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Epic of Caterpillar-Novel

Chapter 610 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzets Labyrinth Conquest] 72/?: Comprehending Spatial Magic
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Chapter 610 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet's Labyrinth Conquest] 72/?: Comprehending Spatial Magic




As I flew back to Nannet's High Thunder Gillmen Nation to meet with the rest of my family, I began to experiment with the new powers and skills I had gotten.

Many of them had been assimilated by 'Superior Skills', which means that their effects were now part of my already existing skills. I tried to see what they were about by releasing my Aura and shaping it around.

It had several colors twisting around endlessly, I felt like if anyone weak enough were to stare at it, they might get dizzy or even fall unconscious. Amidst the many colors, there was a bluish-purple color, that seemed to be part of the Space Attribute Divinity.

I tried taking it out to test its effects and immediately felt as if space was beginning to dilate around me as if trembling.

I extended my Aura even more, as I saw how space began to distort slowly, if I were to infuse more intent into it, and perhaps a few spells, I should be capable of opening something like a gate towards the different types of space layers that seem to exist in this world.

After eating Kheseerad, I discovered a lot of his secrets and knowledge that he had gathered through his life, one of such secrets was the knowledge about the existence of 'Spatial Layers'.

It is complicated to explain it in detail, so a fine example of it would be as if the entire world of Genesis were its own single space, and space itself is supported by hundreds of layers as if they were various thin sheets piled one after another.

Whenever space is distorted by the manipulation of it or through special means capable of affecting it such as my Chaos Attribute Magic, these Space Layers would move around, expand or even break depending on how heavy the burden is put into them.

And those that are immensely talented in the Space Attribute are capable of abusing the manipulation of these special layers to their advantage.

This is how Kheseerad was capable of traveling anywhere he wanted through a Pocket Space, a special separate chamber that he created through his Spatial Aura which he placed in between spatial layers that were hidden from the n.a.k.e.d eye and what we call 'our space'. He was still here in this world, but the space he was traveling in was another layer.

The space of this world, and perhaps of the rest of the universe is made into layers, and the world that we see with our n.a.k.e.d eye is the surface of all these acc.u.mulated spatial layers supporting the entire weight of existence.

Kheseerad was capable of moving to the other, lower spatial layers, the ones that we should not be capable of seeing nor manipulate, even less entering into it.

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Of course, if you tried to simply enter them through some means, but you were not prepared, you would be squeezed endlessly through the pressure of all the spatial layers that support existence, dying horribly.

This is why the Space Attribute Magic is a dangerous thing for its wielder if it's not well-prepared for its use, hiding between the spatial layers might bring an excellent hiding advantage, but if you're not capable of supporting your own space to inhabit in between these layers, you're as good as dead.

This is where Kheseerad's Spatial Aura and the other supporting spells came into play. By using the Spatial Manipulation and Spatial Disruption Spells, he was capable of opening a path inside these spatial layers, while elongating them to create a fitting space for him.

Afterward, he would use his Aura coupled with the Pocket Space Creation Spell, which would let him stabilize this space he created for himself, making it seem like a solid space where he can rest and live comfortably, there is no oxygen here, by the way, and such spatial dimension of sorts resembled an environment similar to the vacuum of outer space, but he did not seem to mind, nor Zudig who traveled with him inside such space.

However, although he managed to create a Pocket Space that can be supported by his Aura as long as he has Mana and a bit of Divine Energy, he still cannot simply say "now move" and space would suddenly move around the spatial layers like a car. No, that is not how it works. This chapter is updated by novelenglish.net . Fire(.)nᴇt - novelenglish.net . bin

For that, another set of a few more spells come into play. Spatial Layer Movement is a special Spell that lets a Space Attribute God such as Kheseerad manipulate the spatial layers of existence that surrounds him to do his bidding, by infusing his Aura into them, he can make them move and make space for his Pocket Space to travel through, creating a road for himself.

And when he is finally into it, he uses Spatial Travel to make the movement around the spatial layers smoother and not as slow, this spell simply makes traveling smoother, and does not help in moving the layers… it could be said that its something like a lube.

Then, to orientate himself around the endless spaces that the spatial layers create, he uses the Spatial Layers Detection Spell, which lets him detect the layers of space and see which routes he should take as he moves around them, reaching the areas he wants to reach with great efficacy.

And last but not least, there is the Spatial Digging Spell, the spell he was using to dig through the layers of my domain that distorted space and made it hard for him to move through the spatial layers, which were receiving an enormous burden from my Domain, making his travel incredibly slow, this spell is only used when there are such 'obstacles' in the way.

As I can see, Space Attribute Gods need to do a lot of work if they want to travel through space just like that, it was not as simple as them willing it and infusing Divine Energy to make it possible. Several Spells were needed to cover each area of the traveling. I can see why he did not have much space for offensive spells when what he needed the most were utility spells.

Although Kheseerad's Divinity and Spells were very useful, I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't any spell simply called 'Teleport', it would have been quite useful to simply teleport to whatever place I imagined in my mind, but I guess the simple 'teleport' spell might have been even harder to attain, perhaps Great Gods have it, where Supreme Gods will most likely have it.

Well, now that I have both the affinity to Space Attribute and a Pseudo Divinity, I should be capable of creating new Spells of my own, although the implications of a Teleport Spell seem to be more complicated than I thought it would be due to all the carefulness I have to take over the Spatial Layers and all… it seems easier to just let my family teleport around using my Inner Realms that connect with each of my true body clones while I travel on my own, I guess.

I suppose I would be the only one benefitting from the Teleport Spell, as my family can sort of teleport already through that method.

Now I wonder what Classes I unlocked by eating so many divinities now… I feel like my already enormous potential has skyrocketed even further, I feel sorry for the System Gods…

After eating so many fragments, my body had naturally converted most of the Divine Energy gained into Skill Points for Class Change, so I have around 6k points or a bit more at the moment, enough for a few more Class Changes.

By changing Classes, I feel like I might be capable of unlocking more of the innate powers I acquired by eating such Divinities, and perhaps some insights in the creation of my desired Teleport Spell.

As I handled around my Aura to see the change in space around me, my wives noticed me playing around as we flew back to Nannet's nation.

"Masta, is that what you acquired from Kheseerad, guu?" asked Rimuru.

"Indeed, my Aura changed its quality after having eaten the gods… well, a large part of them. You also consumed some larger chunks of them all, do you feel any change in your capabilities, Rimuru-chan?" I asked my wife as she flew near me.

Rimuru smiled as she unleashed her Aura, which was bright as ever, decorated with the various colors of the rainbow, however, its quality had increased exponentially.

"I did, Masta! Although not as much as what you got in power. But that's fine, Masta is Masta after all~!" said Rimuru with an adorable smile.

"I see, it does feel stronger, and your divinity has also become more noticeable now, you probably have a Pseudo Demi-Divinity at this point, although it seems to be an amalgamation of the many fragments you've eaten like me, instead of being something more compact," I said.

"I can feel it too! It feels… weird to be a god!" said Rimuru.

"Well, we aren't exactly gods… yet, but your souls are similar to those of Gods at this point… I wish I could find a way for the rest of the girls to acquire Divinity Devouring and forge their Divine Souls faster" I said.

"Well, I am sure you'll find a way, Masta! You always do!" said Rimuru.Find authorized s in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%5Bfated-encounters-nyzzet’s-labyrinth-conquest%5D-72-comprehending-spatial-magic_51652520732313561 for visiting.

"Yeah, no rush… Although we are often annoyed about it, we know that you will be capable of gifting us with that power at some point. At the end of the day, we just want to help you out, and such power is only so we can do it better" said Nesiphae, flying above me as she blocked most of the light from the dungeon's artificial sun.

"Indeed, we are all a big family here, Honey, through our hard teamwork, we were able to fend off those Gods quite well if I say some if we ever strengthen our Souls into Divine Souls, we'll do it even better… Although I cannot deny that I am a bit selfish in that regard, I really want to try out what having a Divinity feels like…" said Zehe, flying below me.

"It is… well, you feel very strong!" said Rimuru.

"That's a very straightforward explanation, Rimuru-chan…" muttered Zehe.

"I feel like it will be just as our Auras, but stronger, right? We have felt it before, don't you remember? When we merged our Auras with Kireina in that fight" said Brontes.

"Oh, right! It was something like a stream of cold water, that felt very refreshing, is that what Divinity feels like?" asked Lilith.

"For me, it felt like a burning flame that made my heart pump faster and faster, a strong exhilaration," said Oga.

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"For me, it was calm and tranquil, and it even made me think faster," said Charlotte.

"Well, it seems like everyone has a different feeling and take on it, so I can't simply explain it in normal terms… Now that I think about it, Rimuru, do you feel like you can put some weight into space?" I asked.

"Weight on space? What do you mean, Masta?" asked Rimuru.

"Kheseerad's Divinity lets me slowly manipulate the spatial layers around me, can you do something similar?" I asked once again.

"Oh! I do not know… But maybe? Space does feel weird when I expand my Aura, guu" said Rimuru.

"That's interesting…"

Perhaps if I receive Rimuru's assistance and supplement my Space Divinity with hers, I might be capable of infusing even more power into the spatial layers and create stronger Spells… And maybe Teleport? I can only dream…

"Now that you have some Space Attribute Magic, can you teleport around, Honey?" asked Zehe.

"No… It is not as simple as I thought it would be, my space attribute magic is quite similar to what you have developed with your Dark and Shadow Attribute Magic. Perhaps this affinity might have benefited you better, Zehe… I will try to find a way to share these spells with you, perhaps in equipment until you can master them yourself" I said.

"Oh! Really?! I never thought I would be advancing through the path of Space Manipulation! But if you really want to…" muttered Zehe in a bit of excitement, she was an avid witch and seemed to be charmed by the idea of increasing the power of her spells and also its variety.

Aside from the Space Attribute, there were other divinities from the other gods, such as the Inferno Attribute by that Unnamed Fire God Soul, which seemed to have strengthened my Helios Skill and even Blaze for some reason. As she was communicating with me and informing me that she had suddenly received a burst of energy and power, feeling even more alive since I ate that God.

Because our souls are connected, she might have received a boost in her Divinity and overall power through this new Divinity of mine, just like a Skill related to it would do.

This made me wonder if I could strengthen the slumbering Lazuli if I were to eat an Ice Attribute God… or Water? Hm, well, I never ate Hydros at the end, and he has currently moved inside the Pantheon of the Gods overlooking my Empire, so they got a new member to greet.

Hydros lacked a physical body and a Divine Core, so his strength is very low, although he was a God, he seemed more like a Demigod strength-wise… and there is another one.

The Earth Attribute God, the Unnamed God released by Kheseerad has been slowly following us. He is weak and seems to not have ill will, but I cannot simply let him follow us back to the Nation of High Thunder Gillmen, so I will confront him.

"Show yourself already," I said, as I stopped in midair with the rest of my group.

"Fufu… It seems that I was found out"


