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His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 554
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Chapter 554

Arnold burst through the front door with the urgency of a storm, not a moment to waste on pleasantries or supper. He had pressing matters to discuss, and every second counted.

Aaron might have seemed rough around the edges to the untrained eye, but he always paid attention to the little things. Before heading over, he’d stopped to pick up some treats for Evadne and Nydia, enduring a nearly two–hour queue to get their favorite sweets.

What he hadn’t anticipated was that Marilla would be there too.

Had he known, he’d have grabbed an extra portion. It almost seemed unfair now.

“Wow! Is this pastry a new thing from their bakery? It’s so adorable.” Nydia exclaimed, her eyes lighting up at the sight. She was a sucker for snacks and didn’t hesitate to gobble one down in a single bite.

Jason chuckled to himself. Nydia, usually so poised and eloquent, revealed her true colors when it came to food. He hadn’t quite hit the spot with her yet.

Evadne couldn’t resist and had one too, her smile radiant and contagious. Thaddeus took mental note of the bakery’s name. He’d have to make it a regular stop to keep her happy.

From now on, he’d have to pick the brains of her brothers for all the things about her. While Emeric might not have been the one to know Evadne best, her brothers were undoubtedly the ones who understood her the most. Having taken on the solemn duty to care for her from the Ashbourne family, Thaddeus vowed to excel in every aspect.

He wanted her to feel, every single day with him, that she had never parted from her kin. He was ready to play every role she needed.

And if the day ever came that she wanted to let loose, he’d even play the fool to keep her smiling.

“Ms. Marilla, you should try one too,” Aaron said, offering a panda pastry to Marilla with a warm, affectionate smile, “I didn’t know you’d be here tonight, got a bit less. I’ll make it up to you next time.“.

Marilla’s heart fiuttered with joy at the sight of the pastry, her hands eagerly reaching out.

But out of nowhere, Jareth’s larger hand swept in and snatched the treat, wolfing it down in one gulp.

Marilla was fiabbergasted.

Aaron’s sharp eyes narrowed, and his outstretched hand slowly clenched into a fist.

“Dear, supper is about to be served, if you fill up on snacks, you won’t have room for the feast Evadne and Thaddeus prepared.” Jareth managed to say between coughs, his face turning a shade of crimson.

He was choking on his pride and the stolen pastry, but he had to maintain his decorum as the heir to the Fairhaven group in front of his rival. His pride and

his wife Marilla had to be protected at all costs.

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“No need to snatch,” Aaron said, a laugh barely concealed, “And do you

Damn! Aaron was insinuating he was a monkey.

in some water?”

The Emeric family’s words never ceased to amaze Jareth. He was seething and wanted to retort, but his throat was blocked by the sticky mass, threatening to erupt with each word he attempted to utter.

Jason and Nydia, oblivious to the tension, went about their business, but Evadne saw everything. Jareth’s wariness towards Aaron was on full display.

The evening meal went on unaffected by the earlier drama, with the hosts‘ cooking skills leaving everyone in high spirits.

Afterward, Nydia took Marilla upstairs to play board games, giving the men the privacy needed for serious discussions.

“Thaddeus, I don’t know how you can still eat,” Arnold said after draining his glass of ice water and slamming it down on the table, “If I were you, I wouldn’t be able to swallow a single bite. Elspeth’s case officially goes to trial next Friday.”

The mention of Elspeth, long out of sight, cast a shadow over everyone’s faces.

“I know, I’ve been counting the days,” Thaddeus replied, his voice tight with suppressed agony. “Not a day goes by that I don’t remember how my mother died. And not a day goes by that I forget the need for vengeance for her and all the innocent lives Elspeth has destroyed.”

Evadne’s heart pounded, her eyes brimming with tears. Under the table, she reached out her warm hand to clasp his trembling


Like grasping a lone ray of light in the dark, Thaddeus intertwined his fingers with hers, gazing deeply into her luminous eyes.



“I recently heard through the grapevine about Elepeth’s life in the detention center. She’s settled in nicely using her status as a tycoon’s wife to get special treatment, and even has her lackeys. Apparently, she’s living in luxury, with gourmet meals, skincare products, and cigarettes at her disposal.”

Aaron sneered, “It seems Frederic hasn’t completely given up on Elspeth. He’s still protecting her dignity. He probably plans to get her out.”

“Oh, let her have her special meals and her makeup,” Evadne interjected sharply, “Just take away her diapers.”

“Frederic is not my father,” Thaddeus said, his eyes bloodshot with bitterness, “The moment my mother ceased to breathe, he ceased to be my father.”

“Thaddeus.” Evadne gasped, her breath caught in her chest.

“All these years, I stayed with the Abernathy group because it was my mother’s last wish. She wanted me to never be bullied again, to earn Frederic’s respect, to stand out, and to make my grandfather proud. Since then, I’ve been obsessed with surpassing Chad, proving myself, and fighting for power within the Abernathy group. But it had nothing to do with them. I just wanted to fulfill my mother’s last wish, to become strong, to make her proud once more.”

Thaddeus closed his eyes, overwhelmed by grief, as if an invisible force was pounding his aching heart, “But in the end, I became a clown, living under the same roof as the killer Elspeth for years, slaving away for that cold–hearted man Frederic. If it wasn’t for Evadne’s unwavering support, if it wasn’t for Erica’s sacrifice to bring us critical information, my mother would never rest in peace.”

Thaddeus felt as though he didn’t have the right to stand in front of his mother’s grave as long as Elspeth drew breath. “Thaddeus, what are you getting at? You’re not seriously considering ditching the Abernathy Group to be a trophy husband for the Ashbourne family, are you?”

Arnold’s brow furrowed as he gave him a once–over, “Evadne hasn’t seen a day of happiness since she married you. Are you really going to make her start from scratch with you?”

Aaron chimed in with a scowl, “Exactly. Do you think we’d let you marry Evadne easily? We might be okay with living on bread and water, but she’s not about to skimp on a single luxury.””

Evadne was speechless.

Her brothers were the kings of hassle. No DNA test was needed, and they

pure Emeric through.

Jareth clapped a heavy hand on Thad’s shoulder, his frustration palpable, “Thaddeus, nob*dy knows better than me how hard you fought to get to the top. If you’re really ticked off, you should be wrestling control of the entire Abernathy Group from Frederic instead of looking like you’re about to give up. Man, take a leaf out of Avery’s book. Learn from his cold–blooded, cutthroat ways. Stop looking back and just take the whole damn thing by storm.”

“You guys don’t know what it’s like to come from a broken home, so easy on the judgment.”

Evadne’s piercing gaze swept over Jareth’s face, “And you, you think that’s the way to talk? Avery’s favorite pastime is screwing over his own kin. Why don’t we have Thaddeus here practice on you first?”

Jareth immediately clammed up, a fiicker of fear in his eyes.

“Thaddeus, they don’t understand you, but I do.”

Evadne sighed, her warm palm resting gently on his hand, “If I were in your shoes, I’d do everything in my power to fulfill my mother’s last wishes too. But I also get what your mother really wanted for you to be able to protect yourself, to be strong. The path you’ve chosen isn’t wrong, and even though you hate Frederic, remember that Hamilton adored you and gave you a second chance at life. For his sake, your perseverance and hard work are far from meaningless.”

“Evadne, thank you.” Thaddeus’s voice trembled slightly as he struggled to hold back his emotions.

“I just understand you.” Evadne smiled sweetly at him.

“Now, with Ward fiipping to a cooperating witness, fingering Elspeth for hiring a hitman on top of drug possession and trafficking, her sentence won’t be light.”

Arnold’s expression darkened, “But I know it’s still not enough. We want capital punishment for Elspeth. After all, it’s not just one

life she’s taken.”

“That’s tough.”

Aaron grimaced and shook his head, his face refiecting the gravity of the situation, “Instigating murder without direct evidence is tough. Plus, Erica’s recordings before her death were made secretly, and they won’t stand up in court. And another thing, the case involving Thaddeus’s mother has been cold for over twenty years. Even if that maid testified, it would hardly be conclusive. Furthermore, Elspeth’s defense attorney is still Cedric. No telling what kind of underhanded tactics that snake will use against


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Jason paled suddenly, taking a deep breath “This time, I’ll be appearing in court as Erica’s attorney of record,”

Arnold and Aaron looked shocked, “Jason, you’re going to court?”

But Evadne and Thaddeus were unfazed, even casting trusting glances his way.

They had been privy to Jason’s plans days ago and had given their full support.

Jason had been the family secretary for the Ashbourne family for years, and many had forgotten his potential, perhaps even Cedric.

Jason was a top graduate of Elmsworth Law School. If he set his mind to it, Cedric wouldn’t have a leg to stand in Elmsworth’s legal circles.

“This trial will also be my showdown with Cedric.”

Jason’s gaze was fiery and resolute, “I know what Cedric can’t stand the most, the feeling of utter defeat. Especially losing to me, that would be worse for him than death itself.”

Evadne nodded, her brow furrowed in agreement.

With a single phone call, countless top–tier lawyers would fiock to represent the Abernathy Group and fight their battle.

But when it came to striking Cedric where it hurt, Jason was the sharpest blade.

“Jason, we’re grateful,” Arnold said with a heartfelt sigh.

“Thaddeus and I share an unusual similarity. He hated her father a long time ago and I stopped seeing Cedric as my brother a long time ago.”

Jason poured himself a drink, raising his glass to Thaddeus, “Mr. Abernathy, given our similar fates, shall we toast to that?”

Thaddeus felt a warm surge in his chest, stood up, and raised his glass, “Jason, thanks for always looking out for Evadne, and for your willingness to help. To our shared desires coming true.”

“They will come true.” Jason’s eyes brimmed with emotion as he nodded emphatically.

Evadne stood up, smiling as she lifted her glass and wrapped an arm around Thaddeus’s waist. “Come on, everyb*dy, together!”

Six glasses raised high, filled with the glow of hope for victory.

“To the fight!” they cheered in unison.
