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Dragon Who Controls Time

Chapter 680 Young Karsus _2
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It was unscathed, and its aura had even strengthened slightly.

"I'm finished. Why am I so unlucky?"

A chill ran down orlustin's spine. He knew that he had encountered a powerful monster.

He was used to a safe life in the floating city and was not good at fighting. He tried a few more spells but found that they were completely ineffective. His heart was filled with despair and he longed for the days in the floating city.

However, while waiting for the monster to kill him, he realized that the monster did not seem to have any intention of hurting him.

Buzz ... Buzz ... An invisible mind power surged into orlustin's mind.

Next, the common language that he was familiar with sounded in his mind.

"Hello, spellcaster."

"I have no ill intentions towards you."

The other party said.

Olodin was slightly taken aback. He looked at the hideous but calm monster.

"What are you? What do you want to do by stopping me?"

He took a step back and mustered up his courage.

some people once called our race the Ferlin sunflower.

The Felin sunflower said.

After a pause, it continued, " our race has been living in the depths of the earth for tens of thousands of years.

"But ..."

The Felin sunflower's voice became angry. in recent years, due to the abuse of magic on the surface, a large number of young children of my race have died.

I want to know which force is abusing the power of magic!

if you know, please tell me the specific information.

The Felin sunflower was a strange race.

When they reached adulthood, they had a very powerful spell called the absorption spell, which was very effective against spellcasters. However, the sunflower larvae could not withstand the erosion of magic power and needed to survive in a place with peaceful elemental energy.

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The abuse of magic ... Alrodin raised his head and looked at the small black dot in the wind and clouds. It was a floating city.

He immediately understood what kind of force that abused magic that Felin sunflower was talking about.

It was the nether Empire that had expelled him.

Holding his hatred for the nether Empire, orlustin said to the Feylin sunflower, " "I happen to know."

He revealed everything he knew about Netheril to the Felin sunflower with a pleased expression.

Hearing his words, even the sunflower was stunned.

It did not expect that the first person it met after leaving the underground would know so much about their enemy and be so enthusiastic about it.

"I thank you on behalf of the Felin sunflower."

The Felin sunflower said to olrodin.

It also opened its mouth and spat out a staff and a brown crystal that were glowing with a dazzling elemental light. "This staff is a small token of my appreciation."

in addition, there's an abandoned fortress hidden underground in the Northwest. You can rebuild it to avoid the evil Netherese Arcanists.

After sending the coordinates to alrodin, it pointed at the crystal and said, " if you have any more information about the nether Empire in the future, you can contact us through the crystal.

in exchange, our race will give you a sufficient reward.

magic equipment, spells, or with our help.

Overjoyed, orlustin accepted the staff and crystal. I'm very happy to meet you. I believe we'll still be in contact in the future.

Then, the Felin sunflower returned to the underground world with the information about the Netheril Empire, planning how to take revenge on the Arcanist Empire.

Time passed by quietly.

A few years passed in a flash.

Alrodin left Faerun's land and found the fortress.

He gathered a few creatures who were also dissatisfied with Netheril, including but not limited to humans, elves, goblins, orcs, and so on, and joined his fortress. With the help of the Faerun sunflower, he slowly grew stronger.

During this time, garen and éolmer did not show their faces.

The Felin sunflower did not appear again.

The Netheril Empire was calm and peaceful, like the calm before the storm.

In the eyes of the other Arcanists, the king of Arcanists seemed to have disappeared from the world. He left first city and did not show up in the other Arcanist cities.

Many Arcanists guessed that eolém had left Faerun and gone to another plane.

In fact, he had changed his appearance and brought garen on a tour of Faerun's land. He discussed future countermeasures with garen while continuing to explore spells and space-time magic.

With the help of ioram, garen was able to absorb the knowledge of magic from the past thousand years at an extremely fast speed.

One by one, he learned and mastered level 10 and above spells, which became one of his abilities.

A few more years passed without any changes.

Until a part of nether's territory suddenly shook.

Extremely deep cracks appeared one after another, and countless ugly monsters crawled out of them. They formed groups and sped toward the land below the floating cities.

To this, the Arcanists did not have much of a reaction.

Compared to the magic experiments of some Grand Arcanists, the movement of the Feylin sunflower breaking the earth could only be said to be insignificant. Naturally, it could not arouse the vigilance of the Arcanists.

Next, groups of Ferlin sunflower began to use the absorption spell on a large scale.

They were ancient and powerful creatures.

Not only could this spell-like ability absorb mana, but it could also absorb the vitality of all living things. The elemental energy around the floating cities began to decrease significantly, and the land beneath them slowly became barren. Flowers and trees withered, rivers dried up, and beasts died ... The earth was turning into sand.

This also had a certain impact on the Arcanists who lived in the sky.

Some of the city Lords noticed that the core of the magic net's energy supply had weakened. At first, they did not take it to heart, and simply controlled the floating city to float elsewhere.

However, the Arcanists soon discovered that the sandy ground seemed to be moving with the floating city.

At the same time.

As time passed, the effects of the core of the magic net weakened even more.

The Arcanists finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

A large number of Arcanists left the floating city to investigate the situation on the ground.

And then ... They had been ambushed by the Felin sunflower.

The Felin sunflower, which had the ability to absorb magic, could be said to be the nemesis of spell casters to a large extent. Fortunately, ioram had introduced the Felin sunflower to the Arcanists in a social meeting, so that Arcanists would know what to do when they were attacked.

The first direct attack from the Feylin sunflower did not cause too many casualties.

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However, this was a wake-up call for the Netheril Empire.

A race of creatures with the ability to absorb magic was a huge threat to the floating city, and they could not be allowed to exist.

Thus, the war between the Arcanists and the Felin sunflower broke out.

And at this moment.

An elegant white cat stepped into a clean and tidy room full of magic tools through the window.

"Cat ..."

Inside the room was a child who was only two years old.

The child looked at the white cat with curious big eyes and ran over with his short legs, trying to pick it up.

However, the white cat jumped onto the wardrobe and looked at the two-year-old child from above with a strange expression.

"Young Karsus ..."

This white cat was the one that garen had transformed into in order to not attract attention.

It had been more than ten years since he came to Faerun, and finally, he received news of Karsus.

At this moment, ioram was already hiding behind the scenes, silently observing the progress between Netheril and the Felin sunflower, and waiting for the critical moment to make a move. So, after garen heard the news, he came to the floating city where Karsus was. He wanted to see what this future Grand Arcanist looked like first and plant a time mark on him.

"Cat, come here and let me touch you."

The young Karsus looked up at the white cat.

Next, he raised his chubby little hand and made a pulling gesture at garen.

The white cat remained unmoved.


The young Karsus blinked his big eyes and looked down at his hand in confusion.

Then, he continued to wave at garen, but garen just looked at him quietly, unmoved.

In fact, garen's heart was already filled with shock.

Every time the young Karsus waved his hand, the surrounding elemental energy would automatically gather and form a transparent wizard's hand, gently grabbing at garen. However, before it could get close to garen, it was dispersed by him.

"Zero-circle trick ..."

Garen looked at the young Karsus, gently wagging his tail, and let out a breath.

Karsus, who was just two years old, had already learned a spell!

Such talent was truly shocking and terrifying.

It should be known that as a human race, it was very difficult to cast spells without sufficient accumulation of knowledge. The proficiency of this two-year-old human child's hand of magic was enough to make many official Arcanists feel ashamed.