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Flash Marriage When We Met

Chapter 107
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Chapter 107 Let’s Break Up

She took the bus for a long time and walked for a long time. When she arrived at the villa, it was

already nine o’clock in the evening.

Seeing the door close at hand, she couldn’t muster up the courage to knock on it.

She clenched her fist and then loosened it, going back and forth many times, but in the end she still

couldn’t make up her mind.

Just when she was about to give up, Barret came out and answered the door unexpectedly.

“Ms. Donat, why didn’t you come in outside the door, didn’t you register your fingerprints?”

“I just came…’


Monica stammered.

“Come in quickly, sir, it’s rare to come back so early, and I want to have dinner with you.”


Monica suspected that she had heard wrong.

Leo has seen her like Wade, so why should he have dinner with him.

Is it the last supper?

After Monica went in, she took a special look at the glasses. The makeup on her face didn’t come off,

and the slap print couldn’t be seen.

She took a deep breath and finally mustered up the courage to step in.

Leo was waiting for him in the restaurant.

She walked over just as Leo came out of the kitchen with a plate of chicken wings.

“Sit down, it’s not easy for me to work hard to make this table, you will give me a



Chapter 107 Let’s Break Up

better meal later.”

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Leo raised the corner of his mouth, showing a smile, walked in front of her and touched her head,

pampering her as always.

Monica froze, didn’t he see it all? Why are you acting like nothing happened?

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Or is she dreaming? That’s impossible…

She sat down stiffly, and Leo brought her food, “Don’t be hungry, lest it spread, and say that I abused

you and didn’t give you food!”

“Did you go to school?”

Monica couldn’t swallow, and asked softly.

The smile on his face froze for Vivian, and Monica suddenly understood that all

this calmness was a fake.

He knew everything, but pretended nothing happened.

“You saw it all too, didn’t you?”

“I know, you didn’t do it voluntarily. I believe in you, so there’s nothing to ask.”

Leo has been holding back, but Monica didn’t like what he wanted, she chose to open the scar.

He couldn’t hold his smile any longer.

“I thought about it. I am under too much pressure and uncomfortable with you. We have to be sneaky

when we are in a relationship. I think we should break up. We are not suitable.”


Leo narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

He repeated, chillingly.

Monica took a deep breath and nodded, “Yeah.”

“What if I say no?”

“No matter what you say, it’s no use. I’ve made up my mind. I hope you




Chapter 107 Let’s Break Up

something better. Goodbye.”

Monica got up in a hurry and wanted to run away, but Leo chased her out.

Under the streetlight, he hugged her from behind.

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“You don’t need to love me, as long as I love you. I don’t allow you to leave me, do you hear me?”

“Leo, in fact, you also understand in your heart that we are not people in the same world at all. It is

painful for me to enter your world, and it is equally painful for you to come to my world. There is no way

to have the best of both worlds. I feel very tired. Every time I am with you It’s been a long day, and I

can’t breathe.”

“I don’t like you becoming handsome, and I don’t like you becoming the president of JC GROUP. Your

status makes me feel very small. Just let me go, okay?”

Monica finished speaking in pain.

Every word stabbed at his heart like a knife.

Hearing these words, Leo’s huge body trembled violently.

These words, Monica never said to him.

He has tried his best to protect her, but she is still not happy.

“Is this your truth?”

Leo let go of his hands, his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and his back was



“It is difficult for me to be strong.”

Leo laughed at himself from behind.

Monica’s heart ached at that moment.

“You go, don’t come back, I’ll let Barret deliver the things later.”


She only dared to pronounce a monosyllabic sound now, for fear that Leo would


Chapter 107 Let’s Break Up

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hear the choking in her voice.

Little did he know that the hands hidden in the cuffs of his sleeves had already been clenched tightly,

and he used all his strength to punish himself.

She stepped away, as if walking on the tip of a knife.

Finally, she went out the gate.

Leo was still standing there, his eyes fixed on the direction she left.

How he wished Monica could look back at him.

But she really left and never looked back.


He cried out in embarrassment.

Barret hurried forward, he didn’t know why the two of them quarreled?

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“Sir, are you all right?”

Seeing him stag gering, Barret was so frightened that he hurriedly supported him.

Leo firmly supported the wall with one hand, propped himself up, and said, “Go and follow Monica,

don’t let her find out, and send her back to school safely,


“Sir, but you…”

“Go, she can’t have an accident!”

“All right…”

After Barret sent Monica to school safely, when he came back, he saw Leo drank a lot of wine, and the

table was full of food without taking a bite.

Even hardened people can’t stand it.

He quickly called Zion and explained the reason.

Leo was hungover all night and woke up the next day with a splitting headache.



Chapter 107 Let’s Break Up

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He saw a vague figure beside the bed, thought it was Monica, but before he was happy for a few

seconds, he regained his clarity and saw Zion.

“You see me disappointed?”

Zion caught the dimness in his eyes and said helplessly.


Leo said lightly.

He got up and said, “If you’re tired, rest, I’m going to the group.”

“It seems that you don’t want to have a good chat with me. I thought we had nothing to talk about.”

When Leo heard this, the corners of his mouth stiffened slightly.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to talk, but those words are too bitter to say, and there is a feeling of

tearing open the wound and adding salt again.

“I can adjust myself.”

“I do believe this. That’s how you got here. But, isn’t it uncomfortable to keep some things in your

heart? Since you don’t want to tell me, then I don’t have to tell you. Today near the hospital, I met


He said casually, and was about to turn around and leave.

Hearing this, Leo became anxious, rushed over and grabbed his shoulder.

“What did you say?”