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Debuff Master

Chapter 291
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Chapter 291

Siegfried was shocked after realizing that Deus could peek into the entire Proatine Kingdom from Mount Kunlun.

So he really is omnipotent? Don’t tell me he’s already a god?!’

However, that was not the case at all.

“What? Is it true?” Deus asked with a shocked look.

“I-I thought you already knew, master?”

“How would I know that when you never told me?”

“I thought you were looking at everything I was doing, Master…”

“What am I, a god? How am I supposed to see what you’re doing from this rural mountain?”


“So, you were saying that you’re getting married?”


“Hoho!” Deus let out a laugh before continuing. “You can’t even take care of yourself, but you’re getting married? I can’t believe you’re foolish enough to walk into the grave called marriage on your own two feet! I didn’t know my disciple was so foolish… Tsk tsk…”

“I apologize, Master…”

“But you made the right choice.”

“What?!” Siegfried was shocked at what he heard as his eyes shot wide open.

“Isn’t it a waste to only train during your youth? It’s good for you to do everything except murder—no, you probably killed to your heart’s content by now, so everything except heinous crimes in your youth!”

“I thought you were going to scold me, Master…”

“Why would I scold you? I’ll just let you walk into your own grave; that’s enough punishment for you.”


“But why the long face?”

Ah, it is nothing, Master…”

“Hmm?” Deus raised a brow before asking once again, “Are you worried about something?”

“No, it is nothing, Master.”

“It doesn’t look like nothing to me!” Deus exclaimed and flicked his finger on Siegfried’s forehead.


[Alert: Status Ailment!]

[Alert: Your character has been inflicted with ‘Stun’!]

[Alert: You have lost control over your character!]

He was stunned with a single flick of Deus’ finger and…

[Siegfried van Proa]

[HP: ??????????]

His HP dropped to one point.

It seemed that Deus had controlled his strength to not end up killing Siegfried, but the damage from a single flick of his finger was truly much more powerful than any attack Siegfried had faced up until now.

“Follow me! I shall take a look at what you’re so worried about!”

Ack! Y-Yes, Master!”

Siegfried hurriedly followed after Deus just in case he would end up getting hit once again.


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Siegfried honestly told Deus about everything on his mind.

It was not that rare for an Adventurer to seek counseling from an NPC in BNW. After all, the AI system used by BNW to create these NPCs was gathered from a pool of databases of emotions, personality, actions, manner of speech, thoughts, and various other human interactions.

In other words, the NPCs were no different from actual humans.

“If the day that I cannot come back to this world comes, then…” Siegfried muttered as he clenched his fists.

He had always been worried about the day the game server was going to end its service or if something happened in real life that would force him to quit playing BNW.

Of course, he did not tell Deus that this world was just a game and said it in a roundabout way, but it did not really matter as the game’s system was going to automatically filter and replace any mention of this world being a game.

“So what?” Deus nonchalantly replied.

“Pardon me…?” Siegfried muttered in shock before he continued, “What do you mean by that, Master? I am already spending too much time in this world compared to my world, but if I suddenly cannot come to this world, then I…”

“What about death?”


“Hoho! You fool! You only think about one thing but completely ignore the various other things around you! You might or might not meet someone in your life, but a separation is inevitable! It will eventually happen!”

Siegfried felt as if a hammer had struck his head.

“You shouldn’t have stepped foot into this world if you’re scared of that!”


“You should have known that one day, you wouldn’t be able to return to this world again! If you’re afraid of separation, you shouldn’t have come to this world! No, you came here and made relations with numerous people from this world despite knowing all of that! But what now? You’re scared of what? You imbecile!”

Siegfried was absolutely speechless at Deus’ scolding.

Yeah… I was stupid. I shouldn’t have played this game from the start if I planned to just dip one foot in here.’

However, Deus was quite proud of Siegfried after seeing him immediately reflect on himself.

‘Keke! This kid is too kind-hearted! How is he going to survive this harsh world with such a kind heart?’

Siegfried was able to make up his mind after reflecting.

Yeah, I’ve come too far to fear the unknown. It’s funny how I can’t play the game properly just because I’m scared of something that will eventually happen…’

It seemed that he had made the right choice in venting his thoughts to Deus.



“I have decided not to fear the unknown anymore.”


“I will do my best from now on.”

“Good! That’s what I wanted to hear! Kekeke!” Deus exclaimed and burst out into laughter.

“My disciple.”

“Yes, Master?”

“There are a lot of things I regret.”

“What are those things you regret, Master?”

“I was obsessed with becoming the strongest that I had never married someone in my life, nor did the thought of having my own family even cross my mind.”


“Don’t you think it’s better to experience something and regret it rather than regretting not experiencing it? I truly regret it now that I look back at things… I also wanted to get married and have beautiful children of my own…”

“I see…”

“My disciple, don’t live a life like mine. There is a time and place for everything. It’s good that you’re devoted to walking the path of invincibility, but don’t be so foolish as to cast aside the beauty life has to offer while walking on it. The only thing you’ll be left with once you’ve become truly invincible is… regret.”

It was heartfelt advice coming from Deus’ own personal experience.

“Of course, I was only able to attain invincibility because I was obsessed with it, but you don’t have to live a foolish life like I did. I have already imprinted the path to invincibility in your mind, so what is there for you to worry about?”


“Commit yourself to becoming stronger, but don’t forget to enjoy life while you’re at it.”

“I understand, Master!” Siegfried exclaimed as his expression brightened.

Yes! I shouldn’t hesitate so much when I’m already a gaming addict!’

His fear of getting too immersed in the game instantly disappeared.

As expected, my master is the wisest and greatest person in this world!’

He ended up revering Deus even more now.

“So, when is the wedding ceremony going to be held?”

“It will be after ten days, Master.”

Hmm… It’s not that far away.”

“Will you be attending, Master?”

“Hoho! Look at this rascal! I’m your master, so it’s only right for me to attend it!”

“Thank you, Master!”

“Anyway, you should be busy preparing for the wedding, so go on ahead.”

“Yes, Master! I will see you in ten days!”

“And take this with you,” Deus said as he threw a chest toward Siegfried.

“I kept this when I was young just in case I needed it, but it’s yours now.”

“What is this, Master?”

“It’s a medicine overflowing with a tiger’s energy.”

“A tiger’s energy?”

“You’ll know when you consume it, so make sure you take it after your wedding.”

“Thank you, Master!”

“Now hurry on.”

“Yes, Master!”

Siegfried’s steps were light as he descended Mount Kunlun and went back to the Proatine Kingdom.

Keke!” Deus cackled while watching Siegfried descend the mountain.

“Are you happy, elder-nim?”

“Of course I am! My one and only disciple is getting married, so why wouldn’t I be happy?”

“I am happy too, elder-nim.”

“I hope to see my grandchildren soon! Kekeke!

“I am certain you will, elder-nim.”

“It’s good to be young,” Deus said before he flashed a strange smile and muttered, “A wedding is a joyous occasion in these dark times…”

Huh? Dark times?” Blockhead tilted his head in confusion.

“It’s nothing; let’s go back,” Deus said as he turned around and walked toward the hut.


Siegfried was feeling much better now.

Hmm… Brunhilde-nim is really beautiful, strong, kind, strong-willed, comes from a good family, and her body is…”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Busty, busty! Kyu!” Hamchi suddenly exclaimed.

“You scared the shit out of me! Since when have you been there?”

“Since a while ago! Kyu!”

“You could’ve said something at least, you know?”

“Hey, you were the one busy thinking about something else! Do you think you’re all that now that you’re getting married?! Ha?!


“Anyway, congratulations! Hurry up and get it over with so you can fornicate and procreate! Hamchi wants to see your children! Kyu!”

“Can’t you put it in a better way?”

Kyu? Did I say something wrong?” Hamchi tilted his head in confusion.

“Forget about it… What can I expect from a vermin…” Siegfried grumbled. He knew that Hamchi did not mean any harm in the way he said things, so he decided to just ignore what the rat had said.

“So, have you finally decided to just accept things?”

“Yeah, it happened because of my mistake, so I don’t have much choice, right? Besides, I’m a king, so I’m bound to enter into political marriages.”

“Good thinking! The elf princess is way over your league in the first place! She wouldn’t have even looked your way if you weren’t a king!”

“R-Really? Is our gap that big…?”

“Owner punk… Don’t you think it’s about time you know your place? You’ve already lost when it comes to that,” Hamchi said while pointing at Siegfried’s face.

“You guys will be called beauty and the beast at this rate, you know?”

“Hey! What about my face? I’m not that ugly, you know?!”

“You’re nothing but a beast in the eyes of the elves!”


“Just go get ready for your big day.”


Siegfried decided to do his best to prepare for his wedding. He had already made up his mind, after all.


The entire Proatine Kingdom was extremely busy preparing for their king’s wedding.

Of course, it went without saying that Siegfried was extremely busy as well. The number of clothes he had to try on was a mountain pile, and he had to learn every single mannerism there was to learn regarding the marriage customs of the continent.

However, he still made sure to have enough time for his training.

“My name is Bruce—Bruce Wood!”

Siegfried didn’t forget to train with the wooden training dummy Deus gave and roam the dungeons in the kingdom whenever he had time. He couldn’t hunt in the high-level dungeons that took a few days to clear as he had to prepare for his wedding, but he did his best to hunt monsters whenever he had the time.

Nine days later…

“Welcome back, Your Majesty,” Michele greeted him right after he logged in, just as always.

Michele was wearing quite a formal attire today, and the reason was that it was customary for the subjects to dress as formally as they could in preparation for the royal wedding.

“Your Majesty, please change into this,” Michele said as he extended neatly folded clothing.

“Is this my attire?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”


“The royal wedding will start three hours later, and there is nothing Your Majesty has to do aside from changing into that attire.”

“All right.”

Siegfried accepted the clothes from Michele.

This was three hours before the royal wedding between Siegfried and Brunhilde.