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Dimensional Descent

Chapter 1886: That's Enough...
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Aina didn't seem to see any of what was happening around her. Every time she came across an enemy, she would swing with all her might, and yet her stamina seemed to be entirely endless. Even putting her everything into every strike, she had still yet to sweat a single bead.

With every step she took, she closed the distance between herself and the Brazinger geniuses. It soon became quite obvious that she wanted their heads. She didn't care how deep into the battlefield they were. She didn't care how many she had to kill to get to them. She didn't even care if they ran toward her or ran away, no matter what, trapped in this cage, her blade would reach them eventually.

Raffyr and the others were stuck in an awkward situation.

To their front, Nana protected them from Galaeron. But Galaeron was also in a partial stalemate with Maia, seemingly controlling her movements as well.

Galaeron had told them to leave, but even if they had a change of heart and took such an option now, it was impossible. There was simply no leaving with the restrictions placed down.

The only two Seventh Dimensional experts they had with them were both occupied, one being Little Nana, and the other being her elder brother who was still battling King Arthur above. As things stood now, this was a very poor position to be in.

While the battle in the capital seemed to be reaching a choke point where very few would survive, other regions were suffering from different circumstances. The sudden lockdown of Earth placed the defecting faction in a state of unrest.

Originally, many of them had chosen not to act due to a confluence of reasons, but the ultimate deciding factor for many was that neither the Cloud Race nor the four Great Families required them to battle. Sitting on the sidelines was an easy decision for many of them, especially when the alternative required battling alien races so much more talented than them.

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However, what they hadn't expected was for the Ascension Empire to have such a contingency. Now they were all trapped like rats.

Within the White Angel Province, previously ruled by the Siegfried family and now taken over by the Bennett family, James' father was oddly calm, in sharp contrast to his son who could only look up at the birdcage they were all stuck in with a pale face.

James hadn't even been able to make a decision before this happened.

James didn't fear battle, he didn't fear battle, nor did he fear death, but for some reason, he couldn't control the blood draining from his face. He felt as though something was slipping away right before him and he couldn't grasp exactly what it was. But in typical fashion, his father didn't seem to realize at all.

"They're here," Governor Duke Bennett suddenly spoke.

At that moment, the courtyard they were in rumbled and several figures appeared. However, not a single one of them was human. There were only a small number, just a dozen or so, but every one of them was a member of the Cloud Race.

Governor Duke Bennett casually sipped his tea.


When James saw this he froze, unable to breathe. Now he understood where that uncomfortable feeling had come from. His father wasn't just betraying the Ascension Empire, he was betraying the human race.

No matter how James felt, he could understand and even somewhat support his father's disregard of the Ascension Empire. Their family could have never lost the Governor Duke position to begin with had it not been by tacit acceptance of the Fawkes family. Back then, they had closed one eye and allowed their family, a family that had been there to support the Empire from the very beginning, to fall into depravity.

If it hadn't been for the tenacity of his grandfather, and his father after him, the Bennett family would have been eradicated by their enemies, let alone managing to maintain hold over a Tier 5 Official position like they had.

However, this...

Governor Duke Bennett waved a hand to signal his son to remain silent.

"What is the plan from here?" He asked. "From my understanding, there are very few of you stationed outside of the capital as the original plan was to flatten them in one go."

One of the Cloud Race individuals sneered.

"We've already checked the formation, it has no other abilities other than to trap us within. But what good is it to trap yourself in the cage with a lion, wouldn't the result be the same?

In fact, this situation is even better for us, the capital will be dealt with in even shorter order. The plan hasn't changed at all, just patiently wait."

"Mm, I see. That's about what I thought, but the Fawkes family isn't as simple as you think, I hope you all aren't taking this lightly. I've already taken the liberty of making a few contingencies in case of your failure."

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"Our failure? Haha!" The Cloud Race man chuckled. "You are quite arrogant for a human."

Governor Duke Bennett sipped at his tea. "I am only doing what is necessary for my family to flourish."

James stood to the side, practically vibrating.


The roar shook the estate.

"Hm?" The Governor Duke looked toward his son and raised an eyebrow.

James shivered when he saw that look, all of his momentum being doused in a bucket of cold water. He had seen that look too many times before, and he always shrunk before it.

James clenched his fists and lowered his head, his next words becoming caught in his throat.

The Cloud Race man raised an eyebrow. "Is this going to be a problem?"

"Why would it be a problem, he's my son. James, go down to the brothel and take the next three days off, you don't have to worry about any of this. Leave it to me."

James' clenched his teeth.

"Didn't you take a liking to that Samoa girl? I'll let you take her as a maidservant, just go off and be obedient."

At that moment, a light giggle came from a Cloud Race woman that made James freeze.