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His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 521
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Chapter 521

To save his beloved lady, Jason didn’t hesitate to turn himself in to the police after Cedric approached him for a negotiation. He signed a confession without a second thought.

And all of this was orchestrated by Cedric without even informing Matthew. It was like slicing through the chaos with swift and decisive action, catching Évadne and Thaddeus completely off guard!

Thaddeus held the trembling form of his lady close, while glaring at Cedric’s smug expression. “Cedric, what kind of dirty tricks. did you use to force Jason into confessing?”

“Dirty tricks? Mr. Thaddeus, you keep on attacking me personally. My poor heart can’t take this. You owe me for emotional distress,” Cedric said, feigning pain in his chest yet unable to hide his schadenfreude. “Interrogating suspects is the police’s job. I’m just a lawyer, what kind of infiuence do you think I have? It was he himself who signed the papers and made the fingerprint. No one forced him; it was all voluntary”

“Cedric, evil will never triumph over good. You’ll be devoured by the very monster you’ve created. And don’t you dare think you’ve won until the very end.”

Evadne’s eyes blazed with a bloodthirsty red as she clutched Thaddeus’s hand tightly, as if this was the only way to maintain her sanity. “As long as I, Evadne, draw breath, you will never win.”

“Well, I’ll be waiting to see how you plan to win, Ms. Evadne. Don’t keep me waiting too long, Cedric sneered, showing his true colors as a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Though they had planned meticulously, yet they had overlocked one crucial detail.

Cedric was Jason’s own brother. They had grown up together and even if their moral compasses pointed in entirely different directions, one thing was undeniable-

Cedric, as the older brother, had an intimate understanding of Jason’s psyche.

When Cedric went to negotiate with Jason, Evadne and Thaddeus hadn’t even reached the police station. Yet, Cedric had already been playing hardball to exploit Jason’s vulnerabilities and hit him where it hurt!

And Jason’s weak spots were nothing other than Evadne and Nydial

He had used them to threaten Jason, who would rather die than blink an eye under such pressure!

Matthew’s gaze darkened. So, Cedric had gone behind his back to make his moves. And he had done it so well.

Even though Jason had confessed, he didn’t feel a shred of gratitude for Cedric, a man driven by profit and disloyal to his kin.

Thaddeus was right; Cedric was nothing but a cold–hearted beast. If he could sacrifice his own brother today for his selfish desires, he would not hesitate to

do the same to others tomorrow.

This man needed to be watched carefully.

“Chief Roderick, since the suspect has confessed, we can now formally charge Jason and proceed with the legal judgment,” Cedric said, eager to close the case and leave Jason no chance of reversing the verdict, so as to make Evadne regret her

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Chief Roderick shared his sentiment; after all, what was the better way than this to curry favor with the Chambers Group? He Immediately agreed, “With the evidence clear, let’s proceed according to protocol.”

“Hold on!”

A clear and resonant voice out through the tension and silenced the room.

Everyone turned in surprise as two figures walked into the office with an air of calm authority.

Evadne cried out with emotion upon seeing the newcomers, “Brother!”

“Evadne, why would you come to a place like this without telling me?” Cassius frowned, with a mix of concern and reprimand in his tone. “Have you forgotten your brother now that you have a man?”

“Right? You two lovebirds are too much; you had us worried sick!” Chasel stood behind his beloved, chiming in with mock severity, though his eyes playfully twinkled at Evadne.

Evadne was speechless.

At such a critical moment, how could he be so at

to wink at her!

Then it dawned on her–had Thaddeus known about her brother’s arrival?


Chapter 521

“Thaddeus, did you tell my brother to come here? Evadne asked, her eyes widening with realization.

Thaddeus’s eyes fiickered as he whispered in her ear, “Sorry, Evadne, I didn’t mean to keep it from you. I didn’t exactly ask him to come I just mentioned to Gordon before we left to keep my brother in the loop I didn’t expect him to come charging over. It shows that he’s worried about Jason, but even more about you. But why is Dr. Bright here? Are they joined at the hip so as to always show up together?”

As the man pondered, Evadne pursed her lips and beckoned with her finger, he leaned in to listen, “I asked Dr. Bright to come.”

Thaddeus was taken aback

So she had kept things from him as well!

Both were a match made in heaven when it came to scheming, but thankfully, their hearts and efforts were aligned.

For a mere secretary, is it worth the Ashbourne family making such a fuss? Matthew sneered at Cassius with disdain. “But it’s too late Jason has confessed. Didn’t Chairman Ashbourne say in the interview that one must own up to their mistakes and take their punishment standing up? Now, those words are coming right back at you!”

As heads of their respective families, Matthew and Cassius often clashed in the business world, but each time Matthew invariably came up short. As long as Cassius set his sights on a project, no matter how prepared Matthew was, he couldn’t

outmaneuver him.

He had once been t

en forced to maintain a superficial harmony with Cassius and feign magnanimity for the sake of their family ties..

But now, with the gloves off, he was ready to settle the score!

Cassius, however, remained unperturbed, with his cold gaze narrowing slightly. “Jason is no ordinary secretary. Didn’t anyone tell you? My father had already taken Jason as his godson. As a member of the Dempsey family, Jason’s life is worth a thousand times more than that of the lackey beside you.”

Cedric’s face turned red and white with rage.

He couldn’t believe his ears. Emeric had actually taken that little snot, Jason, under his wing as a godson? The guy was nothing. but a brown–noser, and it seemed his efforts were paying off.

Fuming with rage and green with envy, Cedric felt his face twisted into an unrecognizable mask of jealousy.

“Chief Roderick, since when does the police department not rely on evidence? If I claim I can destroy the Earth tomorrow, would you arrest me right now without proof? Chasel stepped forward, his question laced with a mocking sneer.

Chief Roderick quickly replied, “Of course, we rely on evidence, sir. Don’t make unfounded statements.”

“Then I suggest you take a good hard look at this.”

Chasel dramatically slapped a manila envelope onto the coffee table with a resonating smack.

Chief Rodenck’s face registered shock as he picked up the envelope, tore it open, and began to examine the documents with widening eyes. “What is this?!”

“This Chasel began, “was Byron’s medical report. I had to pull some strings and call in a few favors to get this out of the hospital archives

Matthew and Cedric’s faces turned ashen when they heard this

Thaddeus’s gaze on the woman before him was fervent, shimmering with admiration. He understood Evadne’s move; she had been preparing this play all along.

“Impossible. How could this be? Matthew snatched the medical report from Chief Roderick, his eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets as he parsed the contents over and over.

Cedric’s face turned ghostly pale, his heart pounding erratically

“Mr. Chambers, the Chambers Group sure kept this diagnosis under wraps. After all, wasn’t it Evadne who saved your brother’s life? If it hadn’t been for your father begging her to intervene, Byron would be a walking dead man by now”

Chasel’s gaze was filled with disdain and revulsion as he continued, “Not knowing gratitude is one thing, pinning Byron’s old injuries on Evadne’s secretary and trying to conceal the truth and falsify the injury assessment is another. That’s stooping pretty


Matthew and Cedric had conspired to blame Byron’s impotence on Jason, as it would meet the criteria for a more severe charge. It was Matthew’s move of

hiding the real report and manipulating Chief Roderick that had caused the current mess

But they hadn’t counted on their cunning plan being so easily exposed by this androgynous fax before them!

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Evadne, filled with gratitude, looked toward Chasel, who responded with a “no need to thank me” glance.


Chapter 521

The Chambers Corporation thought they could do whatever they wanted in Elmsworth but they forgot one thing–the medical field was ruled by the Bright family

“Byron has become infertile and it’s all Evadne’s fault

Matthew blurted out in a fit of rage. “If she hadn’t performed that botched surgery on Byron. How could he have ended up like this?!”

The room fell suddenly silent

Cedric felt his heart sank, knowing it was too late to intervene.

Matthew had just revealed their guilty conscience. Under pressure, he cracked. Didn’t his statement just confirm that Byron’s impotence was due to a pre– existing condition and not Jason’s doing?


How on Earth did he become CEO? Win it in a lottery?

“Ah, Mr. Chambers, are you blind or just illiterate?”

Chasel crossed his arms, his narrow fox–like eyes full of irritation. “Can’t you read what’s written right there? Byron’s condition is due to the excessive use of

anesthetics and steroids before and after surgery, not because of anything Evadne did.”

Cassius’s deep gaze locked onto him, and a gentle smile unfurled effortlessly in his eyes.

“What are you, exactly?! It’s none of your business! Matthew glared with bloodshot eyes, clenching his fists as he advanced

Toward Chasel

Chasel’s eyes narrowed.

But then, like a refiex, Cassius’s towering frame suddenly stepped in front of Chasel to shield him protectively.

In the next second, before Matthew could regain his balance, he was shoved by the man towering over him and was made stumble backward.

“Whoa, Mr. Chambers, watch out!”

Matthew staggered several steps back; if not for Chief Roderick and Cedric scrambling to catch him, he would have landed fiat on his behind in a most embarrassing fashion.

“President Ashbourne! This is a police station. Do you intend to resort to violence?!” Cedric bit out the question

“Of course not.

Cassius clenched his fist, making the knuckles popping ominously as he stared down Matthew with a chilling intensity. “But if he dares to raise his voice against Dr. Bright again, I can’t guarantee that his nose will remain intact on his face.”
