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Imperfect Desires

Chapter 205 In Love With You!
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205 In Love With You!

Quote of the day: historical

"Don't wait for the right time when it comes to confessing your love, because in this case, the right time is always 'too late'." ~Mohit Sharma

Xiu was stunned for a while since he so easily and straightforwardly just told her that he was in love with her. Even though it was the most obvious thing, it still was his first time saying it upfront. And the ease and comfort in his voice sounded like it was the most normal thing to say.

Seeing her staring at him intently with a stupified expression, Darren ruffled her hair and said again, "Why are you so shocked? I really am in love with you."

Xiu shook her head and said, "I'm not shocked. I just wasn't mentally prepared to hear that."

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"Eh? Why not?" questioned Darren looking into her brown eyes.

Xiu thought about it as well. Why wasn't she mentally prepared? Wasn't she supposed to? But then again, how can someone be ready to hear that confession of love? And that too from someone who has become a part of your heartbeat? Was anyone ever ready to hear those words? And that too from someone they had the same feelings for?

We all expect those words but that doesn't mean anyone is ever ready to hear them. Because no matter how much you try to prepare yourself, you'll find yourself overwhelmed. That's the magic of the word love. It makes your brain malfunction.

"Because you have been saying it indirectly for a while now. I didn't expect that you'd say it just like that," Xiu answered.

Darren chuckled and squished her cheeks saying, "Glad to know that you're just a little bit slow but definitely not dumb." Xiu pouted like a kid but she knew he was referring to how she took a while to understand his secret confession through flowers. "But I still have a bouquet of red tulips waiting for you."

Xiu slapped his hands away from her face and rubbed her cheeks as she said, "I don't want any more flowers. I don't like it."

"You don't like my flowers?" Darren raised his brow at her in question.

"I love your flowers because those are from you and everything from you is precious. I'm just saying that I don't fancy flowers in general. Not a big fan," Xiu talked about dislike without holding back.

"Why is that?"

"Every flower has it's thorns and they wither away. What's the point?" Xiu told him calmly. She took a moment before asking, "By the way, why is there a bouquet of red tulips waiting for me now? What does it mean?"

"It means," he kissed softly on her cheek and added, "Sweets, I love you."

Xiu pursed her lips. It was his third time telling her that he was in love with her in the last five minutes and every single time he made her heart flutter like a schoolgirl. How was she supposed to react to that?

Darren waited for her to say something... anything. Of course, he wanted to hear the same from her but that stubborn girl was taking too long making him impatient.

"Sweets, don't you have anything to say to me?"

Xiu pretended like she didn't understand what he was trying and pretended to think about it hard before saying, "Oh, don't you think it's a very unexpected time for such a love confession?"

"I don't think so," said Darren with a shrug of his shoulders and added, "Besides, saying 'I love you' is easier than keeping that feeling inside. Because you never know when it'll be too late and you'll end up losing the chance to express your feelings." He took a deep sigh and placed his hand over her head as he added, "I learned it the hard way. And that's why I don't want to second guess my feelings anymore. Not with you."

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Xiu listened to his words attentively as she smiled softly and said, "And then people ask me why I love you. Isn't it obvious? Who would not love this man?" Realizing something, Xiu's eyes widened as she went on, "Wait! Do other women also think like this about my man? My MAN!" Her eyes widened as she pinched Darren's nose and said, "You stop being so charming. It's dangerous for my health!"

Darren squished her face with his hands again as he said, "Sweets, stop overthinking! As much as I loved hearing you call me as your man, I would still like to hear those three words you're trying to avoid."

Xiu tilted her head to a side and said, "Three words?" He nodded his head and Xiu hummed before saying, "I am hungry. Those are my three words." Darren facepalmed himself and narrowed his eyes at her dangerously. Seeing him acting like that, Xiu gave in, "I already said it though. But okay, I'll say it again. I love you, happy?"

"Sorry, what?"

Xiu gaped at his reaction and repeated herself, "I said I love you!"

Darren touched his ear as he said, "I can't hear you. Say it a bit louder."

Xiu found his behavior childish which definitely wasn't like him at all. And yet she found it adorable. But since he wasn't giving in, she pushed his back against the bedpost and screamed right beside his ear, "I love you, Regan!"

Darren finally smiled contentedly as he took her hand in his own and placed it over his heart saying, "See what your words do to me." Xiu felt his heart beating and found a strange connection. Then he took her hand and placed it over her own heart saying, "Now, you better remember this feeling. It wasn't so hard, was it?"

Xiu wrapped her arms around his neck to avoid looking into his eyes that looked too intense for her. She felt like she might end up burning under his gaze. When Darren raised his hands to rub her back affectionately, she whispered, "Oddly, nothing seems hard when you're around. Smiling becomes normal and loving you becomes easier. But there is only one problem."

"Hm? What is that?"

"I can't keep my hands away from you," replied Xiu and before Darren could say anything, they were interrupted by something very important.Please go to