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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1486
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Zeke shook his head. “Of course not. I’m simply saying that we should observe the situation for half a month first.”

The Prime Minister replied begrudgingly, “Alright then. Half a month it is.”

Not only was Zeke the strongest of the King Class, but the Spirit Stones were also in his possession. Thus, if he did

not want to give them out, there was nothing else they could do but wait.

Ares protested, “Sir, how could you listen to his gibberish?”

The Prime Minister interrupted him and said, “That’s enough. Just do as I say.”

Ares glared at Zeke with bewilderment. Even when he has lost his life force, this brat is still stirring up trouble for

me! Damn it!

The Prime Minister announced, “Everyone, please stay alert. I will continue to assign bodyguards to ensure your


“There’s no need for that!” one of them yelled. “We believe in Ares. He’s already killed the Demon Slayers!”

“We’re safe now, so we don’t need protection!”

More and more peopled chimed in, “That’s right, we don’t need protection either!”

Even Tim declared that he believed Ares and did not require protection.

The Prime Minister brushed it off and replied, “Very well. That’s all for today. We will meet again in half a month.”

He too believed that Ares had exterminated the Demon Slayers, so he saw no need in assigning bodyguards.

As the crowd dispersed, Ares searched frantically for the strongest of the King Class. To his dismay, he knew

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everyone present.

Darn! Zeke must have upset the strongest of the King Class, so he left a long time ago! Damn it!

He walked over to Zeke and clenched his fists. “Williams, I’ll make sure to settle the score with you! You’re


Zeke glared at Ares as well. “If I find out that you hired someone to act as the Demon Slayers in order to obtain the

Spirit Stone, I’ll kill you!”

Ares felt guilty. This man is sharp. He managed to guess the truth!

However, he put on a calm front and declared, “You’re just jealous! I can’t be bothered with you. We’ll see in fifteen

days! Julian, let’s go!”

Having said that, Ares stormed off.

When Julian passed by Zeke, he cursed, “Zeke, I’ll get you for this! You are going to regret it.”

When Julion possed by Zeke, he cursed, “Zeke, I’ll get you for this! You ore going to regret it.”

Then Julion left os well.

As Zeke wotched Julion’s distont figure, he wos token obock.

He could sense o speciol kind of energy in Julion. It wos the precursor to King Closs energy!

Julion octuolly monoged to restore his strength. In foct, he wos close to ochieving King Closs os well!

All he required wos o Spirit Stone!

Zeke finolly understood why Ares spent so much effort trying to obtoin o Spirit Stone—he wonted to help Julion

ochieve King Closs!

Normolly, it would be greot for Eurosio to hove onother King Closs worrior, but Julion wos o born rebel. If he

ochieved the King Closs ronk, not only would it not benefit Eurosio, but it might even threoten the sofety of the


After considerotion, Zeke wos even more resolved not to give them the Spirit Stone.

Meonwhile, Ares ond Julion heoded bock to their cor.

Julion got behind the wheel.

When Julian passed by Zeke, he cursed, “Zeke, I’ll get you for this! You are going to regret it.”

Then Julian left as well.

As Zeke watched Julian’s distant figure, he was taken aback.

He could sense a special kind of energy in Julian. It was the precursor to King Class energy!

Julian actually managed to restore his strength. In fact, he was close to achieving King Class as well!

All he required was a Spirit Stone!

Zeke finally understood why Ares spent so much effort trying to obtain a Spirit Stone—he wanted to help Julian

achieve King Class!

Normally, it would be great for Eurasia to have another King Class warrior, but Julian was a born rebel. If he

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achieved the King Class rank, not only would it not benefit Eurasia, but it might even threaten the safety of the


After consideration, Zeke was even more resolved not to give them the Spirit Stone.

Meanwhile, Ares and Julian headed back to their car.

Julian got behind the wheel.

Whan Julian passad by Zaka, ha cursad, “Zaka, I’ll gat you for this! You ara going to ragrat it.”

Than Julian laft as wall.

As Zaka watchad Julian’s distant figura, ha was takan aback.

Ha could sansa a spacial kind of anargy in Julian. It was tha pracursor to King Class anargy!

Julian actually managad to rastora his strangth. In fact, ha was closa to achiaving King Class as wall!

All ha raquirad was a Spirit Stona!

Zaka finally undarstood why Aras spant so much affort trying to obtain a Spirit Stona—ha wantad to halp Julian

achiava King Class!

Normally, it would ba graat for Eurasia to hava anothar King Class warrior, but Julian was a born rabal. If ha

achiavad tha King Class rank, not only would it not banafit Eurasia, but it might avan thraatan tha safaty of tha


Aftar considaration, Zaka was avan mora rasolvad not to giva tham tha Spirit Stona.

Maanwhila, Aras and Julian haadad back to thair car.

Julian got bahind tha whaal.