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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2274
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Rick shook his head. “No.”

“Don't lie to me, Rick,” Nina said. “I can tell when you're lying.”

Rick could not pretend any longer. “All right, I'll be honest with you. Something did happen to Cesar. Don't bother

asking about the specifics. You will learn about them when the time comes. Save your breath.”

The color drained from her face at her worst fears coming true. “We'll go to him now,” she announced.

Packing up her things hastily, she followed with her children as Rick led them to Cesar.

The two children were so excited that they skipped ahead of the adults and laughed throughout the journey.

Rick noticed that Gavin had his hand in his left pocket. “What do you have in your left pocket there, Gavin?” he

asked curiously. “Can I see it?”

“It's a candy, Mr. Baker,” Gavin said mysteriously. “The candy my mother bought us was so sweet that I'd thought to

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save my father a piece. I'll share some with you the next time my mother brings back more, okay?”

Rick nodded sadly.

Even Sole Wolf looked a little uncomfortable.

How unfair is the world for a vile person like Cesar to have such sensible children and an understanding wife?

He decided to persuade Zeke not to harm Cesar's innocent wife and children.

Knowing Zeke as well as he did, Lone Wolf was confident that the Great Marshal would not harm women and


The group soon arrived at Vauxgan Pavilion, where Cesar was still on his knees with Zeke standing over him.

Zeke frowned at the sight of the new arrivals.

Initially, he was under the impression that Cesar's wife and children would look as fierce and evil as he did. Zeke

could never have imagined they were simple and kind folk after all. Suddenly, getting rid of them seemed like the

hardest decision he had ever made.

When the boys saw their father on his knees, they trotted to him. “Hello, Dad. We finally got to see you. We miss


“I brought you some candy, Dad. Here, try one!”

“Why are you on your knees, Dad? Let me help you up.”

Unexpectedly, Cesar shoved the children aside. “Who're you calling 'Dad'? Get lost, kids!”

The children fell to the ground on their buttocks and looked at their father in astonishment before bursting into

bitter tears.

What happened to him? Why is he so rough with us?

“Did we do something wrong, Dad?”

“Please don't be angry with us, Dad. Gavin and I are sorry. We will be good.”

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“Gareth and I saved some candy for you, Dad. We hope that the delicious candy will make you smile again!”

Cesar slapped the candy out of the boy's outstretched hand. “Go away! What would I do with your leftover food?”

Nina's face and ears were burning with anger from witnessing her two beloved sons being bullied before her. Even

worse, the perpetrator was their father.

That's it!

Walking up to them, Nina took both children in her arms as she yelled at Cesar. “Are you mad? How could you treat

your sons like this?”

“Leave me alone,” Cesar said indifferently. “From now on, you are no longer my wife; they are no longer my

children. I want nothing to do with all of you, and I don't even care if you live or not.”


The woman gritted her teeth, her face the color of ash. “Say that again if you dare!”

“I said, I don't care whether you live or not,” Cesar repeated. “I won't even shed a tear if you dropped dead in front

of me right now.”