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Dragon Who Controls Time

Chapter 510 Demonic Dragon Web _3
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Then, the excited Arcanists climbed up the inverted Hanging Mountain one after another.

Under the construction of a large number of spells, simple houses were built up from the ground.

Garen landed on the edge of the inverted Hanging Mountain. He stretched his head out and looked down. His gaze passed through the clouds, and a zoomed-in image of the land appeared in his vision.

At this moment, the inverted Hanging Mountain had already flown ten thousand meters high.

stop! ioram controlled the core of the magic net, stopping it in its tracks. It hovered silently in the air, towering and majestic. The winds coming from all directions could not shake it in the slightest.

Time passed by quietly.

The Arcanists were very efficient.

When the night sky was torn apart by the first ray of dawn, the darkness dissipated.

In the short span of one night, a simple and crude floating city had taken shape.

Because they were all made by Arcanists themselves, the houses with different styles, like works of art, were scattered all over the top of the upside-down mountain. Some Arcanists even created tracks that extended out from the edge and built the houses on the tracks, which was dangerous and bold.

Of course, the floating city was still far from being a real city.

However, with the presence of Arcanists, it would not be long before a real floating city would appear here, attracting the attention of all the intelligent creatures on the Faerun continent.

I also want a floating city.

When garen saw something good, he wanted to give himself a share.

The floating city required an endless supply of energy. If he wanted to build a floating city, he would need the magic net first. Without the magic net, the difficulty of building a floating city would increase exponentially.

After being busy for a while, eolém finally had some free time.

The first floating city slowly moved along Netheril's territory according to the trajectory he had set. The floating city in the sky blocked out the sun and cast a shadow on the ground, alarming countless creatures and attracting many curious and probing gazes.

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Some of the Arcanists who had heard that ioram was going to build a floating city but did not believe it were now looking at the huge mountain in the sky, all of them in shock.

More and more Arcanists entered the floating city of ioram.

The city in the sky was becoming more and more prosperous.

In the blink of an eye, close to 30 years had passed.

The city, which used to be crude, had now become a prosperous place. Traces of magic were everywhere, and arcane runes could be seen on the ground. Magical tools with special effects were everywhere, and Arcanists could be seen everywhere. At the periphery of the floating city, there was also a huge shield produced by the core of the magic net.

The shield's effect was similar to a mythlock domain.

This was the result of the spell exchange between garen and ioram.

Moreover, not long after the floating-Space City of ioram took off, other Grand Arcanists began to build their own floating-Space City.

In the past few years, three more floating cities had appeared.

The one in ioram was the most prosperous, but the other three had also attracted a lot of people. After all, there was not much living space left in the floating city of ioram.

The method of building the floating city was becoming more and more mature.

It was foreseeable that in the near future, there would be many majestic floating cities rising into the sky, becoming the foundation of the Netheril Empire.

In an area of the floating city of ioram, there was a huge cave-like Dragon Lair.

In the past thirty years, garen did not leave. In order to facilitate communication with ioram on various issues, he settled down in this floating city. The residents of this floating city basically knew of garen's existence as a legendary dragon. There was also news that this true dragon friend of the city Lord ioram was the main culprit behind the destruction of the imaska Empire.

Almost no one dared to provoke this legendary dragon with unfathomable strength.

A young Arcanist who had just advanced to the rank of Grand Arcanist had a conflict with the legendary dragon when he visited ioram. He provoked ioram first, and no one in netherreal ever saw him again.

Because of this incident, garen gained another nickname, silver-winged malefic star, in the floating city of ioram.

The Grand Arcanists that came here were all very polite to garen.

Something interesting happened during this time.

A remnant of a strange machinist from the imaska Empire had come to the floating city of ioram by chance.

After the Enchanter had a good drink in the tavern, he raised his glass and shouted that he must take revenge on the Empire's Dragon of destruction. Then, he was knocked unconscious by a staff that came out of nowhere and thrown out of the floating city by a group of people overnight.

For the past thirty years, garen had spent most of his time recharging the Gate of Time and space.

He was not in the main timeline, and the river of time did not cooperate, so the speed at which the Gate of Time and space recovered was really slow. Fortunately, the energy was now full, enough for garen to return to the main timeline.

And in his free time, garen put his mind on spells.

He often discussed the truth of magic with the top Arcanist, ioram, and his magical attainments were getting deeper and deeper. His understanding of the weave was also very deep.

Ioram was not someone who liked to keep things to himself, and he had taught garen a lot of the legendary arcane spells that he had researched.

The legendary arcane spells would be less powerful and more difficult to cast if they left the weave, but they were still powerful techniques.

Apart from that, garen had also learned all the spells and defensive spells he had to the legendary level. He was no longer limited to the school of evocation that he preferred.

His magical abilities were becoming richer and more profound.

Up until now, garen was learning necromancy from the basics. Because he had the things in Harris's phylactery and the basic knowledge he had collected from the Noah continent, the necromancy inheritance in his hands was considered complete. As for the schools of magic such as bewilderment, prophecy, and so on, he did not have a complete knowledge of magic, so he did not start learning it for the time being.

Garen had stayed in Faerun for almost 50 years, and his thoughts had become more and more profound.

However, since his body's growth was in sync with the main timeline, he decided to calculate his actual age according to the main timeline.

Now, the Gate of Time and space could be activated.

Garen had plans to leave.

He had already completely figured out the use of the secret weapon of imaska. When he returned to the main timeline, if the second Empire of imaska sent the strange machine Army to deal with him, it would be too late for regrets. Although garen already had a set of secret weapons, he did not mind collecting more.

"I'm leaving."

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Garen contacted ioram.

After decades, his relationship with the Grand Arcanist was quite deep, so he had informed him before he left.

"Leave the floating city? Where do you want to go?"

it just so happens that I'm thinking of leaving the floating city to go to other parts of Faerun continent to relax. Do you want to come? "

There was a slight fluctuation in the space, and ioram's figure turned from illusory to real, appearing in garen's Dragon Nest.

Garen shook his head and looked at the smiling Grand Arcanist, " "I'm leaving Faerun."

Eolmy was slightly startled, and then said, " "You're going back to the Prime Material Plane?"

"Yes," garen nodded.

A regretful expression appeared on éolme's face as he said, " it's a pity that netherreal can't leave me. Otherwise, I'd like to go to the other prime material realms to take a look.

After a pause, he raised his head to look at the majestic and strong silver Dragon and said with a serious expression, " "My friend, I'm very happy to meet you. You've provided me with a lot of help."

Without garen's spell knowledge, ioram's floating city and many other key spells would not have been successfully researched so quickly.

Garen had learned a lot from ioram, and it was the same for ioram.

"There's no banquet that doesn't end."

"But I might come to Faerun again in the future."

at that time, I hope to see an Arcanist Empire that is even more brilliant than imaska.

Imaska's magic ring spun and emitted a faint luster, enveloping garen within.

The river of time, which had never given garen any face, began to speed up. It could not wait to send garen, who had been pouring water from the river of time, away. Wrapped in the water of the river of time, the silver Dragon's figure gradually became illusory, and completely disappeared from ioram's vision a few seconds later.

Ioram looked at the empty, Dark Dragon Lair and reached out his hand.

His palm gently brushed across the invisible river of time, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.