onto Lucius’s arm.

She had braced herself that Lucius would push her away, but was surprised when he didn’t.

Lucius unexpectedly supported her, his hand firmly on her waist, helping her regain balance.

She felt his warm and firm grip on her waist. She quickly distanced herself from Lucius once she

stood steadily, and expressed her gratitude with a simple thank you.

Lucius responded with a cold grunt and asked, “Do you enjoy singing?”


Caught off guard that he would initiate a conversation, Violet replied modestly, “I'm okay with it.”

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Truthfully, she was passionate about singing but had always lacked the confidence to admit it,

having never undergone formal training.

“Really, just ‘okay’ and yet you've cto meet Alala?” Lucius said, his gaze piercing as he saw through her

understated response.

He lacked a pleasant personality, but he was undeniably smart.

Feeling her cheeks warm, Violet confessed. “Well, yes, | really love it. | even considered going to a music

academy once, but had to give up for certain reasons.”

She wondered why she felt compelled to reveal this to him..

Lucius simply nodded, choosing not to ask more, likely aware that probing might unearth her past emotions

connected to Oliver.

A sense of regret washed over Violet. If only she had known, she might have followed her passion and attended

the Music Academy.

“Mr. Davis, welcome! It’s an honor to have you with us this evening.”

An elegantly dressed gentleman approached them with noticeable excitement. His eyes.

brightened considerably upon seeing Lucius, and his eagerness to greet Lucius was clearly


Lucius responded coolly, offering a stark contrast to the man’s fervent welcome.

Despite the man being older and seemingly more seasoned, he appeared somewhat diminished in Lucius’s

presence, reduced to almost servile status.

Violet observed this interaction, noting how sindividuals naturally commanded attention and

were impossible to ignore.

“Please, cthis way,” the man urged repeatedly.