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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 221
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Chapter 0221

The bright light coming through my window makes me open my eyes. Instead of getting

up immediately, I just stay in bed for a while as I rub my belly and feel my baby move

inside me.

I look at the calendar on my bedside table and realize that today I just hit the sixth–month

milestone. It’s scary to have a baby. The whole journey is filled with uncertainty. I always

make sure to thank God each time I pass a milestone with my baby, knowing not all

babies get to be born.

After saying a small thank–you prayer, I get up and move downstairs. I could always

shower later, but right now I am hungry. With everything that happened yesterday, I forgot

to eat.

Thinking about yesterday brings me to what happened with Rowan. I still can’t believe

that I let him k*ss

me or that I actually enjoyed it.

It bugs me so much that I wanted more. I wanted him to deepen the k*ss. I wanted him to

take it further. I

can blame it on the hormones, but we all know that I’d be lying to myself.

Rowan hurt me so much. The fact that I wanted him yesterday makes me hate myself just

a little bit. I

promised myself to move on, yet there I was making out with him in my living room.

I want to believe that Rowan has changed, but I just can’t. Even if, by some miracle, he

has, don’t you

think it’s a little too late for us? Too much has already happened for us to make something

out of the

mess he created.

Taking out the ingredients for breakfast, I get to work. No matter what I try, I still can’t

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stop thinking about the damn k*ss. For heaven’s sake, why the hell did this k*ss affect me

so much? I just don’t F***ing get it, honestly.

I groan in frustration, wishing I could erase the feel of his l*ps on mine.

“What’s got you so frustrated?” Calvin’s voice startles me so much that I let go of the

eggs I was holding.

*Jeez, Cal, you scared the living day lights out of me,” I say with my hand pressing hard on

my beating heart.

“Sorry,” he grins. “I thought you heard us, given Gunner and Noah didn’t really get inside


turn to said boys to find them munching on the cookies that I had baked yesterday.

It’s okay, I was just a little bit lost in thought.

The prin sl*ps from his face. “Are you still thinking about what happened yesterday with


I just nod my head. It was a lie, but he didn’t need to know that I was thinking about a

totally different


“What are you making for breakfast, mom?” Noah asks

“A fry up” I respond.

“Yes!” Gunner pumps his fist up in the air. “I love fry–ups; it’s like having all your favorite

breakfast food at


I smile at him. So happy that he is happy. I’m hoping that one day Emma will see the error

mend her fences with Gunner before it’s too late.

“Are you

almost done?” Noah asks. I’m so hungry.”

of her ways and


“Not yet. Just a few more minutes, and I’ll be done. Why don’t you go wait in the living

room while I finish


“Okay,” they say at the same time, before rushing to the other room.

Cal takes the cleaning tools from me and proceeds to clean up the mess I’d made. “Sorry I

brought them

here for breakfast when we should have given you more time to yourself. It’s just that they

insisted that

they wanted your breakfast.”

I laugh at that. It’s not that Calvin was a bad cook. He just didn’t make it like I did. Their

word, not mine.

“It’s okay. I would have finished cooking and brought some over anyway, so it’s not a big

deal,” I tell him as I get back to frying the eggs.

“How are you holding up, all things considered?” I ask him

“Good.” He pauses. “I feel relieved that now everyone knows about Gunner. He’s an

amazing kid, and he shouldn’t be hidden away like a dirty secret. After my grandfather

died, I had no one until Gunner was bom. I didn’t mind it being just the two of us, but I

knew it was unfair to him given that his mother had a family. Gunner deserves to know his

uncle and grandmother.”

In my eyes, Travis and Kate weren’t people worth knowing, but they’d treated Noah well,

so I guess it was safe for Gunner to be around them.

Shit. I should really let go of my resentment towards them. They were no longer part of my

life, so it didn’t matter what they did to me before.

You’re right, Emma didn’t have any right to keep him from her side of the family


I excuse myself and leave the kitchen.

“Who is it?” I ask my son.

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He shrugs his shoulders. “There was no one outside. Just this note.”

He hands me the note that had my name written on the front. I feel a chill run down my

back when I look

at it

“Alright, you head inside. I’ll be there in a second,” I tell him.

He nods his head and gets back in the house. Still feeling out of sorts, like I was

surrounded by an air

bubble of danger, I unfold the note.


What the hell? My heart starts pounding as I grip the note tightly. I scan the street, but I

don’t see anyone

or anything suspicious.


Folding the note, tuck it into my pajama pocket. I enter my house and close the door

behind me before

heading to the kitchen.

“What is it?” Cal inquires while looking concerned. “You look spooked.”

“Nothing. There was just no one at the door.” I shrug and try to play it cool while my heart

was beating

hard against my chest.

“Maybe it’s a kid playing a prank.”

“You’re probably right,” I mutter.

1 finish preparing breakfast, and we eat to our hearts desire. Gunner and Noah share

funny stories from school, while Cal shares his from work. Even as I smile and laugh, I

can’t help but think about the note.

Something tells me that there is something more to it. I trust my instincts, and it’s telling

me that someone is after me.

My life once again seems to be in dange