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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2451
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Dawn nodded. “I tried contacting his parents but to no avail. He doesn't have anyone else other than them.”

“Okay, Dawnie. Next, I have to go to Lewis Village to investigate Yannick and Yoshua,” informed Zeke.

Dawn furrowed her eyebrows as she inquired, “Zeke, are those two so important to you that you have to carry out

the investigation personally?”

“They are. Dawnie, take care of Nelly while I'm gone. I'll also leave Linton Group in your hands,” instructed Zeke.

“What about my sister? What will she do if I have full authority over the company?” asked Dawn.

Zeke thought about the question momentarily but did not answer the woman in the end. The less Dawn knows, the

better. “I have to take your sister away with me for some time, so you'll have to oversee Linton Group.”


Dawn was somewhat unhappy with the position she was put in. “You guys go ahead and have fun while I work my

butt off. There's no need to feel sorry for me,” uttered the woman sarcastically.

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Chuckling, Zeke promised, “You just have to hold the fort for a while. When your sister and I are back, we'll take you

to the top of Mount Ymir to watch the sunrise!”

All right! Suddenly, Dawn's frown was turned upside-down. “Deal!”

After giving Dawn a few more instructions, Zeke immediately set off for Lewis Village.

On the way, the man got contacted by Sole Wolf.

“Zeke, we've only followed the target for a short while before it completely lost us. We had no way of tracking it,”

reported Sole Wolf as soon as Zeke answered. “We'd like your permission to do a split operation; we'll head in three

directions to continue the search. Don't worry, Great Marshal. We'll find the enemy no matter what it takes.”

Zeke took a deep breath before responding, “Forget it. Abort the search and come back.”

At that moment, the man realized there was no point in continuing the search. The giant palm was so powerful that

it sent us flying a few blocks away. There's nothing we can do to find it if it doesn't want to be found. We'd only be

wasting more time and energy going after it.

Still, Sole Wolf was not ready to give up. “Zeke, we can't just let it go...”

“I've found an important lead; it'll take us to our enemy,” revealed Zeke. “Meet me at Lewis Village as soon as


Sole Wolf and the others immediately perked up when they heard about the new lead. Finally, we can stop running

around like headless chickens!

“Okay. We'll go back right now.” With that, the group rushed to meet up with Zeke.

Zeke was the first to arrive at Lewis Village, located more than seventy kilometers from the suburbs.

Not only was the place surrounded by mountains and cut off from the rest of the world, but it also had poor living


Zeke did not enter the village on his own because he did not want to risk spooking Yannick and Yoshua.

Fortunately, it did not take long before Sole Wolf and the others arrived at the scene.

With no time for chit-chat, Zeke immediately ordered, “I want you guys to surround the village. Nobody leaves this

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place without my say-so!”

“Yes, sir!”

“Then move out,” commanded Zeke.


Like bolts of lightning, Sole Wolf and the others quickly spread out and formed a circle around Lewis Village.

Only after the men had positioned themselves did Zeke enter the village.

The condition of the place was worse than Zeke thought. The man could see trash littered all over the ground and

smell a foul stench in the air.

As far as Zeke could tell, only the old and the sick occupied the place. He assumed most of the young people had

left for better job offers elsewhere.

The elderlies had dull eyes and rags for clothes, making the place seem almost as lifeless as a haunted village.