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Imperfect Desires

Chapter 175 Xin Brothers
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175 Xin Brothers

Suddenly the door was pushed open and came in another man with an anxious look on his face. But he went straight to Xin Xiaoli and started, "Bro, you're okay? Are you hurt anywhere? What happened?"

Xin Xiaoli pulled that person off of him and said, "Give me a chance to speak first." When that person took a step back, he replied, "I'm not hurt."

"Then why are you in a hospital? When you texted me that you can't pick me up from the airport because you're going to the hospital, do you even know how scared I got? Then your cellphone went off and I lost half my life worrying about you," while the young man kept talking and talking, Xin Xiaoli pretended to yawn as if to show how bored and tired he was.

"Give it a break, Si!" said Xin Xiaoli and held the young man's shoulders before turning him towards Xiu and saying, "I brought that beautiful young lady to the hospital. She was the one who fainted in the elevator."

The young man looked at Xiu while she waved hi to him. Then he looked back at his brother and asked, "You're really fine?" Xin Xiaoli nodded his head and he hugged him saying, "Thank God, you're okay. How can you do this to me? As my elder brother, you're supposed to be taking care of me, not worrying me to death!"

Xin Xiaoli laughed at his brother and patted his back before pushing him away. He turned to Xiu and said, "Sorry about my brother barging in here like this. He gets worried easily. Anyway, he's my younger brother, Xin Xiaosi."

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"I can tell," replied Xiu with a smile. She found their relationship very refreshing and adorable.

"You can tell?" the question came from Xin Xiaosi.

Xiu nodded her head saying, "Yup. You both have the same eyes. The warmest and sweetest shade of brown... Honey brown." historical

Both brothers shared a look before Xin Xiaoli pointed out, "Ms. Bai Xiu, your eyes are also honey brown."

"Oh, I forgot that," Xiu scratched her head foolishly before saying, "Anyways, thanks for all your help but now, I think I should leave."

"The doctor said you should stay for a couple of hours," said Xin Xiaoli and looked at his brother saying, "Si, go home. You must be tired from your long flight. I'll see you at home after Ms. Bai Xiu gets discharged."

"That's not necessary. I'm already feeling really bad about all this. You should leave with your brother. I can definitely take care of myself," said Xiu sincerely.

"That's not right," said Xin Xiaoli.

"Bro is right. You're his responsibility since he brought you here and for the time you're here, he should stay with you. Besides, we know how boring hospitals can get," Xin Xiaosi jutted in.

Xiu was really surprised to hear that and didn't know what to say to convince them but she gave up when she heard Xin Xiaosi continuing, "Bro, I'll stay with you here as well. Let's go home together. Dad will be super thrilled if we made an entrance together."

"You and your obsession with dramatic details," said Xin Xiaoli while ruining his brother's hairstyle which he didn't appreciate at all.

Xiu listened to the back and forth bantering of the brothers who were older than her and found them really cute. Weirdly, she didn't find their childishness as petty as she did with Dylan. There must be something wrong with Dylan's face. That's why she always couldn't help but speaking up her mind before him.

Oh, wait! That uncle must have been waiting for his documents!

"Ah!" Xiu pulled her hair in exasperation as she screamed out.

"What happened?"

"Are you hurting somewhere?"

Both brothers were around her instantly with worry written all over their faces. Xiu looked at them and smiled sheepishly as she said, "My boss must be looking for me to murder me. I was supposed to give him the documents for the meeting."

"Aiyo little sister, your life is more important than a document. Stop fussing over it," said Xin Xiaosi and offered his phone to her saying, "Give him a call and explain everything calmly."

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"And if he doesn't understand, call him here," added Xin Xiaoli while stretching his neck as he went on, "We have ways to make him understand."

"He's super annoying," said Xiu but still took the phone and tried to recall Dylan's number. It was a good thing that she was good with numbers. So, she soon connected the call. "Hello, Uncle. Cough. I mean, Sir. This is Bai Xiu, your executive assistant."

"Where are you? I've been looking all over for you!" Xiu had to push the phone away from her ear, that's how loud Dylan's voice was.

"I'm in a hospital," Xiu came straight to the point without dilly-dallying anymore.

"WHAT? Which hospital? And why?" Dylan's voice was strained as if he was scared.

Xiu told him about the hospital and was about to brief him about what happened but he hung up. Xiu looked at the screen and said, "Fool, let me finish! Idiot! Psycho Uncle! Son of baloney! Haha! Baloney! I like the sound of that. Baloney."

"Amusing," she heard from around her and looked at Xin Xiaoli and Xin Xiaosi before giving back the phone with a thank you with a sheepish look. Something was definitely wrong with her brain.

Later on, without realizing it, Xiu got engaged in a conversation with both brothers who had stayed around just because she was alone. She was touched by the consideration. She hadn't forgotten about the way her mind tricked her in the elevator. The first thing after going back, in her list was to find out why Bai Xiu was trapped in an elevator. What really happened to her there? Or did it had anything to do with Bai Xiu's untimely death?

It took Dylan twenty minutes to get to her room and he was panting like he had run all the way. Xiu was surprised when he opened the door as she asked, "What are you doing here? Are you that eager to yell at me for not being there for the meeting? How petty can you possibly get?"

Dylan held back his anger since she was on a hospital bed and extended his phone towards her saying, "Call your boyfriend. I can't take his crappy mood anymore."Please go to