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Is that a Wisp?

Chapter 792: Essence of Life
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Lofa's face immediately turned red as a tomato. How come she didn't notice it?

Tasier, on the other hand, laughed out loud as he immediately hugged Lofa.

"Hahaha! That's great! That's really great!"

Still, the others were quite puzzled.

"You two had always been on the wall, not deciding whether you would get together or not. How come you got pregnant all of a sudden? When did you finally decide to get together?"

Lofa dropped her head in embarrassment. It was true. She only got together with Tasier just recently. It was the result of many, many years of effort from Tasier's side. However, she didn't want anyone to know that yet. After all, she had refused to wield for so long. Wouldn't it be strange for her to give up when Krune was also back?

Well, Krune and Feifei didn't care the slightest bit about it. They were genuinely happy for the two.

"S-Sorry for keeping it a secret from everyone. It was also I who asked Tasier to keep quiet for a while. Well, it seems like it's impossible to hide it now."

Cinty was taken aback.

"Wait! I always thought you were just pretending to not be together. After all, you always went for missions and did other things together."

Some of the people present nodded their heads. In the end, Lofa could only sigh.

"It took this long because I couldn't sort out my feelings. I'm very sorry for Tasier because of that."

Tasier shook his head as he replied.

"We are cultivators who have passed the Divine Path Realm. Our lifespans are unlimited. Even if it had taken another ten thousand years, I wouldn't mind waiting."

Lofa's expression became redder after that. Sure enough, demon beasts never cared about showing their feelings right in the open. Krune and Ula were great examples of it.

Ao laughed after hearing that.

"Hahaha! Aren't you quite the smooth talker for a demon beast? Oh well, I guess that's the advantage of having a demon beast's mind."

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Shinja then took Lofa away from Tasier's embrace before saying.

"How long are you going to keep her suffocated? That's bad for the baby."

Yusa nodded.

"'Yeah, this is a kid between a human and a Thunder Hawk. It has to be taken care of very carefully due to the possible complications that might pop up because of the different bloodlines."

Kiirion couldn't help but sigh.

"I'm so jealous. Kids between different races have an extremely low chance of happening. Wisps with other races are particularly more complicated. Now, look at you, already hitting the jackpot on your first try. Cinty and I have been trying ever since we got together, but we've got no luck at all."

Cinty nodded. Only the two of them knew how much 'effort' they've been putting into it.

However, it was at this moment that Krune said.

"Oh! I already have Fie, so I completely forgot about this issue."

He immediately opened his communicator and passed a few files to Cinty and Kiirion's communicators.

"Hmm? What is it?"

Krune then explained.

"I found it while browsing the network in the Godly Path Realm. They also have the same issues with reproduction between races up there. Because of that, a Sect called Yin Yang Conviction created a technique that solely focuses on it. It's called the Essence of Life Technique. Well, that Sect has already ceased to exist many chaos cycles ago. However, their technique became widespread ever since it came out."

"This technique will force the Yin and Yang of the egg and sperm to fuse together. However, you two must be careful. Both of you will lose most of your energy by the time you're done having sex. That's because the Yin and Yang necessary for this procedure will be taken out of your own bodies. From what the records say, it will seriously tear you into shreds."

"Anyway, you just need to focus on recovery for a few days after you finish fertilizing the egg."

Not only Cinty and Kiirion, everyone in the room was taken aback by those words.

"Is that true?"

Krune nodded.

"It is. Of course, it doesn't mean it'll work straight away. The chances are probably worse for wisps who receive the sperm of other races. However, the average success rate of the technique is around 50%. I believe that wisps, as bad as they might be, would still have a 5 to 10% chance. In any case, it would be thousands of times better than the actual chances since you two would need to have sex millions of times before getting lucky. That's how good it is."

Kiirion and Cinty were the most moved by it. They were amazed that such a technique existed. However, Krune would never lie to them about such a thing. He was the type who always tried to get the most information possible about everything, a trait that all wisps shared. No doubt he went very deep into this thing before bringing it back. If he said it works, then it definitely works.

Seeing that, Lofa came forward and said.

"I hope our kids grow up together as Fie and Liriu did."

Kiirion was just about to thank Lofa for her words when all of a sudden, Cinty grabbed his hand and pulled him inside a Spatial Gate. In the next second, the two were already gone.

Feifei couldn't help but comment with a weird tone.

"That's... quite the drive."

Ao, Shinja, Lofa, and Yusa agreed with her.

However, the demon beasts only nodded their heads.

"That's normal. A demon beast has to be direct."

Krune, Ula, Tasier, and the other demon beasts in the room agreed with those words as well. Sure enough, the difference between humans' and demon beasts' train of thought was very obvious in moments like these.

Feifei quickly put that aside and grabbed Lofa's arm. With her, Shinja, Yusa, Fie, and the other women also came close.

"Now then, let's go to another place where we can talk, shall we?"

"No objection!"

Lofa was taken aback by that.

"Eh?! What's this about?"

"Isn't that obvious? We want to hear the details about how you two got together. What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Before Lofa could even agree, Feifei had already opened a Spatial Gate and pulled her with the other girls inside. Only Krune and the guys stayed in the living room after that.

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Nevertheless, Ao noticed that Krune became quite sad.

"Are you alright?"

Krune nodded as he looked at his food.

"Sigh... they totally forgot the meal I prepared for them. Oh well, I'll just preserve it for later."

Tasier laughed after hearing that.

"Why preserve? Now that I found out that I'm going to be a father, I suddenly feel famished. You won't complain if I eat more, right?"

Krune smiled as he nodded.

"Of course not! If that's the case, I shall accompany you."

All the men in the room nodded their heads as they went straight for the food and drinks.

As they ate the food, Tasier couldn't help but comment.

"Say, Krune. Why don't you share this technique on the Universe Network? Couples of different races are very hard to come by. However, considering the size of each Universe, there are a lot of them out there. All of them are most likely having the same issues as Cinty and Kiirion. They wish to have a family, but lady luck is not helping them. I'm sure you can make a fortune if you sell it as well."

Krune pondered for a bit and nodded.

"That's true. No! Instead of selling it, I'm going to spread the technique for free. I don't want those couples, who are already having difficulties starting their families, to be barred because of something like price."

Ao and the others nodded. First of all, Spirit Stones were something that Krune absolutely didn't lack. They would be pretty much useless to him anyway. That being said, he might as well give the technique for free to others. It's just a technique to help women get pregnant, so why should he bother?

That same day, Krune opened a Spatial Gate and left. His initial plan was to stay in Dalin until he got to the Peak of the Divinity Realm. However, he couldn't help but want to spread that technique as soon as possible. Especially since there was another couple that he knew that would love to have it. However, he also didn't want to alarm anyone, so he covered himself in Purple Tribulation Lightning before leaving unnoticed.

Back on Makui Planet in the Luvile Universe, Bary was taking care of a few documents on the Mercenary Guild. Mile, the White Demon Fox, was there as well, helping him out. Of course, a few other workers and elders of the guild were there as well. It was just another day in the mercenary guild, so everything worked smoothly.

Mile's efforts paid out in the end. She finally got to conquer the man she liked after another half a century's worth of effort. At the moment, the two had been together for over another half a century. Everyone in the guild felt that it was weird to have a guild leader married to a demon beast. Quite a few opposed that as well. However, after so many years, everyone simply got used to it. Nowadays, no one thought too much about it.

Suddenly, a Spatial Gate appeared right in the middle of the room, which made everyone shocked. Spatial Gates could only be opened by those at the Void Breaking Realm and above, which was the level of a god for those in the Makui Planet.

However, Bary and Mile immediately identified the guy with rainbow-colored hair who came out of it.
