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Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower

Chapter 636 Peaceful Environment and Harsh Environment
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Chapter 636 Peaceful Environment and Harsh Environment

  Nan Hou Xiang was stunned. He hadn't meet with Feng Ao Kuai and Feng Ao Si so often before aside from bumping at the academy. After all, the two of them spent their time in Wind City and not in the Capital City.

  Feng Ao Kuai's words seemed to be pointing at him that he was trying too much to curry favor with them.

  This made Nan Hou Xiang's face darkened slightly, but he kept it controlled.

  "Cousin Feng Ao Kuai is my cousin, isn't it normal for me to call you with cousin?" Nan Hou Xiang still had a smile on his face.

  "Are you talking about blood relationship?" Feng Ao Si frowned.

  Nan Hou Xiang nodded. "Yes. My father is your mother's brother. In this regards, aren't the three of us cousins?"

  Feng Ao Kuai didn't seem to be so bothered with it. He merely let out a faint chuckle. "I see."

  "Uh…" Feng Ao Si felt that it somehow made sense, but he didn't want to acknowledge it.

  Even if he was called as stupid by his younger brother more than once indirectly, Feng Ao Si still has a keen sense when interacting with other people. He knew who were truly sincere to him and those who only wanted to curry favor with him.

  Alright, not all the time.

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  But when seeing those of the younger generations, he could more or less spot those who made him uncomfortable.

  His instinct was telling him that this Nan Hou Xiang was included among those whom Feng Ao Si didn't like. And knowing the past of Nan Luo and Nan Hua, it was impossible for Feng Ao Si to side with Nan Hou Xiang.

  No way.

  He would forever by the side of his two cousins.

  But at this time, Nan Hou Xiang was still trying his best to continue the talk. He was taught by his father, so he also had eloquent speech.

  "I'm merely amazed by Cousin Feng Ao Kuai's achievement that I talk so much. Cousin Feng Ao Kuai could move forward in the battlefield while I only pin my hope on the test that I can only take when I'm already an adult." Nan Hou Xiang scratched the back of his head.

  "Whenever I heard that Cousin Feng Ao Si and Feng Ao Kuai are making more achievements, I'll feel awe. To be able to survive and strive hard at the frontline had shown that the two of you are amazing."

  Feng Ao Si shivered.

  The praises were a bit too much, isn't it?

  At this moment, Feng Ao Si really could only remember the beating he had suffered and also the harsh requirement that his grandfather told him to fulfill. Not only his grandfather, even his father was warning him heavily.

  If he couldn't fulfill their expectation, he would be demoted.


  With both Nan Luo and Feng Ao Kuai were aiming to overthrow him, there was no way that Feng Ao Si didn't feel the pressure. He didn't dare to relax at all and these praises would only enter one ear and get out from the other ear.

  Thus, Feng Ao Si really couldn't focus on what Nan Hou Xiang was trying to say to him.

  "The future is still uncertain." Feng Ao Kuai was calm and chose to take the lead because he knew that his older brother was a bit unreliable. He could detect that Nan Hou Xiang was looking down on him slightly because in Nan Hou Xiang's point of view, only those who worked in the palace had more dignity.

  It was not weird considering that he was raised in this kind of environment.

  "Indeed, it's still uncertain…"

  "In order to be able to grow, even the most resilient seed need a suitable place to grow." Feng Ao Kuai let out a faint chuckle, yet the look in his eyes turned a shade colder. "Which seed do you think is luckier? The one grow in the peaceful environment without any obstacles or in the harsh land that's caused the seed to grow forcefully and strongly?"

  Beside Feng Ao Kuai, Feng Ao Si felt his scalp turned numb.

  Even though he couldn't understand what Feng Ao Kuai was implying, he felt as if the temperature had dropped and the cause of it was this very young man in front of him.

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  He wanted to yell.

  Why did you have to provoke Feng Ao Kuai, ah?

  Even he, as the older brother who was given some immunity in regards of some matters, didn't dare to cross the line.

  Whenever Feng Ao Kuai got serious or being provoked, the other party will definitely suffer. It was also not the type of suffering that would finish in just one second, but suffering that could be everlasting.

  Whatever they were proud of could be trampled easily by Feng Ao Kuai.

  His ways of doing things always made Feng Ao Si shivered.

  From the words that could even make him suffer to scheming to make Feng Ao Si suffered, he had already experienced too much!

  Nan Hou Xiang frowned. "Wouldn't it be better to grow in the peaceful environment? That way, one will be able to grow big and strong."

  Feng Ao Kuai nodded. "Indeed, the peaceful environment is the most suitable place. However, the cost and labor in order to make sure that the peaceful environment stay that way is higher. How long do you think that the farmer will be able to watch the growing seed until it grows so big without any interferences?"

  Nan Hou Xiang's face changed slightly.

  It was only now he realized that Feng Ao Kuai was talking about them when he talked about these seeds. He was growing within Nan Family in the Capital City, a protected environment with everything available for him.

  On the other hand, Feng Ao Kuai and the others were growing while facing the battlefield. They were partially sheltered, but they had already started to make their own achievement that was separated from others.

  It was their biggest difference.