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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 528
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Chapter 528 Can You Really Come Out Unscathed?

After finishing dinner, Chloe made her way back to Oceanic Residence. Upon discovering the close proximity of

Noah’s and Chloe’s units, Joseph’s handsome face clouded over, and he immediately contacted a moving company.

Upon arriving home, Chloe went straight to bed and, in a drowsy state, heard some commotion outside. Too

fatigued to open her eyes, she assumed it was Joseph causing a disturbance and chose to disregard it.

While the move was underway, Joseph stumbled upon a collection of herbal blends neatly packaged in heatable,

ready-for-consumption bags. The outer packaging lacked labels except for the name “Central Hospital.” He

squinted his eyes and picked up a bag, giving it a slight shake.

Without delay, he reached out to the herbalist. “My wife received some herbal blends for menstrual regulation from

the hospital. Can you have them tested?”

When it came to herbal remedies, Joseph placed his trust solely in the individuals he sought


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In a school located in Aesper, the graduate students resided in dorm rooms, typically shared by two occupants.

Today, Noah’s roommate had left for home after classes, leaving him alone in the room.

Vanya, without her fox mask this time, cleverly disguised herself as a delivery person and managed to infiltrate the

premises. With her sharply defined features, an air of malice, and at pair of distinct eagle-like eyes, she possessed

a presence that would be etched into the memory of anyone who had encountered her even once.

Noah stared at the woman standing before him, his expression serious. “You’ve got the wrong person. I didn’t order

any takeout.” With that said, he made a move to close the door.

Vanya’s gaze intensified as she used her foot to wedge the door open. “I’m being sincere with you here, and you’re

still not satisfied?”

Noah crossed his arms. His features were perfect, and his fair skin was flawless. He was undeniably handsome

without appearing effeminate. He understood that her version of ” sincerity” meant revealing her true face, but he

did not give a damn about it.

Vanya’s fists tightened, her knuckles audibly cracking as she struggled to maintain her composure. “Could we have

a chat?”

“Chat about what?”

“You like Chloe, and I can help you.”

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Noah stretched lazily, making no effort to deny it. “There’s no need.”

A cold smile spread across Vanya’s face. “By saying that, are you implying that you’re willing to raise Joseph’s


“You’re overthinking things. I’m not currently involved with Chloe, so I don’t consider myself qualified to be a

stepfather,” Noah responded firmly as he simply would not do so. He would not tolerate Chloe bringing a child from

another man into the Sullivan family.

Vanya closed the door behind her and took a seat. Her expression turned eerie. “I’m aware that you have your own

thoughts and plans, and I also know that Eustace is still alive and in your hands.”

Noah’s long eyelashes trembled slightly, a touch of coldness entering his otherwise gentle eyes. “Are you

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threatening me?”

“No, and why would I? Honestly, I’d prefer to cooperate with you. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

“I believe you’re capable of settling the matter of Chloe’s child, but can you really come out. unscathed without

raising her suspicions? I can assist you with that. Even if the plan fails and we’re eventually discovered, I’ll shoulder

all the blame on your behalf. I’ll ensure that your remain the pristine and untarnished heir of Exotic Star.”

Upon hearing the words “pristine and untarnished,” something stirred in Noah’s heart. He raised his gaze to meet

Vanya’s eyes and asked, “How do you propose we cooperate?”

“It’s simple. A few days before Xavia undergoes the amniocentesis, you take Chloe away, preferably out of Aesper-

abroad, if you can manage it. And make sure she goes willingly.”

“Not a chance. Going abroad means facing Duskfall members in unfamiliar territory. I’d be at a disadvantage and

wouldn’t feel at ease.” Noah swiftly rejected the idea. While he was open to cooperation, he needed to prioritize his

and Chloe’s safety.

Vanya’s pupils suddenly contracted. “When did you find out about Duskfall?”

Noah’s innocent face now displayed a street-smart cunning that belied his age. “After being kidnapped by you and

nearly losing my life, do you think I’d remain indifferent and act as if nothing happened?”

However, he lacked Joseph’s speed, and it was only recently that he had stumbled upon some clues.