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Epic of Caterpillar-Novel

Chapter 130: War Preparations
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130 War Preparations

[Day 117]

Although the Athetosea Kingdom was made of merchants, after several generations of nobles, a "royal" family was chosen between these nobles and then, the concept of King and Queen alongside Prince and Princess was born.

Aside from the King and its family being of royalty, they follow the [Ten Elements Gods Religion], which is the main religion in this Kingdom. I talked about this with Charlotte and Lilith, and both of them were taught about this religion when they were children. Although, they mostly don't care about gods and find it useless to pray to a God that has not blessed you in the first place.

For me, I suppose the "god" that blessed me is Mysterious Voice, that cynical bastard…

But I don't even know what kind of god he is, he was only addressed on some system messages as "System Master" and nothing else. And there is no way I'm going to give a pray for him.

Aside from the [Ten Elemental Gods Religion], there is the [Supreme Gods Religion], that worships all the supreme gods. This religion is divided into sections, like the [Supreme Goddess of Fate Church], [The Supreme God of Time Church], [The Supreme God of Space Church], [The Supreme Goddess of Life Church], etc. This is the main religion for most humans in the two Central Continents.

However, most people don't like that all the supreme gods are in one religion, so sometimes they only worship one and call it a religion.

Most Demi-Humans worship the [Beast Gods and Demi-Gods], however, each tribe has its own religion, and it's quite messy compared to humans.

There are also [Supreme Spirits] that are existences similar to gods, and are worshipped as such by some demi-humans and humans. However, the strange thing is that there is also an "official" god that is the [God of the Nine Spirits], and its true identity has driven humans and demi-humans to wars due to confusion and racism between humans and demi-humans.

Spirits are too few nowadays, but they only pray to the [Supreme Spirits] and nothing more, calling any other god an "imposter" or a "false god".

According to some of the Water Spirits, the current Gods didn't exist when the world was only one, named Genesis. And that the current gods were the ones who caused the original world to split into countless realms.

This is only an assumption, but probably, these current gods are no more than mortals that evolved until reaching a godly stage and immortality, becoming "gods". The [Supreme Spirits] is most probably the original gods and the ones who nourished and took care of the original world.

This is further proven due to each [Supreme Spirit] representing an element, and not things like "war" or "medicine", etc.

The reason why the gods bless weaker beings than them is still a mystery. Some say that it's because they are benevolent or love their children… But I don't think someone so strong would put so much time and effort into ants if he's not getting anything in exchange.

There must be a hidden reason, a deeper meaning on why they are doing this, and its correlation to the [Epic] Skills…

Perhaps, when I finally attain [Divine] status, I will be able to find some answers. For now, I need to concentrate on the present…

Talking about the present, I've received some info from Alice and my Flesh and Slime Minions.

Alice has been called by the Champion of Psychic Eyes, however, she denied the invitation and remained at home. And because the Champion has a lower status than Alice, she cannot protest and was confined outside of Alice's property.

It seems that the Champion is already suspecting Alice… But with Alice's status, she only needs to stay at home and nothing should happen.

Alice has been hypnotizing a fair number of nobles already, who attend to her every command, the Champion of Psychic Eyes cannot see through hypnotized humans, so my plans with Alice are going well, for now.

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Soon, I would like for Alice to oppose the Champion of Psychic Eyes plans, and probably provoke a war earlier. This way, the Champions will have their hands occupied and won't be able to bother me anymore.

However, Alice still needs to stockpile on more hypnotized nobles, so it will take some time…

Aside from this, the Champion of Psychic Eyes is currently deploying several expert assassins and ninjas around the Kingdom, to look for the rest of the Dhampir. She is also preparing a gigantic battalion for whatever reason.

Now that she can track me, I'm guessing that this battalion is for me, she will probably send it to the Grand Forest in the next days… I don't know if any Elemental Knight or Champion is included in this battalion, so I must remain wary.

If they are just normal Knights and veterans, we can deal with them with my strong army. However, Elemental Knights and Champions will need some strategy and preparation.

And because I'm overly cautious, I will start these preparations right away.

First of all, I started producing more "High Quality" Super Enhanced Undead Soldiers. Undead Soldiers are the best possible soldiers I can make, probably even better than Thunderstorm Phoenix and Hydras.

Why is that? Because of their high numbers, advanced humanoid intelligence, and infinite stamina. They can also overpower a Thunderstorm Phoenix with numbers and a solid strategy, and even beat a Hydra with enough mages.

I also remembered the holes that I filled with Undead, so I went to check them.

From the result of the hole, two very strong Elite Undead emerged.

The first one was an Elite Undead Warlord, it resembled a more refined Undead Commander, but it had a very keen intelligence and was able to communicate and also come out with various tactics and strategies, most of his skills were about enhancing his troop's power. However, his power alone is probably Medium Kaiser.

And the second one was an Elite Undead Champion, an advanced class from Warrior and Elite Warrior. This Undead strength is comparable to the Undead Commanders that I fought long ago. It can wield multiple weapons and armors that it can easily generate thanks to its skill [Greater Equipment Materialization].

Due to their power and talent, I decided to assign them as the two Commanders of the Undead Army.

After having this settled, I immediately began to summon Undead for the rest of the day. I mostly preferred quantity over quality, and now that my MP is high, I can easily summon them without having to pause at all due to my high MP regeneration.

When the day finished, there were around fifteen thousand Undead Soldiers, they were varied, from mages, warriors and such. There were also Undead Summoners, that could summon a weaker version of my Undead, creating an even bigger and endless army.

I also summoned "Undead Mounts" for them, which resembled horses and bears.

The Undead Army will be our main way to appease the damage of our troops, serving as bait and as shields. I also summoned two hundred Thunderstorm Phoenix and one hundred Hydras, just in case. Food is not a problem; they don't mind cannibalism.

The other familiars are too weak and they weren't worth it aside from being delicious food for us.

Oh, Guubo and the two Chimera Guardians are very strong, but I don't want to show their power yet, and also, they're the guardians of my Kingdom and secure its safety, so unless the enemy enters the Grand Forest, they won't act.

I left around one hundred Flesh and Slime Minions using the skill [Bone Fusion] on every Undead Soldier. Tomorrow morning, their numbers will decrease but there will be a stronger and sturdier army. I will keep doing this for the next days, and see how far I can go.

Aside from this, I summoned three hundred Gnomes that will help the mining team, appeasing their burden and work, some will also join the crafting team as they are rather talented on that, however they can only follow very direct orders and don't have a personality of their own.

I summoned five hundred small Dryads, to help on the farming crops, their task is very easy. I just told them to "bless the ground and the plants, endlessly". If they die from exhaustion, I will summon more.

I also summoned two hundred Yuki-onnas for my experiment, to see if they can give birth to Goblin and Trolls. I put them inside of the Breeding House, they didn't mind sharing rooms so they fitted just well.

Some Hobgoblins and Trolls that usually come here to donate their seed were excited about these new breeders and immediately began their mating. I ordered the Yuki-onnas who usually stay still like dolls to "mate until you are pregnant, then, rest and eat until you give birth, repeat".

Well, if they cannot give birth, they still can be tasty food or serve other purposes like manipulating ice and purifying the environment.

I preferred the Yuki-onnas than Wendingos as the first ones will always be female when I summon them, while Wendigos can be male and it would waste my time.

After doing all of this, I spent the night with my wives in a different room while my children slept. All ten of them were quite lustful and full of energy, so it was a busy night.




[Day 118]

Today in the morning I was greeted by the Undead Army, which reduced its size by almost 50%, however, each Undead Soldier was way stronger than before, at least twice as strong.

I dedicated myself to summing more Undead while making my Flesh and Slime Minions fuse them with [Bone Fusion].

The fusions usually go like this:

[Undead Skeleton Warrior] + [Undead Skeleton Warrior] = [Enhanced Undead Skeleton Warrior]

Sometimes, the fusion of two would give a [Undead Skeleton Commander]. The fusions between Undead Skeleton Mages and Summoners are the same, creating an "Enhanced" version.

I decided to fuse all the enhanced with one another.

[Enhanced Undead Skeleton Warrior] + [Enhanced Undead Skeleton Warrior] = [Greater Undead Skeleton Warrior]

[Greater Undead Skeleton Warrior] + [Greater Undead Skeleton Warrior] = [High Undead Skeleton Knight] / [High Undead Skeleton Protector] / [High Undead Skeleton Berserk]

There is rarely some Undead that is Archers when they are fused, they form Snipers or even a very rare type of skeleton named Ballistician, which can materialize a giant Ballista weapon, which is an enormous bow that can shot giant arrows for a big area of effect damage.

After fusing enough, they will eventually become Lesser Elite Undead Skeleton, and gain strong red muscles alongside a more powerful materialization of armor and weapons.

Constantly summon for the entire day may be quite tiring, thankfully, I was accompanied by some of my wives and children, so it was entertaining enough.

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I'm not summoning Chimeras because I cannot fuse them like the Undead Skeletons, outside of choosing their traits on the Summoning Book, I cannot combine too many traits and I cannot stack fusions before summoning.

A strong chimera like the guardians could be born if I put fifty chimeras inside a hole, but that's not efficient in the long run and was only done as a test.

The Undead Skeleton mounts have also been fused and became Lesser Elites after stacking fusions long enough. They usually gain two heads and more limbs.

I also fused some mounts with lesser elites, creating an Undead Skeleton that resembles centaurs, with multiple heads, arms, and legs, it looked truly hellish.

When it was 7 PM, I was too mentally exhausted and called it a day, leaving my Flesh and Slime minions to fuse them overnight.

I've been thinking about leaving a Flesh and Slime Minion summoning instead of me, but they have low MP stats and regeneration… Unless I put my mind into it, and make a super Flesh and Slime Minion… Perhaps combining my Aura Clones? Hmm…

I also want to explore this new dungeon found on the nearby mountains, there are tons of interesting things to do, but I must prioritize what's important for now.

Haaahh… I am too exhausted.

I had a comforting dinner with my cheerful wives and children and then went to bed, my mind and soul were quite tired, so I really wanted to sleep.

Before closing my eyes, I finally managed to connect my mind with my flesh and slime minions who dedicate themselves to craft, sew, cook, farming, and so on. Due to this, I got a lot of levels from my subclass fields.

[Sub Classes Fields]

[Sewing: level 7/10 \u003e 10/10 \u003e Needlework: level 1/10]

[Cooking: level 9/10 \u003e 10/10 \u003e Cuisine: level 2/10]

[Construction: level 4/10 \u003e 5/10]

[Metallurgy: level 4/10 \u003e 6/10]

[Gathering: level 5/10 \u003e 10/10 \u003e Collect: level 1/10]

[Farming: level 6/10 \u003e 10/10 \u003e Agriculture: level 1/10]

[Chemistry: level 3/10 \u003e 5/10]

Oh… That was a lot of information plunged into my head… Better sleep now.


