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Hero of Darkness

Chapter 1007: All According to the Plan
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Within the God's Domain, in a different peninsula forged by another God, a figure emerged from the imposing gates of a white castle seated atop a towering mountain. Rumble!


The air crackled with an ominous energy, and thunderous echoes reverberated across the vast open lands surrounding the mountain.

The pristine white castle stood in stark contrast to the dark, foreboding clouds that gathered above, as if nature itself recoiled from the divine presence within. Bang!


Lightning struck repeatedly, illuminating the landscape in brief, eerie flashes. The mountain, its peak obscured by the tempest, bore the scars of the celestial clash, revealing the raw power of the godly forces at play.

In this realm of destruction, the figure from the castle surveyed the surroundings, and the relentless storm seemed to respond to the silent will of the god.


The gate swung open, revealing a tall and robust figure. His hair, a striking blend of black and white stripes, framed a weathered face adorned with a brown beard that spoke of both wisdom and battle-hardened experience. This imposing figure stepped forth, his legendary rank armor a testament to his might.

The chest plate, pauldrons, gauntlets, and waistguard composed an ensemble that emanated both power and authority. Despite the exposed upper half of his body, the man exuded a dominating aura that demanded respect from all who laid eyes upon him.

As he moved, a mesmerizing dance of red, green, and blue auras encircled him, akin to streams of translucent water weaving an ethereal tapestry. The armor itself seemed alive, with numerous eyes sporadically placed across its surface, periodically glowing in sync with the divine energies coursing through it.

Simultaneously, the man's yellow eyes, devoid of any iris, radiated an overwhelming presence that left those who awaited outside the door in awe of the force of nature that had exited God's Altar.

"He's finally out!" exclaimed a beastkin with the head of a goat, adorned in resplendent golden garments and shamanic gear.

"Did you succeed, Lord Hero? Have you completed both the objectives?" inquired a peculiar humanoid entity, floating in midair without eyes or ears. Its entire form appeared crafted from white porcelain stone rather than flesh.

Finally, the hero spoke after emerging from God's Altar.

"Yes, I did. I have both met the God of Lightning to Limit Break and secured both the Apples of Eden, as per our main missions." he declared in a deep and resonant voice.

"Good. With this, our part in this Conclave of Heroes is done. We might as well leave now," declared the goat-headed party member.


"No. I still need to find him. I heard he is pretty strong," the warrior-like hero spoke in a firm tone.

"Lord Hero! We shouldn't! Even the Emperor instructed us to directly return instead of looking for him. To the empire, your life is far more precious than just another chance at gaining a Peak Saint. We should return as previously agreed." urged another party member, hidden beneath black mage robes.

"It would be too big of a loss, wouldn't it? I recently became a 6th-stage saint and still haven't fought a worthy opponent in far too long. This is an opportunity too good to pass on. Besides… wouldn't you guys also like to know who is stronger among us?" The hero asked with a confident smile.

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"The Hero of Darkness or…" he declared with eyes full of fighting spirit...

"The Hero of Lightning."


The battle in the peninsula created by the God of Darkness was now halfway through as the Future Kahn had restrained Neaman, the brawler saint using the Gravity Law skill.

Just a minute ago, he revealed the truth about him and the Hero of Time being from the future and the latter knowing about their true nature.

This made all the other assailants halt their attacks and grasp the predicament they were in.

After Kahn revealed some facts he knew about the future, not a single one of them had doubts and all concluded… That their lives were wasted as mere pawns during the brawl filled with vengeance between the Hero of Darkness and the Hero of Time.

Using this opportunity, future Kahn decided to impart some words of wisdom to his current self.



Millions of his summoned weapons, made of his world energy, that hovered around him were now coated with a translucent yellowish layer.

What no one knew was that even these magic spells and attack skills that were already terrifying on their own were now coated by Bjormungandr's neurotoxin venom. [This is how you should have used Bjormungandr's venom since the beginning.

Not only you should coat your weapons with it, but also forms an unnoticeable layer on all of your summoned weapons or spells.

This will not only break apart many armors and enemy weapons since it can corrode them even if the attack fails… when the opponent is sprayed with the venom, they will soon lose control over their bodies.] he stated solemnly.

[You failed to use it despite being taught magic by a Sage.] he spoke in a commanding tone.

"Arghhh!" wailed Neaman as some of the summoned spears by future Kahn that were made of the lightning element attacked the saint and started drilling into his skin.

Being a 5th stage saint, the attack wasn't enough to penetrate his body this easily.



But soon, Kahn commanded dozens of 10-meter-long spears to do the same, and as time went on… the outer skin started melting as multiple wounds opened.

If the weapons were not coated by the legendary rank monster's venom, attacks of this degree wouldn't even have penetrated his skin no matter how long it was.

But the result was now that without even using a flashy or lethal attack, the future Kahn had broken past all the defenses.



Neaman's skin and flesh started sizzling as he felt immense pain across his body.

"You're going to die slowly, unable to move and soon, your breathing will also stop." spoke Kahn and threw Neaman into a corner of the battlefield.


The daint's body dropped like a discarded pebble on the side of the road and just like Kahn said, soon, he couldn't even move his eyes or speak a word as the venom completely rendered him vegetative.


Soon, Kahn moved to his next target, unbothered to even finish off this 5th stage saint that would be treated as a god by the common citizens of his empire… fated to die like a mosquito at the hands of Hero of Darkness.

As the time for the Apostle of War mode to end came close, Kahn decided to not waste another moment.

"Dimensional Domain : First Form…

Commandment of the King!" shouted the titanic samurai Kahn.


The surrounding 40 kilometers, everything that was previously covered by the Hero of Time's artifact, his divine weapon, and the Domain of Chronokinesis was now overtaken by Kahn's Dimensional Domain without a single resistance.

Normally, when Kahn used Dimensional Domain, it dropped all of the enemy's stats by 50% and gave himself a 50% boost in all stats.

But that was just the base function.

The 1st form of the Dimensional Domain that Kahn created after the culmination of knowledge and training by Romulus and Vildred when he trained in the Hall of Sentience, assimilating the domain with his available abilities and intellect was completely different.

It was no longer just a pitch-black realm, void of life or a single construct.

Now, it created a different world where Mana and World Energy were manipulated at Kahn's will.


In a mere second, despite his ginormous size, the 1-kilometer-tall Kahn in the monstrous Apostle of War mode teleported so fast that even other saints could not register his movements.

This was one of the functions of the First Form.

In contrast to the base form, Kahn could now teleport anywhere inside the domain, create illusions, and delay the reaction speed of enemies, making them unable to detect his movements even if they were a saint of the same rank as him.

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Sensing mortal danger, all the saints attacked despite the risk of being sucked by the Black Sun.

However… even after their attacks hit his enormous body made of Darkness, not a single scratch was seen. Kahn could now use any type of spell to lower the strength of enemies and perfectly counter their elemental attacks. Isolation, Debuff, Weapons, and Element switching. Nobody even detected that their attacks were countered by multiple Saint Rank and a few Legendary Rank spells as well as Dimensional Cracks before they even touched the ginormous Kahn.

In a sense, Kahn was akin to a Saint while it was them who were now reduced to the rank of a Grandmaster.

"Infinite Dream."

Kahn's eyes then glowed golden and in mere moments, the surroundings for each of the saints changed.

Lucid Reality now had 2nd form called Infinite Dream when used inside the First Form of Dimensional Domain.

This change occurred after Kahn learned to incorporate Illusion Magic from the Sage mentor aka Vildred. Kahn didn't use it before because this skill could completely derange the target's mind and turn them braindead.

So far, he never needed to use this skill because he wasn't always sure about killing his opponents and wanted to extract information from them most of the time after entering God's Domain.

This was the type of magic Kahn hadn't heard of before. Mainly because even Saint Mages could only perfect it with the help of Legendary Rank artifacts which were extremely rare and also needed decades of practice.

Shiver! All the saint enemies now stood rooted in their spots, each seeing and feeling a different reality of their own.

Things were no longer just illusions but partly real as well. This made the skill more terrifying because one couldn't tell the difference between reality and the illusionary world. Stab!


One after another, the saints made their most lethal attacks and stabbed Kahn whom they saw in their vision.


"What the hell are you all doing?!" shouted the Hero of Time.



As the Illusion finally broke, everyone returned to reality and finally saw the truth.

The one they had collectively attacked and stabbed with their weapons and spells to kill wasn't Kahn.

It was the Hero of Time.

Without even letting anyone have a chance to see through his skills…

Kahn pulled the Aizen move on the Hero's Party.