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Dear Immortal Tyrant

Chapter 98 - All She Felt Was Pain
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Chapter 98 - All She Felt Was Pain

"Follow my lead," Kade quietly said to her.

Kade felt her fingers were trembling in his hand. Was she that nervous?

Kade lifted his cold gaze to his parents. She didn't have to be. Once this was over, he'd make sure she was kept far from this scheming couple.

Kade placed her palm upon the lid of the tea pot, where it was least warm. He saw her shoulders tense with realization. Then, he released her hand, watching as she poured the tea into milky white jade cups.

"Present the tea!"

Lina shakily placed the tea cups onto the tray and raised it to her in-laws with two hands, displaying the utmost respect as she did so.

Lina saw the cups disappear. Then, they were placed back onto the tray again, emptied.

The same action was repeated by Kade, who poured the tea nonchalantly and gave it to his parents with one hand. The ministers whispered amongst themselves, but said nothing of his disrespect.

When one was a Commander who won the war and was needed for the next battles, people didn't bat an eye to his incredulous behavior.

- - - - -

Once the tea ceremony was finished, there was another celebratory banquet thrown for dinner. The sun had quickly set in the sky and there were loud festivities in the air.

Lina couldn't witness anything, for Kade hadn't taken off her veil yet. No one told her how a wedding ceremony worked, so she figured this was normal. That is, until she heard the whispers of the maidservants that guided her down a hallway.

"The Seventh Prince is so possessive…"

"Yes, most would've removed the veil in front of the parents, especially before the Emperor and Empress."

Lina blinked at the quiet gossip towards the back of the line. They probably thought she wouldn't be able to hear them, but she had exceptionally large ears.

Lina swallowed at the thought of Kade being possessive over her. Why would he? She was just a random woman he met in a tent.

"This way, Princess," one of the handmaidens directed. "Please be mindful of the steps."

Lina walked across a tiny step and found herself being seated onto something soft, but firm. Her heart raced nervously at the thought of what was to come. She smelled something sweet in the air and realized it was incense sticks.


Everyone quickly left.

Lina froze at the sound of his approaching footsteps. They were quiet, but powerful.

With each step towards her, Lina felt her heart racing with fear.

Kade touched her cheeks with the side of his index finger, then, he cupped her delicate face. Her voice was caught in her throat.

"Are you cold?" Kade asked, his voice like ice.

Lina didn't know what to say. She kept her hands on her lap, tightly clenching them. Her vision was eclipsed by the veil. The veil gave everything a reddish haze. All she could see was his blurry figure.

When his thumb traced her lips, they trembled pitifully.

"They say you're unfavored," Lina suddenly blurted out, the only thing she knew how to say.

Kade paused.

Lina's heart fell. It was a bad topic and she instantly regretted it.

Kade dropped his hand.

Frightened that Lina had already offended her husband, she reached out to grab it again. She was met with air.

"And they say you're the favorite," Kade responded.

Lina lowered her head. "Being the favorite was at the cost of freedom."

Kade raised a slow brow at her words. He couldn't see her face. He hated that.

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Kade kept the veil on her so that no one else could admire her beauty. His fingers twitched at the thought of someone looking at what belonged to him.

Suddenly, he grabbed the corners of the veil and lifted it.

Her head instantly snapped up, revealing the brightest eyes.

His heart stopped. There were unshed tears, her pupils trembling.

His face turned dark. He was growing furious.

"Are you scared of me?" Kade demanded, tossing the veil to the ground.

Her eyes flickered to the red cloth. Then, they whipped back to him.

"No," Lina whispered.


"I'm scared of failure," Lina muttered. "I-I didn't know what to do the entire wedding. No one prepared me."

Kade narrowed his gaze. Were her maidservants that useless? They should be disposed of.? Had her dear family not given her any teaching in the etiquette and rituals of a marriage ceremony in Ritan?

Kade found it rather shocking that they had packed off their favorite Princess to the enemy without any preparation.

Kade hid his surprise at how she had been treated by her own people and their lack of care with a passive expression.

Kade made a promise to himself. He'd always be on her side to guide and protect her.

"You did well," Kade curtly said.

Lina pressed her lips together. She refused to meet his gaze, feeling like he was pitying her. Lina thought she performed miserably at the wedding ceremony.

"I froze," Lina admitted.


"I didn't mean to, I'm so scared and anxious at failing that I—"

"You did well," Kade repeated, with more emphasis on his words. "And if anyone dares to imply otherwise, I'll have their tongue."

The blood drained from Lina's face. Just who was the man she married?

His long fingers curled under her chin, raising her head. Kade stared deeply into her eyes, his lips in a grim line.

"Tell me," Kade slowly said, his voice like warm honey. "Did they prep you for the wedding night?"

Lina blinked. "The what?"

"Where a man and woman's body connects as one," Kade deadpanned. "As husband and wife."

"Yes, I did it before," Lina admitted.

Instantly, the room turned chilly. The atmosphere dipped, the tension thickened, and hell practically froze over.

His expression turned murderous, his lips curled.

"You what?" Kade spat.

"W-was I not supposed to?" Lina whispered, quickly panicking. "I didn't know! I thought every man and woman did it if the man begged enough!"

Lina quickly scrambled her head for another explanation.

"I-I read it in a book that when animals want to mate, the male would beg by showing off their extravagance… S-so, I just… gave in," Lina stuttered.

Kade narrowed his gaze. Was she either too innocent or plain stupid? Or maybe both? A fire burned in his heart, his blood boiling at the thought of another man touching her. He was going to kill the man, whoever he was.

"Were you forced?" Kade demanded.

"N-no, but he was very persistent and he was such a good friend that I couldn't deny him!" Lina explained.

Kade's jaws tightened.

"H-he gave me this tea that made my body feel warm and tingly like the incense stick over there," Lina rambled. "I swear if I had known it was a sacred thing between a husband and wife, I wouldn't have done it. Please, I really didn't mean to, I—"

"Hush." Kade grabbed her lips. She resembled a duck again.

"The incense stick?" Kade repeated, glancing over at the silver burner on the nightstand.

Kade narrowed his eyes on the object.

This was a familiar scent in brothels. It was a mild aphrodisiac. Realization dawned on him.

His wife was stupid.

"You were forced then," Kade deadpanned.

His eyes grew fiery. He released her mouth.

"By whom?" Kade asked. "That man in the tournament?"

"Atlan… He's my mentor," Lina admitted, not realizing she had just sealed his fate.

"Atlan?" Kade sharply repeated.

Kade realized it was strange. Her mentor? Atlan? This name seemed out of place in Teran as it was far more popular in Ritan many years ago. In fact, it meant "proud warrior."

That name would now stick in Kade's mind. He wouldn't forget it. He never would. How could he?

Atlan was the man who had rushed to Lina's defense in the arena. Kade had immediately identified him as a threat.

Everything was beginning to make more sense.

Sebastian had sent orders to have this man killed at nightfall but as darkness fell, the man was nowhere to be seen.

At the time Kade had cursed that this, Atlan, had slipped through their fingers but now he wondered if it wasn't such a bad thing.

Before, Atlan would have had a swift death at the hands of Kade's men.

With the knowledge that Atlan had manipulated and tricked Lina into giving him her virtue, Kade could now plan a much better ending for him by his own hands.

"I'm sorry…" Lina said.

Lina wasn't used to possessiveness. She certainly wasn't used to this kind of man who lashed out as he wished.

Suddenly, Kade's face was in front of hers. The wind was knocked out of her.

Up close, Kade was even more handsome. The candlelight flickered on his sharp features. His eyes were the color of the hopeless midnight, his hair like a river of ink, and his face was more charming than any painting.

No man in this entire world could compare to his charisma.

"I will have to cut your inner thigh," Kade said. "Just enough to draw blood."

Lina slowly blinked. Then, horror dawned onto her.

Lina had bled on the bedsheets. Suddenly, she began to recall a scene in a book she had read where the parents had demanded to see a blood-stained sheet.

Lina connected the dots.

The stained sheets. skillfullyAtlan had stripped the bed of any evidence, so her handmaidens would not know that he had taken her virginity.

It dawned on her that he had also lied to her about what the blood meant.

Lina was treated like a fool. She felt like one too.

"If I were to cut your thigh, will you be a good girl and not cry?" Kade quietly said.

"You can hold onto me for reassurance."

Kade curled his finger and stroked her cheek gently. Her lashes fluttered and she closed her eyes, leaning into his touch.

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Kade halted. She was like a kitten desperate for love. His lips formed a dark smile. That bastard might've taken her body, but her heart would belong to him. He'd make sure of it.

Everything would belong to him—her heart and soul. Once he had filled her insides with his seeds again and again, until she was molded into his shape, then, her body would also belong to him.

"I won't cry," Lina whispered.

"Good girl." Kade stroked the back of her head, his fingers skilfully removing the hairpins one by one.

Kade dropped it onto the ground, her hair falling like water.

Kade was momentarily mesmerized by her. She was a stunning woman. He felt the urge to corrupt her.

"Are you mad at me?" Lina weakly asked.

Kade straightened up. "No."

Lina's eyes flew open. She peered up at him like a lost child.

Lina suddenly grabbed his hand, as if she could read lies and truth from it.

"Really?" Lina asked.


Kade's free hand touched her dainty face. "It would be unfair."

Lina stared. "Unfair?"

"You're not my first either." Kade's thumb stroked across her lips, moist and soft. He felt a primal urge to mark her entire body with his mouth.

"A man shouldn't judge a woman, if he's also not a virgin," Kade deadpanned.

Kade knew his mentality was quite progressive for his time, but he trained his people to think the same.

Lina's entire chest was filled with warmth.

Lina smiled to the ground, realizing he was a much fairer husband than she initially thought.

Then, his fingers trailed downwards. She shivered at his sensual hand. Everywhere he touched, her skin tickled with desire.

"It feels hot," Lina mumbled.

Kade chuckled.

Lina's stomach fluttered.

"It'll feel hotter soon," Kade said, his voice growing hoarse.

His hand slipped to her nape, where he unhooked the golden necklaces. She watched it slide off his long finger and onto the ground.

He touched her again. This time, his caress traveled lower, pulling the front of her dress down to reveal the dip of her chest.

"Will it hurt like my first?" Lina blurted out.

Lina trembled when she remembered the pain. Her entire body had been tense and she was afraid to move.

Kade's expression became dangerous. His jaws clenched. He looked down at her and saw the fear on her face.

Kade was going to have that bastard castrated and fed to the dogs. Torture would be mercy.

"It won't," Kade stated.

Lina was worried. His words were reassuring, but they reminded her of Atlan's promise. Atlan said it'd feel good, but all she felt was pain.

With her defeated shoulders, Lina slowly nodded her head.

Suddenly, Kade opened his mouth.

"We don't have to do it if you're uncomfortable," Kade reasoned.
