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Escaping my arranged marriage with Alpha Prescott by J Belladonna

Chapter 10
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Chapter 10


I clamped my mouth firmly with my hands. My mate was being intimate with someone else and the pain

it inflicted upon me was too much to bear.

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Here I was again with my second chance mate in the same situation. I was feeling and dejected.

There was no difference in Gabriel or Alpha Prescott. None of them saw me more than my position.

Both of them just wanted to gain something from me.

Nobody cared about my heart. Yet my stupid heart was dying to feel wanted by my. fated matc.

He didn’t even bother to listen to me before throwing me in the dungeon.

“This is madness.”

“I’m commanding you to free her. Right now. She’s your Queen.”

I heard someone talking to the guards. He didn’t know that I was the Queen for just the name’s sake.

“I’m so sorry, Matilda.” Alpha Mason suppressed his lips in remorse. “Prescott had always been like this

to everyone but I didn’t expect him to be like this with you, too.”

The guards opened the cell and helped me come out as I didn’t have any strength to walk. I was feeling

dizzy, my eyelids became heavier.

“I’m nothing special for him,” I muttered in a low, barely audible voice. Perhaps I was delusional enough

to assume that I meant something to him and he would respect me.

All the Alphas had plenty of mistresses so it was nothing new but still, it did hurt like hell. He didn’t

know that his son had wounded my soul. The scars that my body will carry from his betrayal will take

forever to heal.

“Gamma Jericho has found your family and they will be here soon. I suggest you eat and take some

rest before they arrive,” Alpha Mason advised pitifully.

I was nervous to see my family after all those years. My father might not forgive me for what I did but I

knew that Avery would be happy to see me.

“Thank you, Alpha Mason,” I thanked him before saying no to the guards for following

1. me.

“Oh, honey,” Serena engulfed me in a warm hug as soon as I got out of the dungeon.


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12 30 Sat, 24 Feb

Chapter 10

“I’m so sorry. He is an as hole.”

I broke down in her arms. In this strange place, she was the only friend I had. “Why would he do that to


“I’m sure it’s some misunderstanding,” she consoled me, soothingly patting my back.

She helped me walk to my room. When I was passing by the hall, I sniffed a strong scent of earthy–

mossy oak scent. Surprisingly, Alpha Prescott wasn’t there but my sensed his scent lingering in the air.

Luna. I heard the Alpha put you in the dungeon for disobeying him,” Phoebe said sympathetically and

held my hands.


The smell of my mate’s musky woody scent was coming from her. She was pretending

to care about me.

“Drop your act

and leave, bit*h,” Serena pulled my hands away from Phoebe.

Phoebe smirked. “I helped the Alpha calm down like always. He has a bad temper and anger issues

but I’m sure that you’ll learn to obey him soon.”

My eyes turned blurry due to tears. History was repeating itself.

Nonetheless, I decided that I would not let anyone treat me like that again.

“That’s the difference, honey. I’m the Alpha Queen so taming the beasts is in my blood,” I shrugged. “I

don’t obey or help anyone. I command.”

Serena sneered. “Woah. That was the best slap without touching her dirty cheek.”

Phoebe clenched her fists by her side. She knew that it was best to keep her mouth shut. because I

wasn’t a weakling whom she could manipulate. She turned her heels on and so did we.

“Who the hell dared to defy my orders?” Prescott growled when he saw me in the hallway of his


“I. Alpha Prescott. And you’ll learn to respect your mate.” Alpha Mason replied in a challenging tone.

His jaw tightened as his father stepped between him and me, protecting me from his

evil son.

“Dad, you shouldn’t have done that. I never interfere in your decisions,” My mate muttered through

gritted teeth.

“I never hurt the people I love, son. Had your mother been alive, she would have been

Claper 10

so disappointed to see you behaving like this with your mate,” Mason said gloomily. probably missing

his mate.

His mate was so lucky to have an Alpha who loved her even after her death. Mason was so loyal to her

that he didn’t choose a second mate after her.

Prescott’s eyes softened for a second but instead of comforting his father, he walked


“I’m sorry, Matilda. It’s my mistake that I couldn’t teach my son how to treat women,” Mason apologized

to me again.

“It’s not your mistake, Alpha Mason. Please, stop saying sorry to me,” I gave him a warm smile. “You’re

the best father and Alpha. I hope that your son will also become like one day.”


Serena threw her arms around Mason and they shared a fatherly–daughterly hug. “Alpha Bear, don’t

you worry. Your daughter–in–law will tame that beast,” she winked at

1. me.

I wondered how Alpha Mason could be so soft and approachable when all the Alphas were arrogant

and ruthless.

‘Go inside your room, Serena told me via mind–link.

‘Can’t I be in another room for tonight, at least?‘ I suppressed my lips, not wanting to face him.

“You’re the Alpha Queen. Use your command, power, and everything that you have and put a strong

upfront as you did with that who*e,‘ she suggested to me and hugged me before pushing me to leave.

My legs and back were sore from the torment my mate subjected me to. I needed rest

heal. Thank Goddess, he wasn’t in the room, so I closed my eyes after lying down on my bed.


“Can you stop being stubborn? Why didn’t you eat the whole day?” Prescott folded his arms,

demanding an answer.

“You can stop pretending to care now. No one is watching.” I replied coldly. I was tired. of his hot–cold


There was silence for a minute before he pulled me in his arms and carried me outside the room. Even

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though I should have been scared of being thrown out of the room, the sparks danced through our

bond as his musky oak scent filled my nostrils.

My wolf wanted to pounce on him and devour his delicious mouth. Being the Alpha,



12.30 Sat, 24 Feb

Chapter 10

my wolf had strong desires and tried her best to make me give in.

The maids were looking at us in horror as if they had seen the ghosts. I realized that I was staring at his

handsome face.

He was throwing me out of his room in front of everyone. “Put me down,” I urged, not wanting to be

embarrassed in front of the maids.

“You’re not that heavy, darling,” he said, then gently pressed a feather–light kiss to my forehead.

I was blushing hard, ignoring the fact that it was just for the public’s eye. I was glad that he wasn’t

throwing me out.

“Leave, everyone,” he commanded after putting me down on the kitchen counter. My heart started

drumming in my chest.

He grabbed a plate and served everything that the cook had made.

“Eat,” he ordered firmly after placing the plate on my lap and caging me in between his


I swallowed an invisible lump in my

“I’m not hungry,” I lied.

How could I cat when he was standing so close to me, between my thighs?

My breathing slowed down and the butterflies fluttered in my belly, making me feel lightheaded. I could

feel his breathing on my nose and lips.

“Eat, baby, or else I’ll feed you with my mouth,” he warned, narrowing his eyes at me.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!