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I'm Not Interested In The Main Characters

Chapter 96
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Even if the Emperor fell asleep tonight and couldn’t wake up tomorrow, his complexion did not make it strange. Even though the priests of the Imperial Palace tried to improve his condition, it was not easy.

It was because of what had happened while the Emperor was lying on his bed. As soon as he opened his eyes, he heard the story of his second son and Marquisate Blanche.

Black magic that hadn’t appeared for a long time enough to be forgotten to ever exist. The Emperor had always disliked Peloit and was consistent in his indifference towards him, though he nevertheless felt a little guilty about what his son was doing.

He called Cassian, and he sat looking at the silent Emperor for a long time.

The Emperor’s figure who fought the war and won, overflowing with enthusiasm, was nowhere to be seen… Only a father, who was ill and regretted the past, remains. He spoke in a voice that looked as if he had made up his mind yet still had hesitation.

“Catch him before I close my eyes.”

“I will take your order.”

Cassian looked at his face once more.

Although it wasn’t important to catch Peloit before the Emperor closed his eyes, it was important to catch Peloit before he creat more fake vampires. They still didn’t know where he was or what he was doing. In addition, his ability to hide awards recognition.

“Please, advance the coronation ceremony.”

“The coronation ceremony?”

“It doesn’t have to be a real coronation ceremony. Just a coronation ceremony to attract the Second Prince.”

It was a fact known all over the continent that the Emperor was hurrying his abdication. It was rare to rush to abdicate just because he was lying sick, so everyone was wondering why. Regardless, given the circumstances, it wouldn’t be too strange to rush the coronation ceremony.

“We can’t have a coronation ceremony like that.”

If he was thinking about the face of the next Emperor, Revos, the more so.

“Do you want to show the Second Prince who uses black magic in front of the royals, nobles, and people of other countries?”

The Emperor’s eyes hardened at the cheeky tone. He opened his mouth to Cassian, who calmly met his gaze.

“Are you sure the child will appear at the coronation ceremony?”

When he heard the Emperor’s voice saying ‘that child,’ he resisted the laughter that was about to come out. Did he want to come and acted like a father now? Peloit’s death was predestined.

Cassian continued, pretending not to know anything.

“That’s right. In that case, it will be difficult to safely carry out the ceremonial ceremony anyway.”

A simple ceremony was held only within the Empire, but later a festival was held to fill in the gaps, or a proper coronation ceremony was held again. Since the position of the Crown Princess was vacant, the wedding ceremony may be held in a grand way.

Either way, there are plenty of ways.

“One more thing. Now, the conversation should only be known between the two of us, Your Majesty. The Crown Prince should not even know.”

“So, there won’t be a fake?”

“I can’t say it’s true, as all procedures will be changed to take advantage of capturing the Second Prince. The Place must be the temple instead.”

Since Peloit might bring fake vampires, all the nobles had to be in one room. The Imperial Palace would be a difficult place because there were many eyes to see, even for the nobility who were not present at the coronation ceremony.

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In his eyes, Peloit’s illusion magic was terrible, but to others, it was hard to know how it would look.

Peloit might be trying to reveal Elysia’s identity, and just the fact that there was a vampire resembling Elysia would lead to a backlash.

Then, it was really the worst situation…

In addition, it would be easier to get everyone involved in dealing against Peloit if only there were the temple’s Paladins and the knights of the family, rather than the Imperial Knights order. The imperial knights would do enough to keep the gathered nobles from scattering.

As Cassian was picturing the events of the coronation ceremony in his mind, the Emperor gave the answer.

“Not allowed.”

The fact that the coronation ceremony was held at the temple was like saying that a lot of power would be given to the temple.

It meant that after Revos ascended to the throne, there might be more chances of the temple getting involved, so Cassian did not think that the Emperor would accept it directly. However, he had no intention of convincing the Emperor as to why he had to do so.

“That is the safest.”

These words meant to think about the safety of the Emperor and Revos as well. The real meaning was a threat of not guaranteeing their safety if it was done in the Imperial Palace.

“Your Majesty… The coronation ceremony in the temple is fake. The real thing will be grandly held in the Imperial Palace.”

If the Emperor really wants to capture Peloit, shouldn’t he break that stubbornness that he absolutely did not want it in the temple, whether real or fake ceremony…?

Cassian accented the words fake and real.

The Emperor had a dissatisfied expression, but he nodded his head as he could not think of any other way.

“Do it.”

Putting down the letter paper she was holding in her hand, she smiled wryly.

It was a letter from Lady Aiden. She wanted to apologize for what happened at the banquet, so she asked for permission to visit. Today was fine, or tomorrow was fine, too. Elysia could feel a sense of impatience at the setting of the date.

She would never apologize. For what…?

In fact, at the banquet, she no longer cared about the fact that she threw her gloves in front of everyone and slapped Lady Aiden’s cheeks. It was something that deserved an apology right away, though she didn’t get it because Revos intervened.

It seemed that Cassian was also in a hurry to arbitrate because he was afraid that there would be a duel. That wouldn’t even be called an arbitration. It was close to just masquerading as one.


She didn’t like it, but it wasn’t her fault.

Elysia lifted her head and scattered the papers on Cassian’s desk as she saw Der struggling caught in Ryan’s hand.

“Did she want to know the color of Der’s eyes…”


Ryan tilted his head and looked at her.


Let’s hear what she wanted to say. If possible, bring Der as well.

Elysia pondered as she wrote a reply that she allowed Lady Aiden to visit. Should she remove Der’s necklace or leave it as was? She didn’t know why Lady Aiden was trying to figure out the color of Der’s eyes.

“I’ll have to tell to see the reaction…?”

Ryan came closer as Elysia continued to mumble to herself. She furrowed her brow as she caught Der, who had leaped out of his hand.


“Are you okay?”

“Yes. How long will it be unable to control its strength?”

Not too long ago, she felt bad for seeing the employees behave like cats. Did they seem like they were acting as if they knew that they wouldn’t get hurt even if Der chased after them as hard as he could…?

In the end, she shook her head and looked at the necklace on Der’s neck. She decided that the day she saw Lady Aiden, she would take the necklace off.

“Is Lady Aiden coming?”

Ryan glanced at the reply she had left on the desk.

“Yes. She will apologize to me.”

“That’s funny.”

Seeing Ryan raise the corners of his lips in a pout, she was a little perplexed. Somehow, she felt like she was teaching something bad without realizing it. She thought that that was an expression she often makes and remembered that Cassian also raised one corner of his mouth and smirked.

Either way, he seemed to get influenced by either one of the two.



“Don’t smile like that…”

‘Keep your angelic dimpled smile.’

She couldn’t bear to say that.

“How did I smile?”

“Like this…?”

At that, she raised the corners of her lips crookedly. Ryan blinked his eyes, and he gave a look that he didn’t know why it was a problem.

“You used to smile beautifully.”


‘Yes, he was pretty even when you smile like that.’

Elysia just shook her head. What does it have to do with how he smiled? Then, she called a servant and gave the reply.

After having a private conversation with the Emperor, Cassian left the central palace and approached the servant of Aire Palace and Bug, who seemed to be waiting for him. Next to them, the deputy commander Jane, who had just arrived at the Central Palace, was seen.

Cassian didn’t know if Revos had fallen in love with Lady Aiden or if he wanted to play a spy. Though he raised the corners of his mouth, remembering Revos, who hadn’t looked for him since forever.

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Revos, who would be talking nonsense amongst a lot of things to be concerned about, was really annoying to him. Plus, last night, Elysia said, ‘I’m worried about how Jane is these days,’ and remembered how she waved his hand away.

The servant of the Aire Palace found him and approached him.

“The Crown Prince is calling.”

“Let’s go.”

Seeing the servant move ahead, Cassian turned his body toward Jane.

“Is this an urgent report?”


He spoke to her, who lowered her head as if she was about to go back.

“Then, follow me.”


“I’m going to leave the palace immediately after I go to Aire Palace. I’ll listen to it after I’ve done my chores.”

Whatever the report, it was meant to be heard after work with Revos was over. Jane frowned as she looked at the servant of Aire Palace, then followed Cassian.

He gave up trying to figure out why Revos had called him. He must be wondering why the Emperor called him. As the attendant who was in front of him stopped, he turned his gaze and saw Lady Aiden, who had just come out of the Aire Palace.

Lady Aiden’s gaze passed through Cassian and turned to Jane. The way she tilted her head sullenly and smiled cheekily as though she was a winner.

“Duke Este… ”

Cassian ignored Lady Aiden, who was trying to greet him, and just passed by. He bit his lip and gestured his chin as if for Jane to follow as she stood still before walking to the back of Aire Palace.

Did he have to clean up Revos’ love story now…? Even if the other person wasn’t the deputy commander, Jane, Elysia didn’t care about him. He ruffled his hair angrily and glared at Revos, in the distance.

“Greetings, Crown Prince.”

“Duke. It’s been a long time…”

Revos’ gaze reached and fell on Jane, who was waiting a little further away. Cassian went straight to the point.

“Why did you call me?”

It was close to sarcasm as to ‘Why is Your Highness looking for me.’

“You went to His Majesty.”

“That’s right.”

Normally, in order to end the conversation quickly, he would have talked about what was going on. However, not now.

“I believe in the Duke.”

Cassian laughed a little at the words that came out of nowhere. A cold gaze reached Revos.



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