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Lord Shadow

Chapter 153: An irresponsible person (1)
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The rain falling down seems like a beating of drums. It hails and it pours, heavily and crushingly.

Coldness fills the Plains. The sky is dark and gloomy. Thunders break out in the sky and lightning illuminated the world.

But the battle goes on. The Eastern Plains is now battling the forces of Eden. And a woman is at the helm of this war.

Inside the war tent, a long black haired woman is intently looking at the maps on the table of the war room.

The maps showed many strategic locations and fortification.

Outside the tent one could hear the neighing of horses and builders clanking their hammers creating war structure interlapping with the sound of the rain pouring

Even when they are resting after the previous battle, the whole camp is working hard. The forces of Eden are coming fast and hard.

And with the suddenly changing weather in the Plains, many modifications to the war plan needs to be addressed.

The table was round and the woman is scratching her chins as she looks at the maps and sighed.

The woman is stunningly beautiful and possesses that Eastern European look.

On her left hips is a shining bronze sword that seems to emit a powerful pressure. Behind her back is a shining round metallic silver shield because the composition of the metal.

Her arm band and breastplate is also metallic silver that seems to be able to deflect any attack.

She wears a black bustier and her boots are blackish red of metal with bronze knee guards and accents.

She was muscly but not in a bulky way. She looked like an androgynous sculpture that Michelangelo sculpted.

Her attire looks like modern meets ancient.

She heaved a sigh.

‘What should I do? Should I stop this?’ And she closes her eyes hoping it would spark some revelations in her minds.

‘Isn’t this enough?’ She wanted to say to herself.

Outside, hard rain keep pouring down turning the previously hard solid ground muddy and hard to travel

She agree to this plan because at the time she had faith that the World government will be able to force Lord Shadow hand.

But now she is not so sure.

In the morning she received a report from her scout in the Island of Creion that Lord Shadow has attacked the World Government.

Per the agreement she knows that as long as Lord Shadow didn’t take action personally the World Government will not use all of their resources to contend with Lord Shadow.

That was the agreement between the Quorum and Lord Shadow. Everyone who is influential enough knows this and it is also the reason why they dare mess around his borders.

Lord Shadow has become more than just a threat for the existing power. He becomes a threat to everyone.

But now?

Did Lord Shadow have declared his intention to fight with the whole world? And is that a good thing?

Now, dawn has already long broken. It’s morning. The sun should be rising but black ashes covered the sky and rains pouring down mercilessly.

Thunder breaks the morning sky and lightning covered the entire Plains with no sign of stopping.

She could feel the malevolent energy in the clouds. She could feel when the shockwaves circle the world.

She is an Energy Disperse Stage user. She could feel it unlike the other Low Levelers. The more she leveled up the more she understands the disparity of power of each realm.

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And she knows.

Somewhere around the Earth someone is fighting.

And whoever this is, he is strong enough to create a shockwave that circles the world countless times creating this weird weather phenomenon all over the world.

And she only knows one person in the world right now that could produce such energy. Lord Shadow.

A war is being fought in the Vast Sea right now. Thus, the dilemma in her heart. Should she stop here and decide?

She was about to summon her courage when suddenly someone roughly opens the curtains of the war tent and come inside.

The woman was wet from the rain as water drips down from her silver cape.

‘Freya!’ the woman was startled as she almost shouted at Freya.

‘Athena, this is bad’ she said almost immediately.

Behind Freya her Shied Maiden’s follows her inside all covered in blood and wounds. Holes filled their armors and their shields were cracked and broken.

‘What happens? Why aren’t they in the infirmary?’

‘The other is in there. These are the few that could still fight’ Freya said as she down a potion she grabbed from her storage bag.

Freya was beautiful and like Athena possesses certain muscle on her physique. Her body is also developed.

She has a bright pale face and of perfect complexion, her eyes are cold as the winter and her face usually shows no expression at all.

But not today. Today, her face is full of frustration.

Freya after consuming the potion seems a bit more relaxed as she put down her wing shaped helmet on the table.

‘Where are Hugin and Munin?’ Athena immediately asks as she didn’t see the two ravens on the shoulders of Freya.

‘Surveying’ she said.

‘We should have gone to Ice Region back then.’ Freya suddenly sighed with a sigh

‘And contend with Katarina and her posse? No, thank you’ Athena replied. But she also didn’t like the current situation

Freya and Athena territory covered one third of the Eastern Plains and that was a large area and they were Queens

They ruled unchallenged in the Eastern Plain. They did not go out finding enemies to fight. They do not mess with the Western Plains which is the territory of the Seven Fairy of The plains.

There was peace.

The Plains was peaceful.

Unlike the Flame Region which houses many warlords or the harsh conditions of the Ice Region and the inhospitable region of the Desert.

The people of the Plains were not restrained like the Forest Region.

But after the appearance of Lord Shadow and his emergence in the Central plains, all the warlord residing in the Plains region were jolted awake from their idleness.

Peace….has ended

Before, Freya and Athena ruled the Eastern Plain and the other two thirds of the Eastern Plain were ruled by the World Government and their forces.

There was an agreement with them

The relationship between the world government and the Eastern Plain were amiable and they both depend on each other in many occasions.

So, when the World Government promises resources and manpower in exchange for messing Lord Shadow borders, they agreed almost immediately.

The Eastern Plain was not preparing for war. They never go too far.

They were sabotaging. And until this morning, in the border they were a balance. Both sides don’t want to turns this matter into a full blown out war.

Both sides seems to have a hint what is happening.

But something happened between dawn and before morning rises.

Because an order came down from Eden to engage the Eastern Plain troops. And not only engage…but to start a war.

And there is only one ultimatum from Eden to the Eastern Plain.

Surrender or perish.

Hah Athena sighed again.

Do you have any ideas Athena? Athena shakes her head.

Right now blood is shed and bodies are piling up in the field. Eden is marching straight and they take no survivors.

It was like they were whipped into frenzy.

And Athena knows the cause of this frenzy. The cause was Lady Sofia orders.

From what she gathered from her spies in the Central Plains, in the morning when Lady Sofia woken up from her bedchambers she was shocked by the news that Lord Shadow has left her to fight the World Government.

From the Inner Palace of the Everlasting Peace Chambers she gathered the officials of the court and coerces the entire court to declare war to all the four corners of Eden.

Coercing the entire court she sits in her Phoenix Throne and orders that the troops needs to march as fast as they can and conquer as much as they can before Lord Shadow returns from the World Government.

Fail to achieve the objective, death! Defying the edict, death! Failing to conquer, death! Hearing such declaration how could the soldiers of Eden not whip into frenzy.

Either they succeed and return in glory or fail and die.

Lady Sofia didn’t know why Lord Shadow picks a fight with the world Government and honestly Athena think Lady Sofia don’t care.

But since Lord Shadow picks a fight with the World Government then that must means the World Government was in the wrong.

Lady Sofia is a simple woman.

Athena knows this best.

And Lady Sofia sends her message to all the forces in the Plains that opposes Eden rule.

Either they submit or perish. Does her decision seem emotional? Maybe to the untrained eyes.

But Athena knows better.

The only reason she would dare order such attack is because Lady Sofia was convinced that Lord Shadow will emerge victorious in this conflict.

So instead of hiding one fang, Lady Sofia decides to bare the fangs of Eden to the entire world.

Her declaration seems to say “You want a war? We’ll give you a war! We’re not afraid offending you!

Then what should we do? Freya said as she sits down on one of the stone chairs inside the room taking a breath.

Athena is crunching her eyebrows when suddenly someone announce from the outside of a scout presence

‘Scout are asking permission to enter bringing news from the frontline’

Athena quickly said

‘Quickly enter’ the scout is a young man and is wet drenched from the rain outside and his face is full of nervousness.

‘My Queen, we have an urgent report from our spies in Creion’ he said with urgency as he brought out a blue stone from his knapsack.

The man quickly handed the stone to Athena.

Athena seeing that there are a lot of unrelated people in the war tent quickly orders

‘All are dismissed except Freya’ The moment she said it all unrelated personnel quickly exited the tent.

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Athena activated the Soundless Array and she breaks the stone with the crushing force of her hand

Then a moving image played out in front of them like a video.

Both Freya and Athena gasping in shock as they saw the content of the Imaging Stone.

The video shows Lord Shadow swinging his saber and splitting the Island of Peace into three parts

Athena gasped in shock as the video ended. She closes her eyes and smiles bitterly

The video makes the next decision easier. She turns to her right to see Freya looking in anguish and she nodded.

She understands what Freya must be feeling.

But she needs to say it. So, she said it.

‘We can’t win’ Athena said stating the obvious fact.

Even now they are pushed so hard.

Now, that Lord Shadow has won, the moment he returns, he would surely oppose all of the opposing influence in the Plains.

Freya weakly nodded as she began to acknowledge the truth.

Athena then walks to the entrance of tent and step outside. She looks at her army and troops and feeling the drenching rain on her skin.

Behind her Freya follows her and hold her hand.

‘Athena, what are your orders?’

‘Things are not beyond saving’ Athena said

‘You want to negotiate with them?’ Freya asks almost consoling. Athena bitterly smiles and nodded.

‘Still, I need your orders.’

‘Pushing it on me’ Athena bitterly remarks.

‘I know’ Freya said with an apologetic expression.

‘But I can’t give the order. I…persuade you to oppose the Central Plains. I egged on this war. So, I could not be the one that tries to end it. Our men are weary. Tired. Bloodied. They fought for me. Trust me with their lives. Trust my promise. And I led them to a meaningless battle. They give me their all…..and I dishonored them. So, you give the order. End this war and let our men rest’ as Freya grip on Athena hand grows tighter like she was apologizing.

Athena closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. The she slowly opens her eyes.

‘Freya’ she said softly.

‘Order our men to surrender. And send a messenger to Lady Somi to talk to her about negotiation between the Eastern Plain and Eden.’

A hot droplet of tear dropped into Athena shoulders as Freya landed her head onto Athena shoulder, sobbing silently.

Her body is shaking and the tears keep falling. She remembers every face. All of her troops that dies and fall into battle.

All of her Shield Maidens suffering in the infirmary…..all because of her

But the reason why she could not stop crying was because how sorry she felt for Athena. Athena also wanted to cry.

Wanted to scream in frustration and shouted to the sky. And she cried. And like Freya she cried silently.

But no one sees her tears. Drenched by the rain it looks like water from the sky.

Raindrop of tears falling down from both of these two military leaders of the Eastern Plain as they felt the bitterness of a true battle, losing their people and now losing their home.

There are no Queens anymore in Eastern Plain.

Wet with rain and trembling with cold. The cold rain becomes warm tears. They both lean on the rain, hiding their warm tears

As the dark clouds on the Eastern Plain sky receded and the passing downpour stopped, the Eastern Plain surrender and Eden controls the Eastern Plain.
