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Is that a Wisp?

Chapter 517: Representative
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Back on Krune's side, Laka talked with everyone for a little while.

"Alright, since your problem is dealt with, my beloved protector and I will be taking our leaves."

Alacanta shook her head every time she heard that 'beloved protector' thing.

"Ignoring this idiot's unnecessary words, the first part was correct. We don't want to get too involved in this secret of the Holy Land, so we will take our leave now. Besides, the equipment that they were using to track you down ended being destroyed anyway. As for the issue about you and Cinty being wisps, I will pretend I didn't see anything. After all, it is not like our own Universe cares much for the wisps' situation to start with."

Krune nodded after hearing that.

"That is also good for us. Laka, let your old geezers that I will allow them to send three dragons of their choice to make Dragon Pearls. This is my payment for the enormous help you gave us this time around."

Laka and Alacanta were delighted with that. Three Purple Flame Dragon Pearls were priceless treasures in their eyes. Simple Holy Land slots can't possibly compare to it.

"Good! Some time after the Holy Land is over, I'll send them to your place."

After they exchanged a few more words, Laka and Alacanta once more separated from Krune's group. They were planning to use the rest of the time in the Holy Land to cultivate, improve their foundations, or comprehend Laws.

Krune then looked at Little Arty.

"Little Arty, are you sure you want this? If you don't feel like leaving the Godly Energy Dimensional Sphere, you should just say it. As long as we have the Wisp Main World, there shouldn't be many risks of you being taken away."

Little Arty didn't mind, though.

"It's okay. I wasn't lying back there. If I can really free Dalin, which is my old master's birthplace, I'm quite happy doing so. Also, their plan seems somewhat feasible. Not to mention that if they were talking the truth, then they had been planning everything for thousands of Chaos Cycles. For them to reach this point, there must have some consistency in their project."

Krune nodded. Since that was his own wish, he wouldn't complain.

After that, Krune decided tot alk with Cinty about another issue. But this time, he used a Divine Sense message since he was going to talk about something that some members of his group didn't know.

"The Dalin Universe will be completely locked down. Could you be planning to use the gap in the Dalin Universe's protection to keep connected outside?"

Cinty looked at Krune and nodded.

"Indeed, I am. After all, it is not like we can leave it normally after the block. Of course, I won't let anyone know about this gap in the Protection Formation. I plan to only pass it to the next Wisp Queen or King. As long as the number of people who know are kept under control, we should be able to hide it."

The gap Krune was talking about was the one they used to enter Dalin Universe without being noticed. Even the Protection Formation wasn't able to stop them.

"I see. We must make sure that this 'gap' secret is not leaked. However, we are not the only ones who know this. There are a few people back on my Luvile Universe that know about it as well."

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Cinty pondered a bit before asking.

"Would they let this secret be found?"

Krune shook his head.

"I don't think so, but it isn't always an impossibility. What I want to say is. Maybe, there will be a point where you can't use it anymore."

Cinty nodded.

"If that happens, so be it. It's not like I can protect the wisp race forever anyway. There is only so much I can do, so the wisps outside the Dalin Universe will have to rely on themselves at that point. In fact, it would be the case whether the gap existed or not."

Krune nodded. Since she already thought about this, then there wasn't anything else to be said.

After that, Krune finished using Divine Sense messages.

"Alright. If Dalin really comes to be closed at some point, we will need to leave first. After all, we can't be locked inside."

Lala didn't know much about the group as the others, so she couldn't help but ask.

"Are you guys not from Dalin Universe?"

Krune nodded.

"Four of us did, Feifei, Ruik, Tiane, and myself. So we are planning to go back there before the Universe closes completely. Of course, this is a talk for years in the future."

Lala became even more confused.

"But shouldn't outsiders who reached the Divine Path Realm be sent back to their own universes straight away? Or could it be that you came from one of the Universes Powerhouses? But then again, there is the fact that those who enter Dalin will be marked. Isn't it too risky for you as a wisp? After all, if you came from outside, you definitely received the mark as well."

Krune couldn't help but laugh.

"Seems like you know a lot of the procedures of entering the Dalin Universe. Are you not from here too, Lala?"

Lala nodded. There wasn't really a reason for her to deny that.

"That's correct. But since I came from one of the Universes Powerhouses, I didn't need to leave after I reached the Divine Path Realm. To be more specific, I came from the Galec Universe."

Krune nodded.

"That makes sense. Indeed, anyone who isn't part of the Universes controlling Dalin must leave after they reach the Divine Path Realm. But there is an exception for that rule, do you know which one it is?"


Only now, Lala remembered that. It was mentioned before, as long as you join one of the powers controlling Dalin inside, they can apply for your stay. Of course, Krune and his group didn't have anything like that, but he couldn't tell Lala about it. That's why he used this excuse.

"I forgot that the Wisp Race is also part of the Dalin Universe, so Cinty can probably apply for such a thing."

Cinty smiled but didn't say anything. It was good that Lala reached such a conclusion by herself.

Lala then continued.

"But what about the mark that is put on you when you enter Dalin? That is the rule for all outsiders, after all."

In fact, even Laex got curious. He knew about the fact that Krune's group came from outside. After all, he had been staying with them for a long time. But only now he remembered that mark rule.

Krune laughed after that.

"That's a secret. All you need to know is that there is no need to worry about that. They won't be able to use that mark to track me or any of my friends down."

Of course, Krune, Feifei, Ruik, and Tiane didn't have a mark to start with, so they obviously couldn't be tracked. But Krune won't say that either.

However, this conversation made Krune remember something else.

"Now that I think about it, Wamie is also from the same Universe as us. There is no doubt that she will enter the Divine Path Realm here in the Holy Land, either. In fact, she probably has entered it already. Won't the Dalin Universe detect her cultivation after she exits the Holy Land?"

Cinty nodded.

"They definitely will. So if you have something to talk with Wamie, it is better to do it before the Holy Land is over."

Lala got puzzled again.

"Can't you simply use the same method to keep her here?"

Krune shook his head.

"I don't want Wamie to stay since I need her to deliver a message back to my Home Universe. It's just that this time came a lot faster than I thought. Anyway, you don't need to worry about that since it is all according to the plan."

"Little Arty, can you tell me where Wamie is at the moment? I want to make a few arrangements."

Feifei looked at Krune before asking.

"So, you are really going ahead with that plan."

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Krune nodded.

"That is the best way to end this issue."

Little Arty quickly did a search and soon found Wamie.

"Found her, she is closer to the Origin Realm. With everyone's strength at the moment, it shouldn't be a problem to resist that level of Godly Energy. I'll show you the way."

Krune thanked Little Arty, and they immediately departed.

Around three weeks later, they finally met with Wamie again. It had been over 5 years already, so she had improved quite a lot too. As Krune expected, she did really enter the Divine Path Realm and was in the 1st Stage at the moment. She had to thank the Elemental Meridians for that, though. Otherwise, she definitely wouldn't have cultivated this fast.

Still, Krune found it quite dangerous for her to be wandering around the center with such cultivation.

"You are quite crazy, no? What if you were targeted by Heavenly Divine Soul Owner? This place has a lot of them."

Wamie smiled bitterly.

"I did that on purpose to push my potential as far as possible. Still, it seems like I fell behind you and Feifei nonetheless."

Feifei shrugged her shoulders while spreading her arms.

"Isn't that obvious? There is a difference between hard effort and recklessness. What you were doing here was definitely not hard effort, don't you think? Obviously, your cultivation would move opposite to the direction you wish."

Wamie was taken aback, but she sighed in the end.

"Perhaps, you are right. It's just that Gilia's death affected me quite a lot that I became a little desperate to increase my strength."

Krune and the others didn't know what to say. They knew that Wamie was very close to Gilia in the past.

However, Wamie quickly changed the topic.

"Anyway. For you to come looking for me like this, something must have happened. What is it?"

Krune nodded and began a Divine Sense message conversation with Wamie, Cinty, and Feifei only. He kept the rest of the group out of it since it included a lot of information about the Luvile Universe.

"After we leave the Holy Land, you will be sent back to the Luvile Universe. After all, you entered the Divine Path Realm, which is the highest cultivation allowed for outsiders. The mark that you received after entering the Dalin Universe will definitely reveal your cultivation to the Dalin management. Since that is the case, I want you to deliver a message to the Sacred Lands back in the Luvile Universe."

Wamie nodded. She knew about this rule from the moment she arrived in Dalin. So she was already expecting to go back after it.

"Very well, what shall I tell them?"

Krune smiled before saying.

"Tell them that I'll be participating in the Heavenly Competition as the Luvile Universe's representative."