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Gourmet Gaming

Chapter 291: Dangerous Company
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Chapter 291: Dangerous Company

Calauhel had never felt such anger in his life. He had revived Diablo and tried to run away. Although running away was the biggest stain that he would ever have in this life, he still did it.

Calauhel planned to kill everyone using the hands of the revived Diablo. But right now, Diablo could not kill them since they were hidden behind a barrier. So instead of targeting them, he targeted Calauhel himself. Not long after, Lesser Demon Diablo began his attacks on Calauhel.

“Damn! Shit! Crap!” Curses constantly spewed out from Calauhel’s mouth as a fierce battle between him and Lesser Demon Diablo broke out.


They thought that Lesser Demon Diablo would trample on Calauhel brutally. However, Calauhel was still Calauhel. He was not someone that could be easily defeated. Lesser Demon Diablo would trample on Calauhel brutally. However, Calauhel was still Calauhel. He was not someone that could be easily defeated.

Chew, chew, chew.

Minhyuk watched their fight while eating some caramel popcorn.

‘Diablo’s definitely a cut above the rest. But…’

Calauhel’s artifacts were helping him to hold out. His artifacts could exert special abilities that were beyond common sense. Some of them could help him completely defend against anything, and there were even artifacts that could help him recover some of his HP whenever an attack was successful. There seemed to be a lot of artifacts that were supporting him, even without the use of potions.

“Minhyuk, we’re in trouble. Given the situation, I don’t think we’ll be safe either once the barrier is released.”

Even with Calauhel’s outstanding artifacts, he was only able to hold out and not come out on top. He was still struggling not to die despite his artifacts’ special abilities. While he desperately held on, Calauhel was most definitely hoping that their ‘Barrier’ would vanish.

“Ali, how long does your barrier have left before it gets released?”

“There’s still five minutes left.”

Minhyuk nodded. He was sure that Calauhel would be able to hold out for five more minutes. He needed a plan to kill Calauhel and hunt Diablo at the same time.


That was the moment when Minhyuk came up with another plan.



[Lesser Demon’s Wrath]

[Powerful mana will turn into blades, suppressing his enemies.]

Black tendrils cut through the air and rained down on Calauhel’s body. When blood burst out of his body, the Blood?engraved on his fan sucked the blood back into Calauhel’s body. Thanks to his fan, Calauhel’s wounds were slowly recovering. This was a special ability that allowed him to recover 60% of the damage that he had received.


Calauhel felt like he was going crazy. However, he realized that the gap between him and the demon Diablo was not that big. Even so, it was still something that was impossible for him to overcome right now. Then…

“Hell fire!”

“Splitting Sword!”

A huge hellfire appeared and engulfed Diablo while two crescent sword lights flew straight towards his body. And it did not stop there. A huge tempest of light was fired from a huge white wolf that rained down on Diablo’s body. Black Dragon even used the new skill that he had gained from transferring to his new class, Dragon Monarch.

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[Dragons’ War]

[The four dragons will send a strong breath towards a single target.]

The four dragon heads appeared on each side of Diablo as they fired their breath in unison.


Four streams of breath engulfed Diablo!

Diablo could not help but stagger after receiving an influx of attacks. Beings that were revived via Calauhel’s Monarch’s Sacrifice would receive an initial penalty and have all of their skills and abilities decreased by 15%. Even though Diablo had received such a penalty, he was still overwhelming in terms of strength.

However, Minhyuk and his group suddenly began to attack Diablo.

“I’ll help you, Calauhel!”


Calauhel’s face distorted in anger. Even though he could not understand their actions, they still continued attacking Diablo. After receiving all of their attacks, Diablo’s body was now littered with wounds. However, he was still in great shape and could easily attack them. But when Diablo tried to attack them, all of them ran back to the barrier.

“What the hell are you trying to do?!!!” Calauhel shouted as he gritted his teeth in anger.

Then, Minhyuk said, “Come to think of it, you… didn’t you say that you’re from Rothschild? I shouldn’t be hostile to you, right?”

Calauhel’s eyes shook after hearing his words.

‘That doesn’t even make sense…’?

Before he could finish his thought, Diablo, who had lost his target, started attacking Calauhel again. But before Calauhel could stage an attack, Minhyuk and his group rushed out of the barrier and began to attack again.

“Rampant Sword.”

“Incarnation’s Dash!”

“Dragons’ Melee!”

Various skills once again engulfed Diablo’s body.

‘They’re afraid of my family?’?

Perhaps it was true. The Rothschild Family was one of the world’s most prestigious noble families. They even had more property than an entire country. This was legitimate information. Some people even assumed that the Rothschild Family had more power than a country’s president.

‘His words may be true, but I doubt those are his real thoughts.’

However, there was something that he needed to do before he could ponder on this any further. He needed to take down Diablo first.

‘If I die now…’?

Calauhel could not imagine what kind of artifact he would drop. He also could not bear the thought of the penalty and loss of levels that he would receive, since he was already beyond Level 580. It would not be strange to suffer at least a 10% penalty for EXP. That would deal a huge blow to Calauhel. He had to kill Diablo first before thinking about anything else.

‘Maybe their Barrier’s duration is running out.’?

Perhaps they were also feeling flustered because of that. Calauhel placed them at the back of his head as he continued attacking the wounded Diablo.

‘What the hell is this defense!!!’?Calauhel thought, wondering how high Diablo’s defense was. Despite their continuous attacks, Diablo's HP did not seem to fall below 50%. So, to deal with Diablo, Calauhel decided to start using his best one-shot-kill skill. However, he needed someone to drag the time for him.

“If what you’re saying is true, then draw Diablo’s attention for ten seconds!”

During his battle against Minhyuk, he was unable to use his best one-shot-kill skill since they were fighting against each other toe to toe. However, if they were going to drag the time, then it might be possible for him to pull this off.

Then, Minhyuk answered, “Okay!!!”

And with his words, Minhyuk and the rest of his group came out of the barrier and attacked Diablo.

“Flashing Spear!”

The light flashing at the end of Kaistra’s spear immediately caught Diablo’s attention. He was able to successfully attract Diablo’s aggro, making Diablo attack them instead.

Calauhel’s fan suddenly started to weigh a dozen times more than its original weight. There were actually five special properties engraved on his fan. Fire, water, thunder, earth, wind. These five special properties were Calauhel’s best skills. He could easily swallow and engulf his enemies just by maximizing the use of his fan and its properties.

After ten seconds, Calauhel immediately swung his fan. He did not even give them any warning when he attacked. Ali immediately noticed his actions and quickly used a short-range mass teleport to increase the distance between Diablo and his party.

With Calauhel’s swing, light began to emanate from the characters engraved on his fan. Then, each of the properties exerted a great power.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

A powerful fire engulfed Diablo, as strong winds with crackling lightning made him roar in anguish. Roots suddenly sprang up from the ground as they bound Diablo, while the wind tore through his skin.


This was the first scream that Diablo had let out during their fight. By the end of the skill, Diablo looked like he was about to keel over. Then, the aggro went back to Calauhel.

“Let’s end this with an all-out attack!”

Minhyuk and Calauhel were almost on par in terms of skills. He assumed that the first Royal Class, the Dragon Monarch, would also be as strong as them. Combining the overwhelming strength of these people might just help them kill Diablo.

“I got it!”

Diablo, who was bleeding all over his body, immediately rushed toward Calauhel. Calauhel tilted his fan to the back. Just as he was about to use his skills…

“Lightning Hell.”

…dark clouds hovered in the sky.

“A powerful lightning strike will hit Diablo! It’s a single attack, so you don’t have to worry!”

Quickly gaining confidence, Calauhel lifted his fan to use his skills. Alas…



…a lightning bolt struck Calauhel and left him in a stunned state.

[You have been stunned after being hit by a powerful lightning bolt.]


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Calauhel could not understand what had just happened.

Crack, crack, crack―

Having fallen into a stunned state, Calauhel could only move his eyes around. Then, he made eye contact with Minhyuk. He could see the corners of his mouth curling up in a smirk.

You… you bastard…!

Calauhel finally realized.

‘They wanted to reduce Diablo’s HP while killing me at the same time…!’

That was right. Calauhel had played as both a tanker and a dealer unknowingly, while Minhyuk and his party cleverly used the barrier to reduce Diablo’s HP. They were able to achieve this thanks to Calauhel being fooled. And that was not all. Calauhel’s HP had also been reduced. What was worse was that all of Calauhel’s skills had been activated to attack Diablo. After he had given his all, they were going to let him die.


Another lightning bolt struck Calauhel. His vision turned white.

First, he failed his Maestro of Destruction quest and ate some big shit.

Second, he revived Diablo and was fed some big shit.

Third, he was used by them and ate some big shit.

“Y, you bit#$$■%#$%#$%."

Unintelligible words came out of his mouth one by one. Then, Diablo approached Calauhel and cut his neck off.


Then, Calauhel’s fan, as well as an enormous amount of platinum, dropped on the very same spot where he was killed. Calauhel gritted his teeth and squeezed out of the capsule when his connection ended.


The owner of the Rothschild Family, Rausch’s furious roar shook the entire mansion.


“Let’s Have a Meal!!!”

Ali’s barrier was released immediately after Calauhel’s death. As soon as it disappeared, Minhyuk used his skill ‘Let’s Have a Meal’. Let’s Have a Meal was a skill that also created an invisible barrier.

Seeing that Diablo was almost keeling over after being hit hard, he thought that the only way to successfully hunt him was to feed buffed dishes to Kaistra, his father Black Dragon, and Black Mage Ali.

Once the barrier was set in place, the probability of cooking a high-grade buffed dish would increase. And the buff would also be higher for the people who ate Minhyuk’s dishes.

Minhyuk first used his ‘Create a Recipe’ skill on his father, Black Dragon. Based on what he had seen, it seemed like his father wanted to eat some soybean stew. He did not have enough time. He had to feed everyone within 30 minutes. Hence, Minhyuk started cooking. Zucchini and tofu were immediately chopped on the chopping board, as he dissolved the soybean paste in water.

While he was busy cooking, Diablo was already slowly trudging to where they were. Diablo stood in front of them and stared in a daze. It seemed like he had already realized that it was impossible to attack them. But then, Diablo suddenly spoke up after watching him cook for quite a while.

“...A… chef…?”

Minhyuk abruptly turned his head. He felt like chills running down his spine as he made eye contact with Diablo. Then, Diablo spoke again, “...A dish… can you cook one for me…?”


Everyone stared in confusion at Diablo’s bloody appearance.