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Lord Shadow

Chapter 1583 An Explosion
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Chapter 1583 An Explosion

Azief remembers that after going out of that world, he swore to himself that he would never tries to open a portal to go to that world again

His experience in that world is full of dangers. There were many times when he was there, that he had almost die.

Life and death struggle is almost every day.

If not because he was patient with the torture he endured when he became a slave and bided his time wisely, he might not have such good luck.

At that time, he did not possess the knowledge that he possesses now. Now, he knows. Cause and effect…..how hard it is to be free from this kind of matter

When he travels through time with his sworn brother, they race each other and the speed and momentum they created was so strong it pierces through the time-space barrier.

And in that moment, the Multiversal Convergence starts. Countless of world suddenly superimposed each other and portals to other worlds and other dimension opens.

And cause and effect that have been sown in the past blooms.

And the Seresian world that Azief had forgotten once again appears. In the Multiversal Convergence, Azief had to fight the Demon King because the Demon King wanted his ring

And then Katarina get kidnapped and he had to go to the Seresian world

This is the completion of the cause and effect. So, right now, seeing these rings, he could not help but feel all kinds of emotion

"But, I also feel that my breakthrough would be related to this ring" he could not help but chuckle when he thinks of this

Ring of Creation Songs, Ring of Forbidden Words, Ring of Great Summoning, Ring of All Elements, Ring of Grand Formation, Ring of Ultimate Sealing, Ring of Eternal Darkness, Ring of Perfect Symbols, Ring of Ancients, Ring of Runic Creation.

Ten rings

Each of this Rings possess earth shaking, heaven rendering, world shattering, and universe vanquishing abilities.

And as the years goes by, more and more abilities of this ring is revealed to him. When he first got these rings, he could not do much.

Because each time he activated these rings, the amount of energy that it absorbed from him to use this ring is high.

But now, he is already at Divine Comprehension realm and his energy felt limitless and there are more of the ability of the rings that he could use.

Ironically enough, now that he has such strength, there is rarely an enemy that would provoke him.

Unless he goes to other worlds and challenge those who are more powerful than him. But on earth, there is no need to worry that someone would be able to challenge him

These ten rings, With one word, reality changes. With one Song, thousands still, dying without knowing.

With one waves of hands, soul fly out, refined into energy.

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With one symbol, restrict all beings. With a formation, all souls were trapped, gods and ghost could not escape.

With one finger pointing towards the skies, Heaven will be sealed.

With one drop of Blood, Summoning Demonic God from the Dark Abyss.

With one stomp, quake the world, invoking all of the elements.

Ancient Magic swirls all over, reigning supreme all over the Universe without rival.

With Ten Rings, Becoming peerless all throughout the Universe.

That is the true power of the rings. He believes it to be true. Because he had seen what the ring could do. And he is quite sure, if he rise to a level that is beyond the Demon King, he could use the rings to surpass that

But with revelations of certain facts, he believe that this ring is more than just an artifact of power.

So, he could not help but look at the ring and sigh

"I never thought that it had such secret" he mutters to himself. Right now, he is still in the treehouse.

But his mind had wanders to all those years ago.

And now, he looks again at the ring and he could not help but be surprised to see the word that form after organizing the scratches he saw on the ring in his mind

"Hope" he mutters.

Like a whisper in the wind but this whisper seems to have a life of its own. And Azief sighed? again

He felt complicated.

He felt cheated. He felt all kinds of things right now.

He lines the ring up and then blue aura seems to rise and ebbs and flows out from the ring, like a wave of the sea, rising and falling

The rings, began to stir as if awakened by some kind of intent.

They rotated gently, emitting a soft, resonant hum that echoed through the stillness of the night.

Azief watched with a mixture of awe and trepidation as the rings moved of their own accord.

It was as if they possessed a sentience of their own, responding to his unspoken desire.

"What is this?" he looks around but he could see no one.

"No way!' he blurted out

A blue aura began to ooze out of the rings

The blue aura that radiated from them pulsed in harmony with the rhythm of his heartbeat.

With each rotation and hum, Azief felt a surge of energy coursing through him.

It was a sensation unlike any other, a merging of his consciousness with the profound power contained within the rings. For a second it was as if he had become a conductor of cosmic forces, orchestrating the symphony of his own destiny.

Azief eyes could not help but narrow

"temptation" he mutters

The more he felt like this, the more he cut this feeling away. Fear fills his heart.

"temptation" he mutters again.



"What the hell?"

As Azief instincts screamed at him, he knew that this was no ordinary moment. Whatever imminent danger lurked on the horizon required the full extent of his power, unshackled and unbridled.

"Unlock seal!"

With a focused thought, he willed the seals that had restrained his energy to shatter.

It is a sensation like breaking free from invisible chains, a surge of raw, uncontainable power coursing through his veins.

His aura expanded rapidly, radiating a palpable presence that seemed to stretch beyond the confines of his treehouse.

The forest is now charged with an electrifying energy, powerful gust seems to appears out of nowhere and even the creatures of the night seemed to sense the shift in the world.


In a thunderous explosion of energy, the once-tranquil forest was rocked to its core. "

"Just at the right moment!" he shouted, his words carrying the weight of his unleashed might.

The towering tree and his treehouse disintegrated under the immense force, reduced to splinters that scattered like ashes and before it could fall down to the ground, it was swept away by the sudden force of the wind.

Azief, now suspended in the air, radiated a dark crimson aura that surged into the heavens, a living tempest that reshaped the very sky itself.

His energy, now unshackled and unbound, spread like a tsunami in all directions, touching every corner of the once-silent forest.

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The trees surrounding the treehouse is now reduced to flattened remnants, and some are even disintegrated into the smallest atomic particles when Azief unleashes his might.

The very ground shook as if in terror, forming a massive, ten-foot-deep crater.

Nearby rivers saw their waters evaporate into wisps of gas.

The sky is streaked with brilliant blue lines, due to the immense discharge of energy from the ten rings.

But, even though the dust did not yet settle, Azief unwavering gaze remained fixed on the hovering rings.

Their ethereal forms now radiated an even more potent and crystalline aura, pulsing with newfound might.

It was as if the rings themselves were reacting to the unlocking of his energy


As Azief observed, a peculiar transformation is underway with the rings.

They began to draw closer to one another, as if magnetic forces is pulling them into alignment.

Azief extended his hand, intending to summon the glowing blue crystal toward himself.

However, to his bewilderment, the crystal remained in place, hovering near the rings, unaffected by his telekinetic gesture.

'Something is really wrong" he thought to himself

This unexpected turn of events only intensified his curiosity, and he narrowed his eyes in contemplation, unsure of what this development might signify.

He did not know what is about to happen but he quickly spreads his divine sense.

In the distance, he could sense that Sasha is flying with a few of her other subordinates.

All of them are rushing towards his area.

Even though Azief is in seclusion, and even though he had secretly erased his trace of existence, he had notified Sasha of his place of seclusion.

Now, with the sudden burst of his energy, Sasha must have thought something went wrong. And that is why she is rushing towards him.

Azief Divine Sense expanded and then Sasha who is still flying in high speed in the air suddenly stopped.

He send a warning

"Do not come!" And at the same time, he send an order.

The moment he sent that warning Azief no longer pays attention to Sasha as he looks back at the rings

Because right now, he had no time to pay attention to anything else

"What are you doing?" he mutters as he look at the floating rings in the distance.
