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His Rui

Chapter 296 - A Past That No One Knows About (6)
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The Emperor was crazily giving orders to execute anyone who he would see.

The Imperial Palace as well as the Imperial City went into chaos. The ministers were trying to hide this news and don't let it spread all over the empire but it seemed to be easier said than done. In the end, they could only send people to Xi Manor requesting Xi Ying to come to Imperial City but Xi Ying didn't care about all this.

Because at this moment, he was hearing the revelations that his shadow guards had been able to find out from An San by using An Ping.

In the corner lied an injured An Ping who kneeled in front of Xi Ying with lowered head as the shadow guards told him.

"Master, An San had been working for the Princess Wenling. The first physician was sent by Princess Wenling."

Xi Ying heard the shadow guard and he glanced at An Ping from the corner of his eyes as he asked.

"The Second one? What about him?"

The shadow guards' faces looked very serious at this moment and he answered Xi Ying's question after a long pause almost when he felt that Xi Ying was starting to look very impatient.

"The second shadow guard… even An San didn't know about him. So we searched for that physician. But the physician was found dead a few days ago."

Xi Ying's eyes were cold but he saw that his shadow guard seemed to have more to say so he signed him to continue.

"Master we found his family. The son of the old physician told us that after An San found his father and told him that he would take him to Xi Manor to treat Young Master, an old woman from the Imperial Palace came to meet his father on the evening before he entered Xi Manor. Not only did she offer a large sum of money to poison Young Master to the physician but she also gave him the special poison that didn't have any cure."

"Imperial Palace …"

Xi Ying whispered with his fists clenched tightly in anger.

"That old woman …did you find something about her?"

He asked coldly and the shadow guard again looked very serious as they answered

"Yes, Master. The old woman is a nanny who serves Princess Wenling."

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"Princess Wenling…"

Xi Ying whispered the name coldly.

Inside his mind, he was already imagining the torturous ways he would use to kill the princess slowly and very painfully.


He frowned when he saw that the shadow guard still had more to say.

"Just say everything you have found out in one go."

Xi Ying order coldly and the shadow guard swallowed seeing his master's cold face.

He apologized for his unintentional mistake and then told everything he had found out with his companions.

"The old nanny seemed to have a very peculiar history. From some old servants, we found out that she was given to Princess by the Empress herself however we didn't find any record of her entering the Imperial Palace. No one in the Imperial Palace knows how the old nanny started to serve the Empress."

Xi Ying knitted his eyebrows in confusion and asked his shadow guard.

"Why did you feel the need to search this old nanny so deeply?"

He knew that his shadow guard must have found some reasons to search the old nanny so deeply and sure enough the shadow guard told him

"Because the old nanny seemed to hold much power than the Princess herself in Princess' courtyard. Not only does she rule the courtyard, but she also rules Princess' mind completely. Our men also saw how she manipulates Princess to do certain things. So we concluded that there is someone else behind everything who is just using Princess Wenling to do his own works and the nanny works for that person."

Xi Ying's eyes were ruthless.

The Imperial family for whom he did so much …its people killed his son.

"We found out that person."

The shadow guard said and Xi Ying swiftly raised his head to look at his shadow guard.

"Who is it?"

The shadow guard hesitated for a moment and looked at his companions who encouraged him to say his next words.

A moment later, he said finally

"The Emperor …the old nanny works for the Emperor."

Xi Ying's whole body was frozen and he looked at the shadow guard with blank eyes.

"It is the Emperor …His Majesty…Zhao Wang Lei, who killed Xi Ling?"

He asked his shadow guard who nodded his head again and again and said

"Yes, Master."

Xi Ying couldn't believe this.

The Emperor …whom he helped so much killed his three-year-old son…his Xi Ling.

"Master, not only Young Master…the attack on Master that happened a few months ago was also planned by the Emperor himself."

The shadow guard told Xi Ying who looked totally blank.

A moment later, Xi Ying's eyes were filled with so much rage that he suddenly stood up and kicked the table away with his leg.

Fortunately, all the shadow guards immediately moved away from the way, and the table filled with documents collided with the wall.

Slowly and slowly, Xi Ying walked towards An Ping who had been kneeling silently in the corner until now.

"An Ping raise your head."

An Ping immediately accepted the order and raised his head.

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Xi Ying saw his badly beaten face and the blood trickling down the corner of his lips but his eyes didn't have any pity.

"Do you feel wronged?"

He asked An Ping indifferently.

A tear slipped out from An Ping's emotionless eyes as he shook his head and whispered


Xi Ying nodded his head blankly and then asked

"What do you think about An San?"

An Ping closed his eyes in pain and regret as he whispered the answer to the asked question.

"An San deceived master. He should be punished."

Xi Ying was perhaps satisfied with this answer as he looked at his shadow guard and signed him to open An Ping's tied hands.

The head of all other shadow guards saw this and suddenly looked hesitant and very serious again.

As the other shadow guard untied An Ping's hands, he said suddenly as he looked at his master's cold face

"Master, there is more we have found out."


Xi Ying raised his eyebrows as he turned around to look at his shadow guard and said

"Then continue."

The shadow guard gulped as he went silent for a moment and then said

"It is related to Lady Li."