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Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance-Novel

Chapter 865 Crystal Spire
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Chapter 865 Crystal Spire

The Snowfall Feast was about half-packed full of people as Mira and her group arrived. The air was filled with the rich aroma of roasted meats and spicy stews, mingling with the sound of laughter and lively conversations. Dominique's eyes sparkled with anticipation, while Hana and Linnea seemed equally eager to experience the local cuisine.

They found a table near the center, where the warmth from the surrounding fires was most comforting. As they settled in, a server approached them, a broad smile on her face. "Welcome to the Snowfall Feast! What can I get for you tonight?"

Mira glanced over the menu, her eyes skimming over the exotic names of dishes she'd never heard of. "We'll start with the Frostbitten Boar and the Glacial Fish Stew. Also, bring us a round of your strongest Northern ale."

The server nodded, scribbling down their order. As she left, Mira leaned back in her chair, observing the vibrant atmosphere of the feast.

"This place is incredible," Hana said, her eyes wide as she took in the sights around them.

"The food certainly smells better than those restaurants on the Western Continent," Linnea added, her gaze following a group of boisterous men at a nearby table, or more particularly, the food they were eating. It all looked so delicious.

"It makes sense, though. With them 'growing' their own beasts for food and most likely obtaining all kinds of spices and ingredients from all over the world, the food scene should be a bit better here." Elenei said, with drool nearly coming out of her mouth as she looked forward to the dishes.

From what she knew, since cultivators don't need to eat, most restaurants just used weaker beasts and less potent ingredients. It was too much work for little benefit to rear strong beasts.

However, here, they have an endless supply right outside their front door.

As the food arrived, the group delved into their meal with gusto. The Frostbitten Boar was cooked to perfection, its meat tender and flavorful, while the Glacial Fish Stew was a delightful mix of spices and fresh ingredients.

In fact, they could all feel a warm, pleasing sensation flow all throughout their body as they ate. It was as if the lingering Qi and vitality in the meat had diffused in their stomach and bolstered their cultivation.

For Mira, Elenei, Coralia, and Rhydian, the amount was negligible, but for Hana, Dominique, and Linnea, they could feel a definite change.

"This is amazing!" Hana exclaimed, feeling her organs being refined at an expedited rate.

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Dominique didn't say anything and just started meditating, working to condense the Qi she absorbed, deepen her foundation, and possibly learn if she could improve the efficiency of her blood affinity.

Between mouthfuls, Mira steered the conversation towards their plans on the Northern Continent. "I'm sure you already know why we're here, but I came all the way up to train. Nothing else. I'm not interested in politics, nor do I want to enter any of the Sects… lawfully. I only have less than two decades to get as strong as possible, and I don't plan to hold back."

"...So, you're saying to be prepared to face a lot of enemies, huh?" Linnea stated with a grim expression, to which Mira nodded. Her frown deepened.

Elenei shook her head wryly. 'At least she's being upfront about it, I guess?'

Dominique, her mouth full of boar, nodded. "That's good. With all the corpses, I could learn more about my blood affinity!" she said.


"Same here! I want to get stronger too!" Hana chimed in, eager to reach the Peak of the Body Tempering Stage.

"I'll assist you both, and Linnea too," Mira promised. "There'll be plenty of people for you to fight in the future."


Suddenly, Linnea regretted following Mira to another continent. She should've known something was wrong with this woman when she blew up an entire city, but part of her thought it was just collateral damage.

Now, she was beginning to understand that life meant very little to Mira–it was just fuel for her to get stronger.

'Damn! We should've gone to the Southern Continent, where I've heard actual demons reside. Why here? One of the more neutral continents?' She inwardly cursed, but what could she do? They were already here.

The discussion then turned to the potential danger zones on the Continent. "We'll need to gather information about the various powers here - Sects, Families, Clans, and any notable wandering cultivators," Mira continued.

"So, we're heading to the Crystal Spire after this?" Linnea asked, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

Mira nodded. "Yes."

Finishing their meal, they headed out into the cold night, making their way towards the towering structure known as the Crystal Spire. The spire looked like it was made of actual crystal, with the way it reflected light.

Dense waves of Qi emanated from the building, making it impossible to miss.

As they entered the spire, they were greeted by a serene atmosphere, quite different from the bustling energy of the feast. The interior was adorned with intricate carvings and glowing runes, casting a soft light across the polished floors.

There were so many arrays and formations that Mira and the rest didn't even know what to make of them. All Mira knew was that she felt slightly uncomfortable like someone was always watching her, scanning her body and movements.

Approaching the main desk, Mira addressed the attendant. "We're looking for information on the powers of the Northern Continent, as well as any notable cultivators and danger zones."

The attendant, a lean man with sharp, intelligent eyes, regarded Mira and her group with a measured gaze. "Information of such nature is not freely shared, and it comes at a cost," he said, his voice echoing slightly in the quiet hall.

"We understand. We're prepared to compensate for the information," Mira replied indifferently.

The attendant nodded, gesturing for them to follow him. He led them through a series of corridors, each more intricately decorated than the last. The runes and carvings seemed to pulse with energy, and Mira couldn't shake off the feeling that they were being closely observed.

Not like she didn't understand, but that didn't mean she liked it.

Finally, they arrived at a secluded room far from the main halls. The attendant closed the door behind them, and the atmosphere immediately shifted. The room was dimly lit, with the only source of light being a small, glowing orb in the center of the table.

"Here, your inquiries can be discussed with more discretion," the attendant said, motioning for them to sit. "Now, let us talk specifics."

Mira explained their needs in detail, emphasizing the importance of accurate and comprehensive information. The attendant listened intently, occasionally nodding or asking a clarifying question.

Once Mira finished, the attendant leaned back, steepling his fingers. "The information you seek is quite a lot, not to mention sensitive. Gathering it is not without risks, and the price reflects that."

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Mira nodded, expecting as much. "Name your price." However, money was the last thing on her mind. With how many Spatial Rings she's looted, she had countless mountains worth of Spirit Stones. Not to mention the infinite money-making machine that is her Infinite Garden.

After some negotiation, a sum was agreed upon, and the attendant left the room, promising to return shortly with the information.

While waiting, the group exchanged uneasy glances. "This place feels... off," Hana whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Yeah, it's like we're being watched," Elenei agreed, scanning the room with her keen senses.

Mira remained silent, her eyes fixed on the door. She knew that in places like these, information was power, and power was never given lightly.

'More than likely, they're gathering everything they can about us, possibly hoping to use it in the future.' Mira thought, annoyed, but considering she had just got here, she decided against making a move.

Instead, she just used her Qi to block as much as she could, doing the same for Hana, Dominique, and Linnea.

When the attendant returned, he carried several scrolls and a crystal orb. "This is what you requested. The scrolls contain detailed information on the various powers of the Northern Continent, including Sects, Families, and Clans. The orb will provide you with a visual representation of the danger zones."

Mira unrolled one of the scrolls, scanning its contents. The information was indeed detailed, but she could sense there was more to it than met the eye.

"What about the wandering cultivators?" she asked, looking up.

The attendant hesitated, then sighed. "That information is particularly sensitive. Some of these individuals are powerful and influential. Revealing their whereabouts can attract... unwanted consequences."

"We'll handle the consequences," Mira stated firmly.

After a moment's pause, the attendant relented, providing additional scrolls that contained information on notable cultivators, including their strengths, weaknesses, and last known locations.

As Mira and her group absorbed the information, the attendant spoke up. "Be cautious. Some of this knowledge can make you a target. And remember, the Crystal Spire is not responsible for any fallout from the use of this information."

Mira nodded, acknowledging his warning. With the scrolls and the orb in their possession, they left the Crystal Spire and went back to the inn.