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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2780
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Chapter 2780 Scarier Than Death

Ares shook his head and repeated, “Death? What's so scary about death? Let me tell you—there are plenty of

things scarier than death.”

Sunshade's expression turned solemn. What does he mean by that? What's scarier than death?

Ares stepped forward and swung his arm to reveal a dagger in his hand.

Brandishing the dagger, he said, “What if I cut some of your flesh, coat it with some flour, fry it in oil, and let you

watch the dogs eat them? Isn't that fun? Haha!”

What a lunatic!

A chill ran down Sunshade's spine. “You're a f*cking lunatic! Kill me now if you dare!”

The idea of having his flesh cut and fried in oil was not scary. What terrified him was watching the dogs eat the flesh

that belonged to his body.

He's crazy. He's a demon!

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Ares laughed sinisterly. “Well, if you say I'm a lunatic, then I am. I'll be one until I get the spirit pills.”

Fear instantly crept into Sunshade's heart.

He did not want to experience what could happen later. Thus, he decided to bite his tongue and take his own life.

Of course, Ares was prepared for it.

Ares dashed forward and grabbed Sunshade's chin. He then pried the latter's mouth open, slipped the dagger in,

and made a few slashes on Sunshade's gums.

In the end, Sunshade bit nothing.

Instead, he wailed due to the excruciating pain.

Smirking, Ares said, “You can't die without my permission. Anyway, let's start officially. Where should I begin?

Hmm... Let's start from your forehead.”

Sunshade broke down when he saw Ares's shiny dagger approach.

Sunshade was already in terrible pain from the cuts on his gum. He could imagine the pain if Ares were to cut off

his flesh bit by bit.

At that thought, he gave in and shouted, “I'll tell you! I'll tell you! The spirit pills are in Camp South Master's secret

room. You can't kill me because I'm the only person who knows how to enter the room. I'll take you there... I'll take

you there...”

Zeke smiled subtly. “You should've done that in the first place. Why did you choose to suffer? Come on. Take me


“Okay, okay.” Sunshade was drenched in sweat after narrowly escaping death. He panted heavily while saying,

“Um... I can't move. Can you give me the antidote first?”

Only then did Ares realize Sunshade's pants were wet. He must've wet his pants.

Snickering, Ares mocked, “I'm surprised a coward like you has the audacity to work for a Camp Master. How


As he was saying that, Ares gave Sunshade half of the antidote.

After consuming it, Sunshade regained his strength. Though he was still weak, he could at least move.

He leaned against the wall and slowly made his way toward Camp South Master's room.

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Ares sneered, “Dude, do you know what you look like?”


“Like a woman who just had a C-section.”

Sunshade was utterly lost for words.

Is he crazy?

Sunshade brought Ares into Camp South Master's secret room and guided Ares to break down the wall.

Immediately, two spirit pills came into their view.

Ares was displeased. “Why are there only two spirit pills? Tsk. Camp South Master is really poor.”

However, Sunshade laughed in resignation.

Don't spout nonsense if you don't know anything. Two spirit pills represent two primordial beasts.

A primordial beast was an ancient beast. There were very few of them, and each was incredibly powerful.

Camp North Master had so many years of experience in martial arts, yet he had only accumulated half a spirit pill.

Hence, Camp South Master was considered lucky to have gathered two.

Of course, if one were to count the pill given to Maulwurf, Camp South Master would have three.